Saturday, December 13, 2014

Psychic Sedona: My Personal Vortex

Psychic Sedona Story

December 13, 2014

Sedona is a character in these pages and it is a vibrant red character.  I remember playing in Oak Creek as a child and losing a little red sneaker.  It was as if a creek nymph grabbed it from my five year old foot and scurried away with it.  Somewhere under layers of creek silt is a little shoe and memories of the best family vacations ever.  Somewhere there is a snapshot in time of skipping in creosol scented air that will never get lost.  I always said I wanted to die in Sedona.  Be careful because wishes sometimes come true.  I almost did die there and had to leave most of my belongings to camp on a friends couch in Phoenix.  I think Sedona makes people come face to face with their shadow side and in my case we (me and my shadow) had a tug of war that I barely overcame.  The tourist come and go, however; there is a tribe there of town people that remain.  There are the backbone of Sedona.  These are the shop owners, restaurant workers, postal service, banker, educators, doctors, and the town’s Psychics.  I was a psychic for over a year in fast lane.  I learned things I never dreamt of from some of the best known psychics.  The one thing I learned about working in a center full of psychics is this:  There is no hiding, anywhere.  When a group of psychics weigh in, like the minority report, no camouflage is going to make a difference.  As I said, there is one thing to do, learn and change.
 Sedona is the fast lane for psychic development and realization.  Someone can live for years going to work every day and barely know their co-workers and neighborhood.  I suppose that is comfortable and preferred by many folks.  I felt like I went through a weekly melt down in colorful Sedona. Weekly my transparency would demand an overhaul at the “Psychic Center”.   Throughout all this transformation, I developed some strong bonds with other psychics.  I won’t call those outside my circle of colleagues’ frauds or charlatans. There are some very talented people outside those I became familiar with.  There are some “psychics” I would not recommend but, I would say all are on a path.  Developmentally each psychic and healer must open up and channel truth to the best of their ability.  The question is this: Do you want to pay good money to someone underdeveloped?  I would say to the fledglings; get into a development group and do hundreds of free readings. In time you will reach the point where you have a talent worth trading or not.  I have many friends who are natural psychics and do not desire to do this for a living.  My son is one of those people.  He is gifted but would not be satisfied working as a professional.  Sedona is the Hollywood mecca for all New Age business.  I felt like a fish out of water coming to a Hollywood, make or break you environment.  I lasted over a year.  It is a transient town with some wanna be’s lasting a few weeks.  I might go back to visit but I would hope to live there or visit there more on my own terms.  I used up my savings in no time and was filling out a form for food stamps when things picked up for me there.  I had a shooting comet moment of glory before the crash.  I am happy to have had that flight across the night sky and the experience.  It was an education one cannot buy anywhere on the planet. 
To be continued…
Next chapter..
The Whirling Vortex House
Should I continue?  God I hope I get some “yes” votes.  I am already pulsing to write more.  I have my own permission slip on this…but…nice to get encouragement.  Nice but not absolutely necessary. 

I am not in Kansas anymore and Whoopi Goldberg here I come. 

Ledgend of the White Buffalo Calf Woman

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