Friday, January 3, 2014

2014 Predictions. Part Two

I decided to include all the pages here.  Why join a newsletter that you don't intend to read.  ?

OK, the rest of the story.

I see a new use for Volcanos. They are helpful for many things. Someone wants to stir up a lava flow...but don't worry there are no casualties.

Good News for our Bees.  There is help and pressure to remove anything toxic to bees from pesticides. X rated robots.  Yes, well they are on the rise too. Life size sex objects by mail order. There is a new virus coming that is transmitted sexually. New STD's make ¨casual dating¨ really dangerous.  They act much faster and death comes in a short time. I hate telling this type of not good news.  

There are some powerful new unions opening up for fast food workers and service industry workers.  I feel good about it for the most part.  It will improve the lives of many.  The Affordable Health Care Act will be welcome finally, there are some bugs to work out. Many people will love it.
Another worrisome item is WHO demanded vaccinations. I hear the words, ¨super bugs and nanobots¨ whispered to me from my marvelous guides.  It will be hard to decide if the prevention is worse than the illness. Some people die from the flu no matter what, however watch for the fear factor in amping up on casualties.

There are some new ways of getting more accurate news. I feel the Clear Channel monopoly will be broken. Russia will operate a station from Canada...I hear Montreal. That will be a good thing.  We will get world news from a less biased source.  I know, during the cold war that would not be a welcome idea. It will be great now. It will open the door to seeing things in a less lopsided way.

Cuba may open its doors wider as well and again, I believe it is a good gesture and not to be feared in anyway.  The world is getting smaller and they all are wanting peace as much as we do.  Sadly there are those who profit from war.  The huge banking cartel loans money to countries and sometimes funds both side of a war. My brother found this so hard to believe. He called it conspiracy.  I told him OK, Google: Bilderberg Group
It was a conspiracy ten years ago until so many journalist found out about it. Now it is so documentable. There are agendas of ruthless, inhumane people, bloodlines like the Rothschilds, who might not be entirely human. There is so much about them that defies having a human heart. I can't even start to talk about it.  I would leave my vortex and get upset. It would sound ¨crazy¨ except for all the millions of worldwide atrocities committed with impunity.  Do some research, but don't get buried in it. It is a mood killer.  And this is a Happy New Year and we want to keep it that way!

This year we will see many females running for President. And I don't think Hillary will be the final choice. But lets leave some fun in the race. I don't want to know. Next year I might hone in on all the politics regarding our next US president.

More people will invest in hydroponic gardens. And it makes sense. Even small apartments can do this and share with neighbors. Hey, you grow green beans and I will grow tomatoes and we can all share in the harvest.

There will be more and more focus on the Hopi Nation. I feel that they don't need a casino. They will need hotels for all the world visitors as they open up on predictions and culture. I saw a Hopi Rain Dance in person. I got the worse sunburn on my face that day, but it was a vision that I will honor all my life. I was invited there by a neighbor while I lived on the Navajo Reservations.  These experiences found me...I did not plan one of these events. My then husband did not graduate with his teaching degree until late September. The only teaching job available was in Chinle, Arizona. One of their high school teachers had just quit. We promptly moved up there and it was such wonderful cultural expansion for me.  Life is full of surprises.

I feel disclosures of UFO and extraterrestrials or races other than humans from earth will come front and center when several fighter jets from our US Air Force are deflected from a huge mothership in place daylight. They can be no casualties, because this would create such an incident. There are the aliens that are for us humans and those not looking out for us.  Again, don't decide too quickly, based on the media, who is who.  Stay calm!

Debt is so horrible for many people and it is too the point that there will be government programs to help restore credit to many decent hard working people. I see it being a great program but I don't see it after 2016. Get in on this while Obama is in office. Fair warning.

There are a few more things I am seeing.  Let is all leave some of the future to speculation. It will be a great year.  I welcome it with open arms.

With Abounding Cosmic Love


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