Why Should Someone
develop their Psychic Abilities? Sign Up
This is part one of two: Next week more to come.
right now, psychic development is of great importance. We are reaching that critical mass as
humans. As we turn the corner on old
paradigms and embrace a fresh new perspective, so the path becomes an energetic
one. Besides the boost it is promised to
bring, is a way to play with the Universe. Those without emotional intelligence and
psychic abilities those stuck in the muck will be left behind to do the grunt
work. It is increasingly paramount that
we all advance as a core group.
Professional fields will also change dramatically, and there are dumb
professionals that will gather somewhere in dimly lit bars to bemoan their
fate. Those like Bill Gates and Fauci
type people. They are brilliant in many
ways but astoundingly stupid in some very important areas. Where cooperation and empathy matter, they
don’t measure up. Also policing others
and creating more rules and prisons will take a down spiral. Those who are becoming awake and increasingly
more socially evolved will begin to self-monitor. They will understand that we are one tribe
and when you harm another you harm yourself.
news: There is an urgent need for all of us to meditate and ask for guidance to
understand all those agendas that are coming from the Biden/Obama
administration. They are globalist and
they are not humanitarian or interested in human development. For each thing you hear, from anyone, toss it
up to your higher self to sort out before you have angst and worry. Check in with your heart each day. Knowing your heart will take a skill set of
raising your vibration and hearing those “truth bells”.
Here is a short list
of careers and hobbies where having a keen insight and awareness is needed.
Writers, artist,
actors, playwrights:
Anyone who is an artist is going to really appreciate the growth of
their senses. Among fellow psychics we
count how many “clairs” we have or use.
Clairvoyant, Clairaudient, Clairsentient are some of the most recognized
Clairs. I used to visualize dances. I choreographed the steps in my mind while
listening to music. We can add dancers
to this list. Musicians sometimes hear
the music and then must grab a recorder to sing it into existence and simi
permanence. When I mentioned the
energetics of becoming something 3D that is how creation happens. First is the word. The word is a concept and sound of
something. Imagine Peace. John Lennon imagined it into a song. True peace might look like a symphony of
souls who love creating. It would not be
silent, and it could not be silenced.
Even the birth of Jesus was not really a silent night as Mary was having
contractions and the manifestation of pushes and moans. Peace would be the reward that comes when
something is accomplished. That is heavenly.
All who use
creativity in their work: This is a loophole for all creative
endeavors. My grandmother was a genius
in many ways. The flowers loved her, and
she talked to those nature beings. I
wrote about the “Magic of Findhorn” in my blog.
Each plant is asking for certain things.
It might be a sunny spot or a shady spot. Also, my grandmother could
create costumes out of scraps. She was
at her best when using her imagination.
There are designers of homes and gardens, costumes and stage sound and
lighting. Design is part science and
being totally plugged into the Universe.
Being plugged in requires some meditation. It requires finding joy in the quiet
mind. There is a true appreciation of
beauty and being able to answer with your own unique response to all that taps
you on the shoulder.
Crime investigation: Recently, the police investigators began
using psychics for difficult crime cases.
There usually is an urgent need to find a serial killer or rapist when
the normal methods are not working.
Psychics are used to find missing persons. Most crime psychics use
psychometry to help them see the victim and the perpetrator. The subject of justice is an intricate one. Usually those who harm others have a lack of
empathy. Sociopaths can be recognized
early on. They hurt animals. They are
bullies. The do not feel remorse. Most often they were not nurtured when small. The field of investigation and managing
offenders is going to progress into a different looking venue. The sooner the better.
Healing therapies: The field of medical intuitives is blooming
and wide open for the calling. Just like
the police now use psychics. Medical
Doctors now use medical mediums. They
use different modalities. Some just run
their hands over a person’s body and notice the heat and energy in certain
areas. There are those who do psychic
surgery as well. Some intuitives see the
aura and muddy spots in the aura where there is dis-ease. I am most interested in Edgar Cayce type
empaths and it is so fantastic that MD’s are using psychics with medical skills
to help diagnose.
Auto repair {gnomes}
I have a gnome story about a resident gnome who worked at
Engineers and
Mechanics. I will
share my story about Sheldon’s Auto Service.
Sheldon is almost retired now.
Great mechanic. I was turned on
to Sheldon by a friend. Word of mouth is
very wise advertisement. When a car
seemed to have a mystery problem Sheldon could discover it and fix it. As an employer, John Sheldon had the same people
employed for a decade. They all loved
him. One day I was waiting for my car to be fixed and a little gnome ran into
the waiting room and then ran back out.
This gnome was about 2 feet high with a black leather apron on. He had
facial hair. I had never seen a gnome
before. He worked at finding the right
metal tools. In my case, My engine block was shifting around as it was
not fastened correctly. John did not
charge me. I was so glad for that
Understanding those who are nonverbal: small children who are preverbal need very empathic care takers. As a mom, I could tell which kind of cry meant hunger, wet diaper, teething or something else. Once Jason woke up screaming in the middle of the night and there was no explanation. I looked at his entire body for signs of a bug bite or some sort of trauma. It must have been a nightmare. Adults who have had a stroke have trouble communicating with nurses and care takers. My friend’s husband was trying to tell her something and she could not decipher what he wanted. I knew. He was cold and wanted a blanket. I asked him to nod if I had it right. He did. Animal communication is the same for me. I understand the energetics around a need or problem. I was watching the research video on elephant communication. And dolphin communication. They do have a language and humans can learn it. One night I had a dream. I was in a lab where humans were “speaking with animals” about our planet. There was a beluga whale, a huge bird like a condor, and a bear. They were interested in saving their environments. This was a futuristic dream I had. It will be necessary to save the Polar Bears and Panda Bears and our ocean creatures. Elephants have a low rumbling purr. It means all is well. I love that purr. Animals will help us navigate the natural world.
I am going to be
teaching my development class on Facebook Live soon.
Please send me an email with ESP Class in the subject line. Send it to nancysnimbus@gmail.com.
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