Sunday, February 23, 2014

The Woopi Goldberg, Oda Mae Effect

Remember the movie Ghost (1990) with Whoopi playing a psychic named Oda Mae? How can we forget. She is a charlatan psychic.  I met several of those types of psychics in Sedona.   I call it burn out.  They have been psychic at one time, started charging money, got used to that and lost the real connection.  I am not sure how that happens exactly.  When drinking coffee with some top psychics they will tell me things I am sure they don’t say to very many.  They don’t want to be psychics any more.  They want to do work shops, sell books,  sell cards but they don’t really want to service people in readings anymore.

Perhaps they were intrigued at one time with the gift and with helping people.  That all flew by the wayside.   Social workers ( I have worn that tee shirt) go through burn out so no other profession.  Police, Nurses, Doctors, Psychologist and (Psychics), all experience burn out.  I watch it happen like a bad movie.  

Bad Movie: Susan Sunshine Social Worker

Young fresh 22 year old hops off the bus with a small suitcase.  She is a Pollyanna type with a big grin. She just graduated from college and she is filled with passion and inspiration.  She is going to help people and make a difference in this world.  It takes about a year of bumping into some not so nice realities before she loses that glow. There are so many reasons...I can think of 199 right now.  People can be lazy, they can get stuck, agencies are not funded correctly.  People at the top, the CEO’s who sit in plush offices take their salary off the top of the funding, perhaps your tax dollars and donations,  the social workers are busting their butts and making nothing, and the money to help the people dries up all too fast.  People are resistant to change, some of the techniques and classes are totally ineffective, people have to want to change. Sometimes you cannot throw enough money at a family to make it any different.  Find free housing, food stamps, health care, find them a job, etc,  and they wind up back on the streets.  They come back wanting more help.  Paper work is nightmare.  The agencies really want so much paperwork and yet special people helpers rarely get paid for it.  Our 22 year old Pollyanna get disillusioned.  She is tired and overworked.  She has no social life and she can barely pay her bills.  It happens just like that. There are of course exceptions and when people do turn their lives sun comes out and the birds sing.   The expectations people have of psychics can be so unrealistic.  There is a similar story for us.

The End…

Well if you remember the story in Ghost (movie 1990),  Patrick Swayze is murdered and he comes back to help protect his wife, Demi Moore, who is in danger.  He can’t reach Demi,  she is not able to hear him. This is very accurate.  Grief can block any real clear communication.  You can sense the loved one, and dream about them and yet the water is muddy on accurate messages.  Patrick contacts Oda Mae who does hear him.  All of a sudden she is a real psychic and what’s worse is she can’t get rid of Patrick.  Yes, that does really happen.  There are ghosts that will not leave me alone until I get a message to their loved one.  

I will get to the point I am really trying to make.  God, Source, Your Higher Self and Your Guides are all connected in your vortex of your being.  Neale Donald Walsch says, God is always trying to connect with you.  The next song on the radio might be a love song from Source and it is just for you.  

Even if a psychic is not sufficiently in tune with her center and her receptivity, the message you need can come through.  That message will come through with such grandeur and clarity no matter what.  It is you the client that will allow the message and it is you the client who will block the message.  

Two Questions Are Forming Here

One:  Why are psychics not always in tune?  

They are like anyone, they can be overly tired,  they can be stressed by life events happening to them, and they might just need a break from the intensity of being a psychic.  They might need to recharge their battery.  Channeling takes a certain type of life force and power.  It is easy to become drained.  If someone is greedy they might be doing too many readings a some people do in Sedona.  It is OK for a short while but then they hit the floor.  It take a while to recoup.  And often times they lose the desire to help people in this way...because it is like offering someone a gold nugget that took lots of energy to create, and it is not appreciated at all.  I think Jesus called that casting your pearls before swine.?  It can feel that way.  There is really no monetary amount for this exchange.  The money charged is only a token amount and you are paying them for their time.  You are also, paying for all the fakes out there.  I mean really, if people don’t value a true channeled message,  it might be because of bad psychics in the past.

Because it does happen to all of us who do this work.  I offer to re-do a reading two weeks in the future...if someone is unhappy. I think I have a very good record, but sometimes it just isn't going as well as I would like   Why wait two weeks?  Well, that gets to the next Question:  

Two:  People can energetically block messages

There are many ways the client can block and disallow the best possible reading, the clarity and the answers they need.  This has always baffled me.  When the student is ready the teacher is there.  When a client is ready to see the solution that solution will show up.  I observe this many times.  My guides have to go around the back side of the barn to enter the client's subjective reality.  It is seldom going to come at them in a direct way.  We don’t really always want the truth.  We don’t always want to see where we might be a part of the problem or worse, maybe all of the problem.  There are barriers.  My guides do their best to work around these issues.  Me too.  That is why it is good to put a problem aside and revisit it later, perhaps the Universe has opened the window just a bit and you can see and hear the answers.  

Don't get freaked out by disappointment. All of us have a wee bit of impatience.  We want it a hungry child looking at a chocolate cookie…!   Hard to believe we can get in our own way.  Below is a great Abe/Hicks video.

When you are open,  The Universe will put an Oda Mae (the real psychic version) in your path that demonstrates all that you need to know and are seeking.  Relax...stay does happen!

Abe/Hicks  on overcoming disappointment

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