Friday, April 26, 2013

My Relationship with Jesus and Alex Jones

  Peace Wave

My relationship with Jesus is an ongoing process.   I have come to realize that my relationship with everything including Alex Jones is an ongoing process.  I do not claim to be any one religion or any one political leaning.  I am very much on the cafeteria plan with all that fits me and brings more love and light into my world.  

I was going to do a post  regarding prophecy from the point of view of an ex-Satanist who returned to his Christian roots.  He was lumping all things Wiccan and tarot cards and astrology into the Old Testament feeling that they are an abomination to God.  I have heard these views from my Baptist grandmother and she was worried about my gift of intuition long ago.  In the New Testament Paul speaks of gifts of the spirit, counseling and dream insight and healing and prophecy were all included.  The difference between seeing these as a spiritual gift and consorting with evil spirits is quite simple.  Are you using what you have to help others?   Also are you testing your spirits?  My guides are of the light only.  I don’t allow any lower astral entities in my home.  I am a medium who is very protected.  I had a dark soul come to me once.  This person was the departed father of a woman I was counseling with.  He was asking for forgiveness from her for not being a good father.  This could be a longer story but the main thing was, he was in the beginning stages of shifting towards the light.  Part of his aura was now light grey.  After the transition called death we continue to look at the pain we have caused others with new understanding and in the end there is redemption.  Even if a person claims to have a belief in Jesus they are not automatically forgiven until they have a fuller understanding of the part they might have played in life and why.  In the end we forgive ourselves and that is the bigger triumph.  Jesus always forgives and loves unconditionally but you would not think that if his message is misinterpreted. The fact that people convert at the end of their life to Christianity, does not undo everything, unless they are fully aware of all that they have caused.  Jesus frequently said, "go and sin no more". Why would he say that if that had cart blanch?  That happens quite frequently by some ministers and Christian orientations.  I don’t belong to a set of doctrines, I belong to God.  I listen to my inner guidance.  I am a work in progress so I am not alluding to being fully aware and God Realized.  I climb the mountain of consciousness.  There are many paths.  While on earth deception is possible.  It is possible for every one so stay uplifted.

Jesus spoke to the dead also.  Jesus was showing us at every turn what humans are capable of.  The dead are not dead.  Elijah and Moses where transfigured in a mist while Jesus was on the mountain top in serious discussion with them. Then Jesus spoke of reincarnation.  It is my interpretation of what he said about Elijah.  He mentioned that Elijah had come and gone and no one recognized who he was.  John the Baptist was Elijah.  The Roman counsel tried to present all biblical stories in a form that the general Roman Pagan would embrace.  Many things wound up on the cutting room floor, but they missed a few tad bits.  

I have read for many Christians.  They are sometimes surprised by my relationship with Jesus.  There is no higher energy that I have encountered.  There are many saints, sages and healers.  He has the most brilliant aura that looks like a rainbow and goes on for a city block.  Our relationship is solid.  He saved me (quite literally) from being murdered once.  I had a gun pointed in my stomach and I was taken out of my body at that moment.  If this person had fired, I would not have felt the pain at all.  That is nice to know that many are taken before the impact of a crash or serious fatality.  As I left my body I saw Jesus standing between me and my perpetrator.  He was on fire with white light and he was wearing his crown of thorns.  Wow that was quite a vision to see.  He said, “Nancy you are bought and paid for”.  I was thinking “I am so lucky”.  This person fired his weapon in the air twice and a hundred people were all ready on their phone to 911.  When I came back to physical I could hear sirens and this man was running away.  This is one of many up close and personal contacts I have had with the entity known as Jesus.  We are tight.  I have had visits from Sai Baba, Lincoln and Kennedy as well as Bob Marley who is gorgeous and sparkles.  Yes, I have been fortunate to see those departed in a very vivid way.  No one needs to accept this.  I know and that is all that matters. 

I always knew about Alex Jones and in the past did not enjoy him.  He seemed hyper emotional and perhaps in a state of over vigilance.  Recently I was on You Tube listening to him speaking with Dr. Wallach.  I use Youngevity products and feel I am improving and really swear by them.  Then the Boston Marathon Bombings happened.  I don’t want to say too much, but I feel the two men they caught are scapegoats.  Sometimes our government brings double agents over here and fixes them up with passports and housing and cars and all the things they dream of.  I think that description fits the older brother but not the younger one.  They had both men in custody before death and near fatal injury because they obtain written confessions from both of them.  Were they water boarded into confession? Did they have attorneys present?  None of the stories add up as to why they were shot.  While in custody confessing they did not have weapons. Did they ever have weapons?  I don’t think any of us will get the whole truth on this situation for a century.  There would be such mayhem if the truth were known. I see it.  I don’t like what I see and it upsets me very much.  I don’t want to villanize Obama or anyone else but there is a huge cover up.  I will just call it dark ops and globalist agenda.  If I were the mother of these two men I would be asking lots of questions and she is.  I would also question the lack of due process.  I get tired of people referring to anything not seen by mainstream media as “conspiracy” and crazy.  I am disappointed with mainstream media.  Anyway I have new found respect for Alex because he has the courage to question and so research.  I might not agree with everything he says, but as long as people have freedom of speech, he is allowed to have his view points.
I am allowed to have my view point’s too.  No one is asked to agree but just to consider.

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