Friday, July 24, 2015

Remembering Bill Rainen & Dr. Peebles

Short Intro:  Dr Martin Peebles is the white bearded gentleman in the first photo.  He was a physician born in London and known for his kindness.  He helped the sick by making house calls regardless of  their ability to pay. As a doctor he lived in poverty. He was much like Patch Adams in that regard.  He lived to be 100 years old 1822-1922.  That was his goal to live to be a 100. I believe he was trying to say it could be done and we should all strive for that.   He became interested in the spirit world and wrote several books on metaphysical topics.  Please do a Google search for more detail. 

I first became acquainted with Peebles via William or Bill Reinen (guy holding the pineapple).  Bill was a trance medium in Phoenix who allowed Dr. Peebles to take over completely his body.  Peebles came through Bill in a big way! Bill would speak with  a heavy English accent in a very robust way.   Bill conducted these trance classes in the dark.  All windows were covered with block out curtains.  I was only 19 years old but I was there every week.  I found myself babysitting for William who was the single dad of a six year old little boy.  The mother was schizophrenic and lived in a near by mental health hospital.  That was about 1972.  So I almost became a member of their household.  I cleaned, cooked, baby sat, and did various chores all in exchange for messages from Dr. Peebles. 

At that time of my life there were not many who could understand my own psychic development and paranormal experiences. All of Bills patrons helped  me understand  the world of metaphysical happenings. My own father had recently transitioned or died and I missed him very much.  I think Bill and Peebles were father figures for me. 

Sometimes Dr. Peebles got a bit heavy handed with me on the life advice.  I remember dating a young guy named Frank.  I was almost suicidal when he dumped me.  Peebles said make sure that you do not stay in this dismal state of mind very long.  I realize now that was very sage advice.  I might have attracted even worse situations to myself in that lower energy state. 

Another problem emerged when my doctor had me on a prescription that Dr. Peebles highly disagreed with.  He said that it already was injuring my central nervous system.  At that early age of 19 I had to open my eyes to the medical pharmaceutical business and "just say no". 

I was always trying to loose weight and always self-conscious.  I asked Dr. Peebles what beauty was. He told me "consciousness is beauty".  I really see that side of it now. 

The last reading I had with William was in 1984.  I believe he moved to California and from there he lived in Japan for 19 years.  He retired in Hawaii about 2010.  William was born in Boston Massachusetts 1940.  He was a Methodist Minister for many years before exiting that faith.  I would say he is 20 years older than me so that would make him about 83 if he is still alive in his skin suit. 

I have searched for news about him.  I have searched for obituaries.  I cannot seem to find very much. He has a website but the links are not working. 

So please if anyone knows anything please comment or email me. 

Today, October 23rd.  I received an email.  Bill is doing well and is very much alive.  He is teaching in Japan.  I was sent the YouTube link for his recent discourses.  I feel such relief and joy at having heard about him.  I will include the link.  

1 comment:

  1. Hello, I am a cab driver in Portland OR and gave a ride to William Rainen today. He was one of the more memorable customers that I have ever driven! A wonderful person! I noticed your blog, told him about it and he asked me to give you his email.

    Take care,
    Jeff Schwilk


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