Friday, November 11, 2022

Abortions: Future Solutions to Unwanted Pregnancies


There is no shortage of talking points on Abortion and Reproductive Rights.  Our midterm elections and the reversal of Roe vs. Wade have brought many problems to the surface, at least for me.  I am prolife. That doesn’t really fit me to the tee.  When I was pregnant with my first child, the nurse asked me how many pregnancies I had had.  I said this is my first pregnancy.  She reacted as though she was shocked.  I was 27 years old and had separated from my then husband.

   I had planned my pregnancy by going off birth control and letting nature take its course.  About six months went by when I noticed many body changes one day.  I was nauseated.  I felt dizzy.  I was bloated and out of sorts.  I started to cry for no reason.  I started to play hymns on my piano and then I saw a glimpse of the cutest little boy.  He darted in and out of my view.  Later, when Jason was a toddler, I remembered that day and smiled.  He looked exactly like that first introduction.  So, I had planned my pregnancy, but I did not plan how it would affect my husband.  He became very abusive and asked me to get an abortion.  I started to cramp badly after he threw a pot at my head.  It was a daily assault, and I began staying with a friend.  

Another question the nurse and doctor asked is would I keep my baby?  I had planned the baby but not being a single mother.  That is what I became in a very short time. My family was supportive.  My grandmother never stopped trying to match make the marriage back together.  That was not possible for me.  The doctor said, I know some wonderful couples who would love to adopt.  That just broke my heart.  I really wanted my baby.  I totally understand all the challenges around being a single parent.  I was single for a short time and remarried.  We had another baby right away.  Now I had two little boys and was a single parent again.   I remained single for the next…well I am still single.  I will not marry again.  I have decided it just doesn’t suit me.  After my lived experience, I wonder what the advantages of marriage are?  Probably in the future there will be contracts and commitment ceremonies but not marriages as we now know them. so many end in divorce.  Like mine.

Years ago, I remember being inside a clinic run by alien beings.  I was in pain and noticed that I was not alone.  The clinic was dimly lit but I noticed a row of beds/stretchers/cots (?) across from me and on my sides.  All the women were writhing in pain. I was sitting up.  I have written previously about my hybrid program abduction experiences.  I will link that at the bottom.  I will focus on the abortion question/decision right now. 
link:  my hybrid/abduction experience

In the future, the problems with infertility, unwanted pregnancy, and parenthood have been all worked out.  A baby is seen as a gift to everyone. Parents and caregivers are all on the same team.  Pregnancy prevention has been improved and problems with infertility has been improved.  Perhaps nothing is entirely perfect, and surprises happen but, it is vastly different with fewer challenges.  I have futuristic dreams all the time.  I also have past life dreams.  These things are just normal for me. 

I will discuss some of the options for different situations.  All adoptions are open adoptions.  If a teenage female is pregnant and does not desire to keep the baby, the fetus is removed when it is safe to do so.  At about 4 months of pregnancy.  The fetus is removed and placed into the donor womb.  This is a female who desires a baby and is a compatible match to the family of origin.  There are other ways of incubation as there are artificial wombs.  Termination of a healthy fetus is nonexistent in the future. 

The idea of family is also diverse.  I have seen aunts, uncles, siblings, grandparents, God parents: All involved in the upbringing of a child.  It appears the idea of day care and strangers caring for children no longer exists.  Small tribes exist.  Tribes are designed by various means.  You do get to choose your family.  Considerations are based on soul contracts and soul evolution and some ancestry and genetics as well.  The word soul contracts has replaced the word “karma”.  All parities agree, consciously, to foster growth and expansion in certain ways.  Some think karma is tit for tat.  I killed you in a past life and now it is your turn to kill me.  That would be equivalent retaliation. That is a huge discussion and has many alternatives.  I think a good example would be the Hatfield’s and McCoy’s scenario with a Romeo and Juliette twist.

Juliette Hatfield has had a crush on Romeo McCoy all her life. They have been playing in secret. But at some point Juliette gets pregnant.  The McCoy brothers decide to shoot Romeo and throw him off a bridge.  Juliette is never sure what has happened to her friend and now partner.  She has the baby and her family assists in raising the child.  It is a sad story that keeps repeating in various ways.  In the next lifetime, Romeo and Juliette are born to the same family line as cousins.  They are friends for life always having each other’s back.  At its best, soul contracts seek to fulfill a positive destiny.  The best possible outcome happens when love wins and perspectives merge into mutual benefit.  All things are overcome.

The argument abortion is varied.  Usually, it is situations like rape and incest that seem to trigger the abortion decision.  Sometimes it is a health of the mother decision.  Of course the baby is innocent and need not die if the fetus can be transferred to a receptive parent womb.  The would-be moms are made receptive with the use of hormones.  The “Cider House Rules” story is so ripe with all those elements.  Incest and rape as well as poverty are in that sad story.  There is also the orphanage where children live in poverty, and some have serious health problems.  Dr. Larch performs abortions as well as runs the orphanage. Many social workers are advocates of abortion because of all the problems some children face growing up in poverty and dysfunction.  These issues do not go away easily.  That is why I am so glad to see that science and medicine and social work all come together to benefit a positive outcome.

I have friends who have had abortions and friends who have given up their babies to other couples.  The decision is never easy.  As for me, I was always allergic to the idea of pregnancy until my biological clock let me know it was time to have a baby.  I was ready.  I knew that my marriage was not a good one, but I wanted to be a parent.  Being emotionally ready for parenthood is an important factor. But I still made mistakes that will make me cringe sometimes in the rememberance. 

These choices and discussions will continue to plaque us but hopefully not for long.   



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