Wednesday, July 3, 2013

My Many Lessons from NDE's (six near death experiences)

The Many Lessons I Have Learned from Near Death Experiences (NDE’s) written by Nancy Lake.  Page: 

I have had several near-death experiences.  Commonly referred to as NDE’s they have all been very interesting, spiritually, speaking.  I write about them here and there and I also get the feeling that people get lost in the details.  I have had several out of body experiences too.  I am going to outline what I have learned in a bullet-ed fashion. 

1.    I am nine years old and I have horrible asthma attacks.  My parents were arguing, and I really thought they might accidentally harm each other.  I tried to protect my baby brother as best I could.  During one attack I was on my bed and the whole room was spinning around.  I felt like a piece of clothing in a dryer.  I had my eyes closed, but, then I opened them to see about 7 very mature men looking down at me.  It appeared as though they were looking over the top of a well.  I was in some type of tunnel.  I remember one of them had a long heavy gray beard and thin face.  Another one had short white hair and could have been a banker on the Monopoly game.  As I got older, I remember looking through old family photos and recognizing each person. Each was from a different branch of the family and would have been Great Grandfathers and Great Great Grandfathers.  My father disappeared from my life after he and my mother divorced.  It was a great loss to me.  I now believe that all these father figures were there to support me and to highlight their interest in me and the overarching message of life's continuance.

Lesson learned in One:  Now I can see a few possible messages. As a medium, I see great great grandparents for my clients, they don’t understand why.  I get comments such as:  I didn’t know that person and I was really close to my aunt, but she is not present.  I have discovered that great grandparents seem especially interested in their offspring over many future generations.  I believe they are inspiring us to be proud of our heritage no matter what that might be and to feel a certain tribal belonging.  Their presence is often stronger and more poignant than the more recently departed.  They become soul group spokespersons. 

2.     I am a young lass of 16, with a petite figure.  I am hiking through the gorge of a canyon and the river we walked beside is called the Blue River in Arizona.  I have several peers with me, and we are having a great time.  I found the need to climb to the top and leave everyone behind.  The climb up was uneventful, however; on the way down my foot slipped.  I was air born for a second and my heart was in my throat.  I could not scream.  The next thing I knew, I found myself caught in a thorn bush about halfway down that cliff.  I did not have a scratch on me, and I seemed to be enveloped in some kind of light.  I collected myself and carefully climbed the rest of the way down.  I rejoined my friends up the creek with a “guess what happened to me” story.  They laughed thinking it not all that serious.  That night, I continued to feel different.  My life had been spared.  I knew that and I felt the presence of something Bigger Than Me.  It started me thinking about religion in general. 

Lesson learned in Two: I think the lesson that time was that I was not alone, there was protection.  This was supernatural in my mind.  Only I knew that.  It peaked my curiosity about the unseen world around us.  It did start me on my own journey.   I remember going to various churches and groups.  Most of the ministers I listened to did not possess what I called “inner light” and I did not relate to what they said.  Even if they got right in front of me and screamed it.  It just did not feed me spiritually.  Most of my teachers would be un ordained and on the social fringe.  I found them and they found me. 

NDE Three:
3.    I am a young mother with two little boys.  My marriage is alright, but I am not happy totally.  I feel quite trapped in my circumstances, but I think it is the poverty we are in.  We struggle financially and I am tired most of the time.  I thought that I deserved better.  I think I need a rest and a vacation and God was about to give me one.  This time I had minor surgery, but, the anesthesia was too much.  I was not coming out and back to consciousness in the recovery room.  I was having a wonderful experience on the other side.  I was happy and free and totally loved.  I had all the answers and knew who I really was.  I was dancing in white light and feeling totally rejuvenated.  Then the nurse called my name.  “Nancy”!  I was being shaken and worked on.  I did not want to come back to earth at all.  Before this celebration happened I remember briefly looking at the earth from space and thinking how beautiful it was.  Then I was magically drawn somewhere else.  Don’t remember Angels or a tunnel this time. I also remember being in total blackness.  I do remember is arguing with God.  He won of course but in such a gentle sweet way.  The conversation went something like this:  I don’t want to leave you. I am crying spirit tears and protesting.  I am being shown something like movie clips of future events.  I am being encouraged that life is a golden opportunity and I don’t want to miss the adventure ahead.  God had a male voice, but I never saw him as a human.  He was everywhere. He promised that he would be with me, (on earth). “Nancy, I am there too, but you shut the door”.  One other very important promise was made.  When things get difficult, and they will, Ask for God's help. He will help. I realized that somehow, I had shut the door and I can’t remember when that happened. Shutting the door might be because I became materially focused and did not feel aligned with God.  I knew somehow, I would remember that promise and those last words.  Whoosh, I was back, awake, looking at a recovery room and feeling sluggish. The nurse had a halo and plants had halos too.  

Lessons from Three: Well, there are so many lessons here.  I have not been the same since this happened.  I was 32 years old.  I remember having more patience with people in general and more compassion for people.  I felt who they really were inside.  I had always been psychic and so I cannot claim that was a new ability, but feeling more at peace certainly was.  When things get really bad in my world, I ask for help.  I demand help.  Yes, I am assertive with God.  I say, you promised me, and I need you…now. Can you believe I talk to the All Mighty that way?  One thing I do remember is our ancient, primal relationship.  This is the most love you will ever experience.  Earth relationships are pale in comparison. There is of course the absolute knowing that you are bigger than your current personality.  It is almost like we live our lives in a state of amnesia and have forgotten where we come from.  In many ways we are all living like the prodigal son. We are children of God.   

NDE four:
4.    I do not want to relive this one.  Had a bad boyfriend.  He got drunk and almost killed me.  He had a gun pointed in my stomach.  I left my body and had resigned all things. When I stepped away from my body, I saw Jesus! My grandmother was a Baptist, so I had of course heard about Jesus growing up. He was right there.  He was in white iridescent robes and wore a crown of thorns on his head.  I felt some embarrassment as though I had invited trouble in the front door and now it took extraordinary heroism to unbind this. I had the feeling Jesus had purchased me as many Christians believe.  This crazy boyfriend did not kill me, (obviously), but he fired his shotgun in the air twice and scared the heck out of the neighbors.  I found out that everyone was hiding behind their couch and calling 911.  Unfortunately, my children witnessed this, and we all had to have counseling sessions over it.  I gave up on men entirely for many years.

Lesson four: The lesson from this was amazing.  I felt a profound relationship with Jesus. I have been literally saved so many times.  I forgot the time I had a pulmonary embolism (NDE Five)from birth control pills and was in intensive care.  I must have been about 21.  I did see Angels that time.   There have been so many near misses, car accidents, near drowning too.  I forgot the time I had a few beers and did a back flip into the shallow end of a swimming pool.  I emerged looking like a unicorn with a big bump on my forehead (Six?).  NDE Seven: I also forgot the time I was in Minnesota at a KOA camp ground in my truck when a Tornado passed through.  The truck lifted about a foot off the ground. I just hugged my travel companion, Goldie, my terrier mix. Honestly, I don’t think more than a few years goes by without some new near death happening.   The most comforting thing I take from near death experience number 4 is that I was pulled from my body before a possible gun blast to my stomach.  I believe that is probably the normal thing that happens.  I have psychic medium gifts.  I have been seeing departed loved ones since childhood. I realize now that many people do not experience the pain of an accident because like me, they are pulled from the impact just before it happens. 

 I know I still make plenty of mistakes.  I make so many dumb mistakes that Jesus and I laugh.  I had a dream that we were in the clouds, and Jesus was going on about "remember the time you...jumped in the pool to see if your brother would save you."  I was about six and I could hold my breath in water for several minutes.  I just loved to pull pranks on my brother.  Jesus laughed so loud and hard, that his face turned red.  That is the Jesus I have come to know after I have had all my visits with him, here and there.  (But do not call myself a Christian, that is a bunch of doctrines that I don't entirely buy into), and Jesus understands that about me. And dare I say "agrees".  Don't want to cause a problem here.  My religion is LOVE and I am Universal as far as beliefs. I hope to right the ways Christianity has gone astray from the message Jesus had intended.  Of course, it would be in my opinion.  We all have an opinion.  I still feel an urge to share it. 

Thank you for allowing me to share…and please comment!

Friday, June 21, 2013

My Kenya, My Expansion

This Side of Kenya

                              Obama with his Luo Grandmother in Kenya

This Side of Kenya
About a year ago I accepted a friendship request on Face Book from a man named Gordon Onyango from Kenya.  Kenya is of course where Obama’s father is from and Gordon has said this that Obama’s extended family lives close by in a neighboring town.  Gordon’s tribe is the Luo tribe and this is also the tribe of Obama’s family.   The Luo speak Dholuo and they not part of the dominant Massai tribe in that region. If Obama was campaigning in Kenya for presidency, he would not win there.  Political beliefs have more to do with tribal affiliation than ideals.  Gordon feels the Luo are marginalized by the Massai and other tribes.  There are cultural differences between tribes.  The Luo are largly a Christian Group and have taken on more of the English customs.  When we think of the English speaking countries, probably Kenya does not come to mind.  My blog is read mostly by those in the USA, Canada, the UK and Ireland and Australia.  I have a fare amount of readers in Croatia and Russia as well as France.  English is Gordon’s second language and he is fluent in it.  However he loves to read and speak Dholuo too.  For this reason I will translate what I just wrote.  However it is in Swahili.

Kuhusu mwaka mmoja uliopita mimi alipokea ombi la urafiki juu ya uso Kitabu kutoka mtu mmoja aitwaye Gordon Onyango kutoka Kenya. Kenya ni ya kweli ambapo baba wa Obama ni kutoka na Gordon amesema hii kwamba Obama familia anaishi karibu na katika mji wa jirani. Kabila Gordon ni kabila la Wajaluo na hii pia ni kabila ya familia ya Obama. Luo kusema Dholuo na wao si sehemu ya kabila kubwa Massai katika kanda hiyo. Kama Obama alikuwa kampeni katika Kenya kwa ajili ya urais, yeye bila kushinda huko. Imani ya kisiasa na zaidi ya kufanya na uhusiano wa kikabila kuliko maadili. Gordon anahisi Luo ni pembezoni na Massai na makabila mengine. Kuna tofauti ya utamaduni kati ya makabila. Luo ni largly Group Kikristo na yamechukua.  (This is full of red lines, it looks like I can’t spell)

When I realized how much outreach and charity Gordon was doing for his small village, I took a second look at this friendship.  He was asking for help, monetary help.  Sometimes that throws people off on a Face Book friendship.  Gordon remained friendly and sent some pictures of children who are orphans due to having parents with the HIV infection.  Aids is rampant in poor areas of Kenya.  Gordon’s group holds to Christian values or (other religions included) values that maintain fidelity in marriage.  There is some stigma in having aides or being an orphan due to aides.  If children do not wear shoes and the area they live in is unsanitary they get jiggers.  That is a very small flea that burrows into the soul of the foot and creates many bumps and sores.  People die from this infestation.  This is not to be confused with the mite that many in the USA call Chiggers.  Clean water and building wells is one of the first steps to eliminating many diseases such as: typhoid fever, amoebic dysentery, common dysentery, and diarrhea.  Another killer for small children is malaria. A parasite that is transferred from human to human via mosquitoes is the cause.  Mosquito nets at night are a great help.  Malnutrition and poverty make childhood very dangerous. Many children enter the labor market and marriage early for this reason. The WHO or World Health Organization has a Massai representative and that does not help the Luo very much.  If foreign aid is being sent, the Massai probably get the lion’s share.  That is why I believe that someone trusted in the Luo community is a better judge of how to distribute supplies and medication. What he asks for is meager but he knows what is needed.  His church will purchase medical supplies, rubber thongs, mosquito netting and seeds to grow corn which is ground into porridge.  Women do much of the gardening and have fresh salad material to eat in the good growing seasons.  They know what is needed much more than those who offer help overseas.
Gordon has become a teacher (ja pwonj ) for me regarding another world and culture.  Sometimes I would ignore him feeling I was too busy or did not have much in common with this person.  It does take some effort to cross cultural lines.  He remained positive and happy.  He would send me pictures of his Grandmother and his children.  I am sorry to say it took a while to build a positive relationship.  When Gordon’s grandmother passed away, I could see how hard that was for him.  She left him 4 acres and he is trying to build a medical clinic and dormitory for orphans.  I this point I did wire him a small amount of money.   That was too little to build a well and lay the foundation for what they hope to do.  Any way I started a “Go Fund Me” fundraiser.  I am trying to help built between those here in the USA and Kenya.  I would love to raise a bit more cash for Gordon’s small church.  Have you ever said, “I wish I could send my left over food to hungry or sick children?”  Actually you can through me.  Or if it is a significant donation you can contact Gordon who will explain how he receives Western Union money where he lives.  I am finding it hard to motivate people.  The economy has everyone being closed fisted, even for really good causes.  The best way to receive personal and community prosperity is to start having faith and start using resources wisely. I have been looking at my own budget to see where I could save and negotiate some of my own bills.  If all of my contacts on email and FACE BOOK could donate 5 dollars that would be $1,500.00 and that would be a small fortune for Gordon. Tithing is an important part of spirituality. I try and break my tithe into 2 or 3 causes. Gordon has become one of them. Neale Donald Walsch once said that, you must become the very essence of prosperity in your vibration.   Instead of saying, “oh I don’t have enough money to donate, it is much better to say, I believe in the abundance of the universe and I will find the resources to help.  Money is like breathing in and out.  There must be a flow and circulation to the process.  Eventually I think our money system will change and become more transparent.   When I give I really do see money flowing back to me.  It is law.  So once again, even if it is only 5 $ dollars, throw that out there and see what happens.  Free translation makes the world a smaller place.  What worries me is many of those free translators are disappearing lately Swahili is all I could find today.  I am going to try and learn the Luo language; Seems like it would prove my sincerity.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Ted Gunderson and Remote Viewing Memoir

My Memories


Through a group of psychic friends I was introduced to Ted Gunderson, FBI agent in 2000-2001. I never met him in person, but we spoke quite often on the phone. He asked me some questions and I was asked to not answer over the phone, but to mail him a letter instead. 

 I did not know much about remote viewing but had been able to do it since my teen years.  I discovered it when I had a boyfriend stationed in Germany.  We corresponded often.  Before falling asleep one night I found myself thinking of him.  Almost instantly I was in Germany observing my then boyfriend.  It was daylight there and he was having an argument with another person.  This other soldier had some unique characteristics so it was easy to write about this experience and for him to confirm it.  This happened in real time and was not dream like or visionary.  My boyfriend also explained what the argument was about, but, I honestly can’t remember.  It seemed to be escalating to the point of physical punches, but, he walked away. 

Jumping ahead in time to the year 2000, I had just lost a job and was thinking about being a psychic once more. I started going to workshops and a metaphysical church to dust off those skills.  I got very close to a few people and one of them knew Ted quite well.  She insisted that we met via a conference call. Ted was very friendly and he had a way of testing me.   It seemed to me that Ted was asking questions about an incident involving a California Senator and the disappearance of his secretary. (I remembered her name) Chandra Levy.  The wrong guy is serving a life sentence for her death. Our legal system is a blood sucking mess.  Pray you are never arrested nor detained for suspicion because we are living the dark ages all over again.

 Although it was California, this was tied into the Oklahoma City Bombing, that incident had many players.  I saw as many as 20 people and it was quite dirty.   I asked Ted if Chandra was a brunette?  He said, yes.  I instantly felt ill.  I said “she sleeps with the fish”.  That is an odd thing to say, but I saw her floating in water under a warehouse in California that was near the ocean.  The last three days of her life were spent in torture. Also I saw the affair with Congressman Gary Condit. I believe some sensitive information was leaked to Levy about both the Oklahoma City bombing and the upcoming 9/11 event. Poor thing knew a bit too much for comfort. She was innocent and paid a heavy price.  I decided (note to self) I did not wish to be part of the FBI.  It is disturbing.   I never like scary or violent movies either.  Some people are just not cut out for that line of work.  He later asked me to remote view a few people involved in drug smuggling via flights into Arkansas.  There was a connection to the Clinton's.  I am careful here and cannot talk about all that was observed, however it changed me forever. 

 The whole experience with Ted was like leaving a virginal state of belief and entering a ugly side of life.   Ted told me about all the attempts on his life and most recently a scandal that had nearly ruined him. 

 A future question took me into an area that I would not have been even close to believing.  I was asked to go around the globe and look for underground bases that had something to do with alien beings.  Surprised as I was, I was taken to a location inside a hollow mountain about 100 miles north of Denver, Colorado.  I describe the side of the mountain as being “fake” and snow did not linger there but it was painted with white stucco.  Next I went to the east most end of the Hawaiian Islands where I saw an underground base in the shallow ledge of the water.  Above this was a huge green antennae and I saw it being connected to HAARP.   The aliens were more aquatic than the others.  At every turn I saw our government (or shadow government) being involved in alien encounters. The military was fully aware, present, and in cahoots with these different races.  This is something that I preferred not to believe. 

Ted was always pleasant on the phone and I did worry about his safety.  I wish I had the many letters sent to him in a box somewhere.  At the time I did not consider saving the information.  Once I had witnessed it, I knew all I cared to know.  The America I knew was changing dramatically.  When 9/11 happened, we called Ted.  My friend said, “Don’t tell me that it is the government!”  We both were desperately holding to a shred of hope that it was some outside group.  Ted said I hate to tell you both but it is an inside job.  Ted had investigated both the Kennedy assassination and  suicide of Marilyn Monroe.  He was aware of foul play and cover ups at this point in our history and it has continued and gone way over board with the 9/11 tragedy.  Ted became a rogue investigator after leaving the FBI. He treated all this as though it was a game and had a sense of humor.  As for me, I felt it to be dangerous and dirty. There was a collapse in my personal belief of a “safe” USA. I do feel safe but the government has little to do with that.  If many of our foreign neighbors seem angry and shout “death to America” you might not understand why.  Trust me, there is so much damage and manipulation in foreign countries, especially those countries dealing with drugs, like Vietnam and Afghanistan, and countries that have oil.   Our media never mentions it.  It is such a shock when something does come to the surface.  

 Someone on Face Book was suggesting I had been listening to Alex Jones too much and how dangerous of an influence he is.  I said, no I have my own sources.  Alex is digging and researching all the time.  I admire that.   I am not even sure I want to know who is behind all this.  I think the higher you go the worse it gets. There is the shadow side of the FBI and the CIA. It appears some agents can be bought. There is the Bilderberg Group as well. The wealthiest people meet with our presidents, senators and congressmen, as well as other world leaders once a year. I do not confuse this group with the Illuminati.  Different groups do different things.  The President does not have the power people think he does.  Those in power would easily use the President for target practice if he goes out of bounds on some issues.  So the one area that I do disagree with Alex and others on is blaming Obama.  He might not be totally innocent on all things, but, I still see a good person in there.  He is riding this out like the rest of us with white knuckles. OK; Obama's knuckles are not white and he does seem to maintain his composer under weird circumstances. God help us all! And God bless America and our constitution. I hope we recover the real democracy and dream of freedom. 

Link to the Ted Gunderson files: 

About Chandra Levy:

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