Saturday, May 22, 2021

Chapter 21. SPS The Problem with Religion

The problem with Religion

My wondering mind and me. OK here is the ride.  I was working on something else when a wave, really a tsunami, of profound thought and deeper inquiry captured my mind. I was open to hearing and the lesson asked me to explore as well.  Instead of just shoveling in a concept I was beaconed to be more interactive.  

Some would say it would be more disciplined to finish my other essay and then devote myself to a new creation.  That is the problem with education and religion. It often remains in a non-expanding box. The sea is calling me and I am catching that wave.  This perfect wave might return but often those ideas and deep duck dives are lost when we don’t go on the journey.  Maybe I should just do the dishes but like the poor, the dishes are always with us. Right?  I should vacuum but my baby begs to be held.  Each new mom learns that.  Right?   


I have friends of all religions.  Wonderful people. I was going to say that there are the main ones in my world.  Jewish, Catholic, Buddhist, Mormon. Baptist. My grandmother was a staunch Baptist and I went to summer Bible School most years. I would begin to butt heads with my Grandmother during my teens. I was reading a great deal and there were huge conflicts.

  It seems hard to find people who started out in religious families and remained true to those belief systems.  It is perhaps good to begin in a family that allows the organization of beliefs to create some structure.  Flying without structure might not be wise especially in the beginning.  Flying might require a good compass to prevent getting lost. Yogananda and Sai Baba both refer to our
“ monkey minds” and that meditation requires focus.  Both of those teachers were monumental in helping us “Westerners” expand our perceptions.  It illustrates “religion” in the negative to say Paramahansa Yogananda devotes and Sai Baba devotees would not be comfortable in the same room.   As students they both adhered to a framework of beliefs. To compare those two indoctrinations would require a book the size of War and Peace. OMG.  Just a small essay can barely do that justice and yet both teachers were amazing. Could each religion serve as a concept puzzle piece in a grand mosaic?  There is a bigger picture that allows for all beliefs and designs?  Maybe, but it seems that the rough edges would be smoothed the more enlightened and expanded one becomes.  In context many statements become true.  Jesus said "Whoever is not against us is for us" (Luke 9:50; Mark 9:40). But in another biblical chapter he is quoted as saying: “Whoever is 
not with me is against me” (Matt. 12:30). In my summary I hope to tie up some loose ends.  

 Is anything really new?

My son painted a group of Sunflowers.  Jason was a magnificent artist.  He could pull deeply from the wealth of his imagination.  His painting is on the top.  And I compare it to Van Gogh’s Sunflowers as well as a vase of real sunflowers. Nothing beats nature? Gorgeous all.  I respond better to Jason’s use of color. It doesn’t seem to matter who painted it as long as it speaks to the heart.  Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. 

 We as creators can draw on all the concepts and make them new just by running them through our interpretation.  We are all divinely inspired.  Abraham/Ester Hicks has said this and I paraphrase; wait until you feel the power of inspiration to do or create.  It is hard to make yourself be creative.  And sometimes it is like watching a parade pass by if you deny that chance to create.  Try catching a wave.  I believe we are all meant to be surfers.  I was listening to Leonard Cohen’s lyrics from Suzanne.  For me the sunflowers are the children leaning towards love and like Jesus we all are sailors on a sea that shall free us one day. We will be free when we have learned something that kindergarteners know. I think that is believing in yourself and don’t pay attention to the nay-Sayers.  Perhaps Shakespeare and Cohen embody spirituality beyond religion.  They certainly did ponder the human condition. 

There will be no end in sight for this essay accept to end it.  My grandmother was lying in her hospital bed saying good bye to all of us.  She knew she had very little time left in this world.  My mother did not want to hear it.  My mom said, “you are going to be fine”.  Mom left.  My grandmother said to me, “We have argued over really small things, like religion.  This is the most important message; we love each other and that is eternal.”  I walked out and as I passed by the waiting room I saw her brother sitting there.  It dawned on me that he died 10 years ago.  I had a lump in my throat and guilt too.  I had taken her for granted. She died a few hours later and all the arguing vanished.

Love is the bigger concept.  People will continue to divide over beliefs.  In love we can allow others to grow and develop their own conversation with God.  Neale Walsch said “you got God all wrong”. 

God will be more and more the next breath we take and less and less an entity out in space somewhere.  At least that is what I think and Neale thinks that way too.  Jesus summed it up when he mentioned the love commandment and doing unto others as we would have done to us.  We have all made mistakes so it is true that no one should cast that first stone.  Let’s see: We are sailors who live in glass houses on a sandy beach?  I think that is good enough. There is no end to the learning and the expansion.   


Three generations.  Me, Mom and my Grandmother 1979

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Chapter 20: It Is Not God's Fault

I, Sara, have come to witness many odd anomalies in life, and they are the unexpected accidents and unexpected triumphs in the lives of those who seek my counsel.  In all instances I clearly acknowledge destiny and it is not God’s Fault.  Neither the blame nor the glory seems to fit.

I have experienced several near-death events in my now long life. When my foot slipped off a boulder on a cliff, when a shotgun was aimed at my stomach, when there was an anesthesia problem, and I dove into the shallow part of a pool, each time my life was saved and completely saved. When I say completely, I mean no serious injury happened. Except some scratches from the thorn bush that caught me by the seat of my pants during an almost fatal fall, there were few minor injuries.  Since I did a back flip into shallow water, I had one heck of a headache and a goose bump on my forehead.  I looked like a unicorn and left a pool party early.  I must say I have done some “stupid” stuff in my life and a miracle has happened each time. There must be a few more cringe worthy happenings but I will just say I have been incredibly lucky most of the time.

When I had a scary car accident recently, it was amazing.  I was driving along Northern Ave obeying every rule of safe driving when a car came out of nowhere.  The driver was making a left into Star Bucks after several far-left drivers let him enter.  It can be a longer story but, this incident totaled my car and I was quite sore. There were no broken bones and again not too serious. As far as extremely bad incidents go; Nothing compares to the phone call I received on a Saturday in July.  A social worker called to tell me my son had died and was found in his apartment. After that call, all my other problems and complaints seemed ridiculously small.  That call was the dragon that almost slayed me, and I did not think I could go on. To this day, I cannot imagine why my beautiful 27-year-old had left this world. He was happy, healthy, and it was not suicide. He was planning on coming to visit me in Phoenix and his voice message was one of sunshine and optimism. That message got played a thousand times and the one thing I do know is that:  It Was Not God’s Fault.   

If not God, then who is there to blame? Energy, pre life contracts, personal growth for a few starters. Energy is all around us. The most significant energy is like a radio signal from our consciousness. Our being is like a super magnet.  I happen to be a physical medium. Things happen around me all the time.  Objects move without anyone touching them.  I was eating dinner with 4 famous mediums from out of town.  One of our mutual friends had just died of a heart attack. It was just like Lou was sitting at the table. My fork lifted about an inch or two off my dinner plate and then dropped with a clang. My hands were busy in the air as I tend to talk with my hands.  Earlier that day I would find my locked front door standing wide open. I think the fork hitting my plate demonstrated to all present just what energy can do.  My energy, their energy, all of our energies including unseen energy.  

More importantly, words and beliefs hold energy.  When I work with clients using cognitive behavioral therapy, I am looking at core beliefs that might be allowing certain horrible things to happen to them. These are some of the most prevalent beliefs:  I don’t deserve happiness, mom said I would never amount to anything, my minister told me I was going to burn in hell for that terrible thing I did, and God must hate me for allowing this to happen. I often hear people say:  I am waiting to know what God wants me to do with my life. I must say that is so much decision levied upon God and it is believed that This All That There Is Being, and Creator gave us free will? I wonder why we humans would be given free will and then punished for bad choices after we die?  These are the questions that would be processed during any counseling session regarding choices and destiny.  I will jump to the punch line because it would take six years and them some more months to debate this subject.  Humans get the privilege of learning and experiencing a self-directed course. For artists of all types it is like the finished sculpture, the opera and the applause when the curtain falls all in one triumphant symphony. Humans get to be the writer, actor and director as well as the audience and it is extremely fulfilling.  But what about those awful events in our lives? Where is that explanation of why bad things happen to good people? 

I will return to my son’s death, but he is not at all dead, just more energy at a higher frequency. It is not like I can have lunch with him, and I miss him a great deal.  When I was severely depressed, I felt like God was punishing me.  I also felt guilty for his death. I felt angry and wanted to blame someone.  I ran through all those cognitions we speak of in therapy.  I would brighten up and receive some answers.  and then hit a slump in my development and I would be engulfed in these horror stories again. I am doing OK now.  The answer that finally stuck with me was this; I charted a course for myself that had the design of increased love and awareness at its end.  In truth there are many exit points during a lifetime.  At each fork in our road we chose left or right.  I could have died several times as I mentioned already.  My son could have died several times too.  He drove far too fast and had totaled his car several times.  Jason got a hall pass in a way.  He got to leave this world early.  It is a decision that he made with God’s approval, to exit early on.  I did not have a voice in that decision.  I was not happy about that, but that is between Jason and his Creator. 

 As I have mentioned in many posts and blogs, Jason always remembers Mother’s Day.  Each year after Jason’s death I have received a beautiful card placed on my bed.  It has his signature. At first, I thought his brother might be doing this as a kind gesture. No that is not it.  Zac is not a prankster like that. We have talked. The card is always different each year.  The message is also different each year.  There is no point in trying to prove this evidence or ague a case.  There have been volumes of paranormal events in our lives with Jason’s wit and insight and signature energy all over them.  Life continues after the event we call death.  Love does not die, and it is the one thing we take with us beyond the grave.

I have quoted Neale Donald Walsch over the years.  He is famous for many reasons. He wrote the New York Times best seller, Conversations with God, and the subsequent books thereafter. Neale does a great job of exploring who and what God is.  There are many concepts about God.  When Neale was interviewed about God, the television host asked him to sum up God in five words.  Neale said, “You Have Got Me Wrong”.  There are roman gods and pagan gods who seem to meddle in our lives and decide when we should die and when we should have a victory.  There are not enough pages in any book to go over the many faces, names, and beliefs about what and who God is.  There are as many versions as there are people.  Infinite.

 Please do pick up a copy of Neale’s famous discourse.  When I was grieving over the loss of my son, those books are so much a credit to my survival. Neale also has said this.  Jesus prays the Lords Prayer with the congregation, and it begins “our father”.  There is a relationship between us humans and God.  It is closest to a parental relationship.  Would a loving parent send you to hell for a mistake? Can you imagine any parent damming you for all eternity?  Remember Jesus telling us the parable of the prodigal son?  We are precious to God. When we become open to that God reunion there is a celebration and trumpeting angels can be heard.

 There are certain concepts that seem to be universal between all religions. God is loving and cares about us. During my near-death experiences I was amazed by the profound love and enduring relationship I had with God on the other side of my life.  It was like a long lost loved one had returned to me with all the love my heart could hold.  It made the loneliness and sorrow vanish.  God made me a promise and a commandment before returning me to my physical body lying on the gurney, Ask me for help. I am there (on earth) just as much as I am in heaven.  Those are the words I remember.  My time is not done.  I came back here and there is more work to do. 

This discussion could be on going.  My relationship with my Creator is growing and evolving all the time.  I honor the chance to tell my story and to help others realize the power they really have.  You get to decide.  

please visit my website too. click

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Medical Medium Nancy with Lots of Information on Diabetes 2

We have been fed lots of lies about Diabetes and Arthritis.  Stay tuned as there will be more and more coming down the lane.

May 3. 2020

I, Nancy, have stenosis all through my spine from my neck to my tail bone.  There is a way to deal with it and even reverse it.  This is my story from now working backwards.

Today, my blood sugar was 140 at fasting.  I know that is not quite perfect, however, five years ago it was above 400 and I had infections that would not heal.  They put me on metformin as they do everyone.  In my opinion that is cookie cutter one size fits all medicine.  They used to want to give me antibiotics for my many infections, but I refused. 

I had gestational diabetes when I was pregnant with Zac. No one explained that I would have type 2 even after giving birth.  I continued to live well however I felt very tired and I was drinking lots of diet soda.  A light bulb went on today.

I was watching an add saying something like: “you don’t have to prick your finger and shoot insulin anymore because we have the solution.”  Some of their research and information was particularly good and even accurate.  Some of it was very misleading as well.  The part that sparked my interest was:  “drinking lots of diet soda would cause type 2 diabetes.”  It tricks the pancreas into releasing lots of insulin but then you are not receiving complete sugar or any sugar. Your cells want nutrients and insulin allows them to absorb the sugar in your blood.  Monosaccharide means one sugar molecule and that is not good for us.  They (monosaccharides) are like kindling to a fire and in this case a metabolism fire. They may leave you hungrier than before you ate the candy bar.  Other substantial sugar from fruit or fructose is an 8-molecule sugar structure that has more sustainable energy. Fruit also has fiber which is a benefit to anyone with diabetes 2.

I remember Edgar Cayce suggested that people with diabetes or those wanting to lose weight (90% of us) should drink a small glass of no sugar added grape juice diluted with water before eating meals.  I have done this with dinner.  I add sparkling water to a wine glass and Welch's grape juice with a twist of lime and stir.  Yummy.  Most important was the fact that I felt satiated faster.  It was a gentle appetite suppressant.  I did not feel the need for seconds or desert when dinner was over.  Smaller portions were on my plate without feeling deprived. 

This add (the one I read today) wanted 79 dollars for a product with cinnamon, and chromium picolinate. They also added some bonus books like a glycemic and carb counter information.  I have been taking a supplement from Youngevity called Sweet Eze that is 19 dollars for 120 capsules. You can buy carb counters for a few bucks.  So Really?  Give me a break.  I did sell Youngevity but now I let my son sell it. It adds about 20 dollars to his income. It is a good product so we share. 

 Dr. Wallach was a veterinarian who discovered that zoo monkeys were dying due to a lack of a mineral called Selenium.  In the wild they would forage and instinctively knew what to eat, and of course they were not able to do that in the zoo.  The newborn Rhesus monkeys would die within weeks. What is also remarkable is that the autopsies revealed that these baby monkeys had cystic fibrosis.That is huge news because Cystic Fibrosis was thought to be a human only disease and they did not know why or what caused it.  Wallach went on to treat human babies after obtaining his ND. One of Dr. Wallach's products for blood sugar control is Sweet Eze.

I will tell you that you can pick up the Sweet Eze ingredients elsewhere as the two main minerals are Chromium and Vanadium.  About 200 mcg of each per day goes a long way to helping lower blood sugar they say, because I am not a doctor.  In addition to these minerals it contains Cinnamon, Bitter melon fruit, Jambolana Seed extract and Ginseng root. I think the 19 dollars is a fare price.  In general plant derived minerals do matter in keeping our bodies healthy.  I will be happy to ship it to anyone anywhere.  Just email

I have traveled a long journey and I also remember the day I was writing a goodbye letter to my family.  I was in so much pain from the stenosis. I looked horrible because I hurt too much to do much.  There were only a few positions I could stay in for a while that would support my neck in a certain way to be out of pain.  Doctor Wallach saved my life.  Remember I was ready to check out for good.  I fell asleep on my couch after finishing my letter. When I woke up, I noticed a flyer on the coffee table.  It was a pink flyer that said in bold print, ARE YOU SUFFERING FROM ARTHRITIS AND DIABETES 2?  It went on to say that these two ailments are related. 

I will explain that relationship in another medical medium type letter.  It also referred to diabetes 2 and arthritis as a pandemic.  Yes, it is a worldwide phenomenon.

There was a lady’s name and phone number at the bottom of the pink flyer and the rest is now history.  It took about 3 months of using osteo FX to feel better. That formula was literally a life saver for me.  I went off pain pills and began working part time as a receptionist so I could afford all the alternative treatments.  I had been receiving disability for a few years. Now off of it and this year I owe IRS some money so thank God for my stimulus check. It came along exactly at the right time.  The point is:  I am making money as an entrepreneur and this year it was enough to owe some money.  Sucks that the IRS is greedy.  
My mother had lupus and diabetes 2 and she was going down hill fast.  Prior to her death I had tried to get her to at least try a few things.  She was taking 11 prescribed medications everyday and by far the worst one was prednisone.  It would take up a chapter to describe what her doctors put her through her last year on the planet.  She trusted her doctors. Some are trying to help, but they don't have time to pour over research and they believe what they have learned.  End of story. 

The lady whose name was on the pink flyer agreed to see me for free and she hooked me up with some free products as well.  She gave me a few books to read and return.  She said, “I want to educate your mind” and I would tell anyone out there, namely my readership, the same thing. 

This is just the tip of the iceberg.  Healing takes a year or two and both lifestyle and supplements and even Edgar Cayce treatments can save you. 
I do not believe in PAIN.  When I am ready to leave this planet, I just want to exit in my sleep and up until that day, I am going to be pain free. 

I am still a work in progress but thank the Lord, I am going in the right direction and I am getting my answers.  In 2003 my neurologist refused to do surgery on my back.  He said it was because I was a liability with my unman-aged diabetes.  I felt he had given me a death sentence as my pain was just horrible and my metformin was not managing my blood sugar issue.  Just now I am feeling so grateful.  He linked the diabetes to my stenosis which is a form of arthritis.  I want to go into that link. There is a relationship and few doctors acknowledge that. 

And for God sake do not go easily under the knife.  It does not always work.
Please look for the next newsletter and blog for more psychic insights. 

This is part of my newsletter but not the whole thing. 

For now, I must close. 

Love and Health to Everyone.  Each day I get information to share
from those not in bodies. I work with Dr. Peebles, Angelic Healers, And Red Arrow, medicine man and personal guide.  I also have a silver colored dragon who loves and protects me. Not all dragons are “bad”. 

I do a hell of a lot of research.  Forgive my spelling as I am and always have been very dyslexic.  I do try and edit my writings and musings. 

Nancy from Angelbells Guidance
602 793 7611 in Phoenix, AZ

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Chapter 13. Being Extra Psychic at Christmas Time

Christmas Energy

As a psychic, empath, and intuitive counselor, I am so sensitive to energy, subtle energy.  Subtle in that I can be distracted by the noise that will lead me astray. Sometimes Christmas can be busy with lots of tinsel and time and trivia.  It seems like a brass band that marches through the season leaving little in its wake.  It can rob our pocketbooks and life force if we let it.  Each year I am focused on the things that are uplifting and fill my heart, instead of the pageantry of the season. Christmas can be a time when a critical mass of people believes in human kindness and miracles. That can be world changing.

 On the radio show Coast to Coast AM George Noory has done repeated experiments of getting the millions tuned into this nighttime talk show to concentrate with intention.  If it is flooding in Missouri, the mass of prayer is to stop that rain and weather.  It has been working every time.  As a collective we can turn the tide, quite literally.  I think that is why the “powers that be” desire to divide us along superficial party lines.  Really the Democrats and Republicans want the same thing.  At the end of the day we want to hand a good life down to our children and grandchildren.  There might be a few differences when it comes to values. But those differences start to come together when we can reach out and talk to one another.

Since I am a counselor for parents involved with DCS (Department of Child Safety) I hear sad stories.  In fact, they have a name for people with my job and it applies to first responders as well.  We experience secondhand trauma and burnout.  Recently, I felt like I had encountered people that were monsters. 

 They were very angry about DCS coming to the hospital to grab their baby the day after it was born.  It sounds very harsh indeed.  This couple had lost several other children and their parental rights had been severed for abuse to their children.  They are and have been drug addicts.  I always feel that it is my job to be the one person in a sea of others to support clients like this.  No, I don’t believe they should have their baby back, but it would be nice if they were entitled to receive pictures and news about how their children are doing. It could be that someday, they clean up and change and perhaps down the road they can reconnect with their kids.   In a way, the fact that they brought kids into this world is a gift to others.  Since one small child was murdered, the system holds no promise of reunifying this substance abuser family. Yes it is the worst of all possible family situations.  How do people get that disconnected from their own humanity we have to wonder?  Then, there is me doing self-healing to stay in this game in a meaningful way.  It all takes concentration and work on an inner level.  I realign daily.  I balance chakras, I pray and mend all the time.

There are wonderful breakthroughs where parents turn their lives around and the kids are returned.  I get to be part of that and there is no better feeling.  Each one of those stories could be a Christmas Story, a Hallmark Perfect Ending story.  The biological parents are usually invested much more in the long-term life of their child.  There are very horrible stories about foster homes and the misery they dealt out to the kids who lived there.  Kids that grew up in foster care write books about that experience.  Then they write about being aged out of the system and having no where to go at age 18.  When they try and reconnect with the family of origin there are horrible realizations about those family members if they are still living still living. They might discover mom drunk herself to death after losing her children.  Sometimes it takes years to track down a sibling, or absent parent or family friend.  I can say firsthand, it is the best of all possible outcomes when parents are helped into being stronger parents and kids can come home.  For that reason, I remain in this field.
The Human Tribe

The work I do as a psychic is often unpredictable.  I am meeting people from all over the world when I do phone consultations.  I am taking some chances.  In a way when I open myself up to read, it is a very intimate and unique relationship I establish.  Often, people grow very close to me, and I will say that all the people I read for are like family.  That is because I am seeing and touching the authentic person and more than the normal distance most humans maintain, we do bond for that short time.  Many people push to become a friend with me.  It is to the client’s advantage to form a friendship.  They will often get a better discounted deal.  I wonder if other psychics go through what I do?  I think they must. Keeping things organized with an appointment time and not doing things on the fly. That helps my mind stay balanced.  I meditate prior to a phone or personal session and I will meditate afterwards. My son has noticed dark entities attached to me after being on the phone with someone who has been immersed in darkness. That means I go through some extra cleansing.

 There was one client/friend that kept text messaging me questions when I was sick in the hospital.  That was too much for me.  Boundaries are essential when doing this work.  I genuinely care about my clients.  I pray for them when they don’t even know I am doing that.  There is a type of friendship, but it is a different friendship.  It is not the same as an old friend who shares a great deal of common history and also a true friend is not going to emotionally dump on you and make demands of you.  Their conversation is truly a gift.  

In each of these paragraph segments in this chapter, I am talking about not going through burn out.  It is easy to do in counseling and it takes a while to regroup when burn out happens.  Another light worker told me to close down my first three chakras when doing readings.  Some people might be in such a drained and lifeless state of mind they “vampire” other people. Psychics are exceptionally vulnerable to this type of energy theft.  People divorced of their own divine connection to energy, take vital life force energy from others.  Unfortunately, this has happened to me.  It does not happen often, but, when it does happen, I am sick for a few days.  I am in bed and I am praying for recovery. 
Being a psychic is a blessing, most of the time, but it does take energy, focus, and time.  Mostly I know I make a difference.
The time I spend actively listening to problems that clients experience at home or at work, could be time I might be doing something I really enjoy. 
There is a monetary exchange for a reason.  One person thought that I enjoyed doing psychic readings for others and for that reason, no compensation was needed.  That might be true occasionally, but, much like traditional counseling, listening to others and trying to heal others is a “job” Even if I have good experiences during that reading, I am still at work.  I avoid people on trains or planes who want to spell their life story. Usually it is a long, hard and tear-filled journey.   Until a person can see all experiences as a learning curve and a blessing,  those experiences should be kept to a very few people. 
I can remember two times in my life when I asked someone if I could do a reading for them.  There was something so amazing and attractive about these personalities that I desired to touch in.  Most people show up in a stuck place and need clarity and assistance. 
What about those times I can’t help someone? 
That happens occasionally.  For some reason, I cannot connect and even worse, I feel that a door closed to knowing this person on any level.  I can never tell if it is them or me.  I do know the more people are crying and emotional in the lower frequencies, the harder it is to establish a connection.  It is better to wait until there is some calmness and a client can really be a participant in their own growth, discovery and healing. 

I have also noticed that some people are afraid to let out any signs of who they are.  They want a psychic reading to be a type of phenomena where I am shocking and awing them.  I used to do that shock and awe just for fun when I was younger.  Anymore, I want to do meaningful therapeutic work.
I already know I am psychic and sometimes I am really hot, and my guides are coming in strongly, and it is amazing.  That is not 100% of the time.  I believe some of the best readings are collaborative, and they involve the client at a very deep and insightful level.  Those are the readings that change lives.  Those are the ones I also treasure.
We are a human family; we have the same father/mother.  I can push past the outer veneer quickly and establish a more dynamic relationship with clients.  That might even be a little painful at times.  The pain comes with a message.  Something is wrong with the belief system of this client.  There needs to be a course correct. 
If someone leaves a message on Yelp that sounds terrible.  I know that I hit a nerve with that person.  It was not meant to harm them, but it had to happen.  In time they will understand. 

Psychic readings are more than entertainment, more than hearing what you want to hear and all about you evolving.  We all evolve, and we are all in it together.  Some people are just better at receiving subtle messages.  That is me.
Have yourself a merry little Christmas.  Hug yourself too.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Chapter 12. The flowering of psychic kids.

SPS Chapter 12:  The Flowering of Psychic Children

I Sara consider myself qualified to speak on this topic. My insight come from being a mom with psychic children and being a support to families in the Department of Child Safety system.  During my social worker days, I ran across some of the most amazing kids and their families.  I also realized that there is often a huge gap in understanding for parents, teachers, and the culture at large, when it comes to special kids with gifts. Let these light bringers teach us.  The new kids. 


My son Jason was amazing.  He had amazing perception and developed his language abilities early on.  We had just taken a shower and we were toweling off.  Jason was only 6 months old and he looked in the mirror at himself, pointed and said, “English” with perfect pronunciation. It made me wonder if he remembered a past lifetime where he was not “English”.  He did not say “white boy”.  I believe he might have been Asian and been in a very advanced culture.  I was never sure. 

 Jason was the one who could take toys out of the box and assemble them quickly at age four.  I would be trying to read the instructions and there were wheels, nuts and bolts, levers, washers and gaskets. It was often very complicated for me.  Jason also became very emotional and he would have the worst temper tantrums at times.  Art helped Jason cope with all the complicated things he felt.  Like his bio Dad, Jason could run very fast. His dad had won many track competitions in high school and college.  Bio dad might imply that I was not married.  I was married for four years but divorced when pregnant with Jason.  My next husband adopted him, and the name changed.  My life had some unexpected twists and turns.

Jason got into elementary school and was very bored.  (Bored to tears)  He would complete his math ahead of time.  Then he would draw as he waited for the class to finish.  The teacher was not in sync with Jason.  She would complain about him and criticize him in front of the students.  I tried to speak with her and then the principal.  I mentioned that Jason might be a gifted kid.  I would find out years later, that unless you ask for additional testing in writing, sending copies to the principal and district office as a certified letter, it doesn’t matter at all.  My words fell on deaf ears.  Unfortunately, Jason started to hate school.  Jason would have “morning sickness”.  He would miss school but was fine about noon.  I was too busy as a single parent to home school Jason, so he went to a Catholic, nun taught, special school.  They called me to pick up Jason.  He was having a meltdown.  My frustration continued with all these institutions of learning.  I was told by well meaning administers that I would just have to put my foot down and force him to go to school.  That power struggle was not working at all.  Jason and I went to family counseling.  I wish I could say we as a family found the answers.  I did the best I could to use Jason’s natural curiosity to help him learn.  We did go to the library quite often and Jason loved his art teacher.  Jason changed schools when we moved, and he met a best friend there.  Art was Jason’s biggest outlet and healer.   Jason was always my teacher.  The Sunflower painting is his. See top of page.

To sum up this child, Jason: He was very intuitive and insightful.  Children like him are rule breakers and game changers.  They have come into this world with many advanced skills.  If there was a rating for those with leadership and expert social skills, Jason would be at 100.  Jason died at age 27 ( bizarre accident of mixing Seroquel with Alcohol).  His funeral was attended by hundreds.  He made his mark with his art and his sense of humor.

Jason (painting) at the Gay Pride festival in San Diego, CA.  2005? His life partner took this photo.  Mom published a book called “Sunflowers for Jason”


Zachary was the quiet one.  He did not talk at all for the first three years.  Occasionally he would point to something and say “that”.  Zachary did not need to communicate with Jason or his mom, “me” this writer.  We just knew what he needed.  Zachary was not allowed to cry.  We would sense his distress and take care of him.  Zach also wore his pajamas to first grade.  Mom hired someone to get these kids off to school, but maybe that was not working out to well.  Zachary was a totally brilliant telepathic communicator.  For sure, his brother and family, were also able to pick up messages through thin air, but Zach was especially strong at transmission.

When Zachary was about 5, he wanted to go out on a date with his mom.  It was too cute.  He dressed up in a suit and he asked me to dress up as well.  I don’t even remember what we did, perhaps dinner and a movie.  Sometime after that, I was very sick with a migraine headache.  I did not say anything about it to my boys, but I was laying on the couch with a cold rag on my forehead.  Zachary walked up to me and said, Mom, I am going to take your headache away.  He placed his hands on my forehead and I could feel tremendous heat.  Within about 10 minutes Zach removed his hands and I sat up feeling pretty good.  I would have to be extra dense to not know Zach had a gift.  Some parents might not realize or not praise it.  I told Zach that he had something pretty spectacular. 

Over the years Zach was able to help me and others when they were in pain.  Once Zach became a teenager, he did not believe in himself anymore.  The world will knock out anything that appears to be different or un-explainable.  Kids like Zach need to be encouraged.  They need to know we live in an energetic world.  Science is just beginning to catch up to the dynamics of hands on healing. Just recently Zach once again started practicing healing.  He does not advertise, and he is selective.

This writer, Zach’s mom, has been talking to “dead” people for a while. I am a natural medium.  Imagine my surprise when Zach started to see visually and talk to departed souls with clairaudience as well.  He has spoken to Robin Williams and Sylvia Browne too.  “How long have you been a medium?” I asked.  Zach says it has always been that way, but he did not want anyone to know.  He does not want to be like me or Long Island Medium.  He does not like that sort of pressure.  When Zach was about 6 years old, he had an imaginary friend named “Star Boy”.  Star boy would set all the electric trucks and toys in motion.  One day the kids were not home, but the record player, toy ambulance, and some other gadgets, all came on at once.  That was what Star Boy did.  We went through about a year of very paranormal excitement until Star Boy went away. 

Zach became the gentle giant. If someone had asked him, “what are you going to be when you grow up?” I doubt if he would say a Peacekeeper.  He was very strong and one time a friend talked him into cornering and fighting someone.  Zach took down the school bully in front of a small crowd.  As a mom, I never worried too much when my two boys were together.  They could look out for each other.  Zachary was also an empath and later he would feel terrible about hurting another human being.  Those who loved Zach convinced him that he was a natural peacekeeper.  His size and agility stopped people and re-directed any violence before it happened.  When Zach was full grown, he stepped in front of me when I was confronted by a neighbor.  Once again, no one got hurt, but that neighbor had a change of mind.  Zach’s ability to stand his ground and speak his truth without resorting to violence was a gift in and of itself.  Zach nursed a baby sparrow back to health and before taking it to a bird sanctuary, mom snapped a picture.  Zach is strong, handsome, empathic, poetic, a writer extraordinaire, medium, a miraculous healer, and he is a great cook. Some lady will be lucky when he decides to settle down.  But most of all he is introverted and a natural peacekeeper.  Zach once was crying (about age 7).  He said, “I do not want to be in another war”.  He probably was a general in the army in many past wars like General Patton.  This mom explained that he did not have to join the military this time.  If Zach had of been born to a military family, he might have been up a creek.  The family he chose (this time) understood who he really was.

Zachary, age 19, with a little sparrow that fell out of the nest.  The parents were circling above this baby.  And a cat was stalking him. We rescued him. We hand fed him until he could fly. This was not the only bird that we nursed back to health.  Jason and Zach would bring home critters all the time. Is it just me, or is there a halo to this picture?  It was never photo-shopped.

The bond between the two brothers survives death.  When Zach and I drove to San Diego for Jason’s memorial service, This writer got lost on the elaborate freeway system.  Zach started experiencing taps on the side of his head.  If the tap was on the left side, we turned left, and on the right side, right turn.  At the end of this amazing number of turns we landed in the parking lot for “Sea World”.  We called Jason’s friend who met us there.  He was only about 10 minutes away.  The friend said, “I had to smile, this is where Jason used to come to see the 9:30 PM fireworks.  Just as he said that the fireworks were going off all around us.  It was as if they were heralding our arrival. 
Sometimes I wonder if I would have given birth to Jason knowing how it would end one day.  I could hardly survive the pain and loss.  It is clear now, that the relationship with Jason continues and we all benefited so much from the co-creation of this time together.  It was worth it.
Other kids with gifts
They are all around us, too many to count. In the social work field, I see kids that are leaders and they are breaking the cycle of violence and pushing their families to over come age old karma.  They are musicians, artist, writers, and they are speaking out and changing things in a way never imagined.  

When my boys were young the neighbor’s little girl liked to hang out with us. Her gift to us was the magical way she saw the world.  She allowed us to feel the laughter and fairies singing. She was a little ray of sunshine. I found out she had died.  A medium described her to me and said she called me “auntie”. 

When I was working with autistic kids there was a little boy who used to sing with me.  When he was singing, he was so angelic and happy.  The teacher felt it would be better to keep him on track. I would try but he reverted to a mushroom under a cloud.  We made no progress.  I often wonder if just connecting with autistic children any way possible is a good place to begin.

Kids are the most psychic when they are about 5.  Kindergarten is a place where everyone is an artist (Picasso s all) Everyone can dance and sing.  And there is little pressure or competition.  Most children are in line with who they really are, and they express great wisdom “out of the mouths of babes” is that saying.  It is a stage that fosters imagination, curiosity, and understanding.  As the brain matures, children transition from preoperational thinking into concrete operational thinking at age 8 and then there is continued cognitive development until adulthood.  We continue all our lives.  Teenagers experience so much competition and peer pressure.  No one would dare stand out as unique or different unless they want to commit social suicide.  Teenagers quite naturally gravitate to their peers and they are less connected to their families of origin.  If parents complain that their teen does not want to be at home. Congratulations, they are exactly at the right place for their age.  

James Van Praagh wrote a book to help guide Psychic Teenagers. Click here.

Goldie Hawn has developed a mindfulness program for children.  Her site is called mind up.  She uses a description of the brain to help kids feel a sense of control over their feelings, emotions and personal well-being.  That is so important.  Empower kids and do not allow superstition and fear to dominate.

  My kids grew up with paranormal activity around the house.  They were not afraid of those things going bump in the night.  If they were troubled, we would do a group prayer.  They did believe in a higher power.  They felt in charge of their own development.  Sometimes parents don’t have all the answers, but that is what makes life exciting.  We are all psychic.  It is part of our survival and just like animals we have some instincts that things are not OK.  Once when little I had a dream where a bee was buzzing around my head.  I woke up and heard a noise outside.  I went to my window and saw a man with a black hat trying to steal my bike.  I ran out with a flashlight and he was literally a deer caught in a head light.  He ran off and I brought my bike inside.  There are plenty of practical reasons to meditate and learn to use psychic gifts and premonitions.  No subject should be off limits.  When I was 6, I asked my family what the work f**k meant?  They were shocked but my father asked me where I had heard that word?  I said that my friend and I were at the park sitting in the trees when some boys said it to us.  They asked if we knew what that word meant?  My dad decided that my friend would be welcome to stay at our home where there was adult supervision. My friend’s mom was working long hours.  Single moms are at a disadvantage sometimes.  I would find out for myself.  

There is a book that is the bible of parenting.  Find it used if you can.  How to talk so kids will listen and how to listen so kids will talk.  If you want your kids to share with you at a deeper level, then create that safe zone when they have your undivided attention.  No TV in the background.  Parents should not interrogate…just allow kids to share on any subject that comes up.  Eventually the subject of dreams and visions and other psychic things will emerge.  They best families have robust conversations about lots of different things.  And it is OK.  And they remain intuitive for life.

The end.
our "bigger than life" Jason

Feel free to write me and ask questions about your kids. 

professional counselor and psychic in Phoenix, AZ

I just watched (on you tube) Long Island Medium, Theresa, speak to parents about their psychic child.  I remember telling kids the same, almost verbatim thing.  You can tell the ghost or spirit to "go to the light and stop bothering you".  Kids need to know they have that power and parents need that knowledge too.  Here is the link to that show. 

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