Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Keeping Your Head Above Water & Shedding Weight with Chakra Healing

Keeping Your Head Above Water & Shedding Weight with Chakra Healing

There certainly is a body/mind connection with the many traumas we endure in life.  I have heard it said that after a trauma the body will become ill within 90 days.  It might be rather severe and can even be an accident.  If a wife looses a husband and she begins to grieve a great deal she might be involved in a horrible car accident.  This is because she is not as alert.  Being happy and at the top of your game is the best way to avoid illness and accidents.  Can we always be there?  Life throws us curve balls at times.
I was discussing my weight problem with my psychic friend and she suggested several helpful things for me to try.  

The Time Line of Me Gaining Weight 
She asked when I began to gain weight.   There were several noticeable times when large amounts of weight were accumulated on my body.  The first noticeable gain of 20 pounds was age 13.  I went through menarche.  That is the beginning of menstruation and my hormones were going awry. I was uncomfortable in my body and it seemed the boys in my class were taunting me and slinging arrows.  I know now that sometimes boys do this when they like a girl, but I was not hearing it that way.  I lost weight over the next year and started to look and feel much better. 

The next weight gaining event was during my first and second pregnancies.  I was able to lose weight after my first child but not the second one.  I had gained 40 pounds and it remained there for two more years.  In fact I don’t remember losing all of it just some. My friend asked me if there was something different about the second pregnancy.  My marriage was not going well and my mother seemed to be unhappy that there was only 9 months from the first pregnancy.  My boys were 18 months apart and the second one was not as welcome by family.  I developed gestational diabetes during the pregnancy and craved ice cream.  

The next event was about a year after my divorce.  I began dating a very nice man and fell deeply in love but that relationship did not last.  He told me that he was engaged and about the same time my ex husband became engaged and all of a sudden single life was dreadful for me.  I felt the responsibility of single parenthood and the reality that good choices in men are few, or so I believed, when you have two little children.  That belief is not exactly correct.  I have seen women beat those odds all the time. 

I think the last time was when I became ill with an auto immune disease.  I was having trouble with Jason who was 19 and drinking and using drugs.  I felt I had no control over his decisions and he became rather abusive with me and his younger brother.  My heart was broken and I questioned my parenting and my decisions.  I got upset daily and my body seemed to be reacting as well.
At each of these times, I felt negative self judgment and an inability to control the circumstances in my life.  My plans were falling apart and I was crying in a sea of broken dreams.  My childhood had not given me the resiliency I needed to face failures and get back up.  

Fortunately I have a better grasp now of who I am and the skills to overcome some trying circumstances. but I still can't shed my poundage.

My friend suggested I go through each chakra with the affirmation of I am perfect the way I am.   I can let go of those feelings of inadequacy and disappointment.  I accept that I went through those experiences and those feelings but now it is a brand new page and brand new day.  Self acceptance and forgiveness seemed to be at the bottom of the big bottom I have. 
Our bodies are chemical laboratories and metabolism shifts and goes up and down.  I don’t think it matters what you eat but how your body uses it and digests it.  
Each chakra has some health issues attached to it if there is an imbalance.  My sacral and solar plexus were either closed or not working well.  After going through each chakra I felt that the bottom 4 were involved in hanging on to past energies.  The red root chakra deals with basic survival issues and sex. The orange sacral chakra has more to do with balance and receiving and letting go.  It is a creative chakra and my friend suggested doing art or something that would open the flow of creativity. If that is a problem then I can just imagine being creative.  My guidance took me to a lagoon with dolphins and we swim and play there for a while.  I feel less tension after I am playful.  The next chakra is the yellow solar plexus area in the stomach.  That is the area of self nourishment.  Food is a symbol of survival and of love and belonging.  Being able to take in love and then release it or give it back is the ebb and flow that this chakra should feel.  This chakra needed me to say “ I am enough” and I appreciate myself.  The next chakra is green and considered the heart chakra.  I felt open here but I needed that emerald spinning wheel to help open the bottom four.  I feel such spiritual love and realize a relationship with God that usually this wheel is quite open and bright.  My blue throat chakra is open and I am a writer and express my thoughts.  Most open is usually the third eye and my clairvoyance is nice and purple.  Some people say indigo. I seem to have a deep purple and the indigo seems to be more toward the pineal with some pink and white light at the top chakra.  When I write I see some lemon yellow hues in the “lotus” chakra. There are issues with money and food and I am to be more in the flow with those two survival items. 

I did this and felt much better then there was a physical reaction for me.  The next day I was in the bathroom literally getting rid of water and waste.  I did not travel far from a bathroom.  I see this letting go of the garbage I don’t need as directly related to the meditations I am doing.  

It will probably be good to update in a few months with more on this process.  

Friday 4/13

I am feeling much better this AM.  I have the desire to take a walk and do yoga.  It is such a blessing when you body guides you and there is no resistance.  I am remaining in a calm state more often. Calmness seems to be something missing in my world.  I am trusting this process.  

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