Thursday, March 5, 2015

Arthritis, Depression & Diabetes Discussion

Ever wonder why Diabetes and Arthritis are almost epidemic now days?  I have learned a few things that might surprise you about these and depression.  

I had gestational diabetes.  When pregnant with my second child I had sugar in my urine.  My first pregnancy had been normal.  I was normal weight and quite healthy.  My father insisted we not eat sugar.  He was a dentist.  I seemed to be craving sweet things all the time.  But I can honestly say, I was not eating wrong in anyway according to most authorities.  

I had postpartum depression and I believe it ended my marriage.  That might not be the only reason but I believed it really contributed.  

I went to doctors and specialist for years until I started living with great pain.  It was a combination of arthritis and fibromyalgia.  I was on pain pills all the time and living a half life.  When the neurosurgeon told me he would not help me, I fell into a deep depression,  I had planned to commit suicide.  It was as though that doctor held the key to living without pain, or so I believed.  

Sitting on my couch a few days later: I was writing a good bye note to all those I knew and became very sleepy.  I had to take a nap.  When I woke up there was a pink colored flyer on the coffee table.  I had no idea where it came from.  The flyer said:  Do You Suffer from Diabetes and Arthritis?  I Have Answers for You.  Call Me.  There was a name and phone number on the flyer.  

I called Rosemary and told her I had a plan to end it all except for her flyer.  She insisted seeing me right away.  I made an appointment.  It was obvious to me that she sold supplements as there were bottles everywhere.  Again, I felt rather sad and hopeless.  Being out of work for a while had me living in poverty.  I just knew I would get a sells pitch and not be able to buy the recommended products.  Rosemary told me that she would not sell me any products until I did some reading.  She loaned me a book called "Dead Doctors Don't Lie"   I read it and it was quite an education.  That would take about 10 pages to relate.  I went back with better questions this time.  Rosemary was a great resource of knowledge.  I still was broke.  She gave me a handful of free samples.  And I went back with good results from the samples and she gave me some more.  I needed about a 100 dollars to buy the most needed items.  I felt well enough to at least get a part time job.  Even though I have a great education, I decided to work for an answering service.  I thought that I looked pretty bad.  I had gained lots of weight, and did not have appropriate work clothes.  I had thrift store finds on.  

When people talk about starting at rock bottom, I can relate.  I looked like a "washer woman",  I had no energy and I still was taking the occasional pain pill, so really who is going to hire me?  My goal was achieved.  I had my first pay check and with that money I bought the life saving vitamins and minerals I needed.  I would like to add, not just any vitamins and minerals will do.  These are more bio-accessible and plant derived as well as colloidal.  Not exactly a trip to a health food store or vitamin shoppe.  

Little by Little I started to improve,  After about six months I applied for a full time position in my field.  After a few paychecks I was able to finance a new car.  I looked like I was pulling up and out of a treacherous situation until the phone call happened,  I got a phone call that my oldest son had died.  He was 27 years old.  As might be expected, I went immediately down hill. I lost my job too.  

So my recovery looked like this:

Got the vitamins and minerals I needed, was almost completely recovered from everything, got a great job and new car.  Lost my son and was bottomed out again.  I had another son to live for.

This time it was Neale Donald Walsh that saved my life.  The intervention I needed was a spiritual one.  From Neales workshops I learned about Ester Hicks.  

I found the spiritual foundation I needed to go on.  I would say a large piece of illness is spiritually based,  Perhaps all of it.  Hard to see that maybe we did create some of our issues by being cut off from the Source of All things.  

Life Style Changes Came Next

I started walking more, doing Yoga and meditating.  This was helping a great deal but, I found some of my old complaints cropping up again.  I was starting to live with pain, I did not wish to return to pain pills.  Again I called Rosemary.  I told her that lots of life had happened but I needed to care about my body again.  This time I found the money by selling my car.  It was better to not have a car than not have a body that was healthy.  

Nowhere in this story is there a doctor of medicine. They could not help me.  Diabetes and Arthritis are actually caused by mineral deficiencies.  Remember there was a disease called Rickets that was caused by a lack of Calcium and vitamin D.  Scurvy was something sailors got from lack of Vitamin C. Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling discovered that vitamin C was essential for our immune systems and fighting viruses.  But no one was thinking that a lack of selenium (a mineral) would cause cystic fibrosis.  No one thought that a lack of several minerals would cause diabetes either.  

Our soil was once rich in natural occurring minerals. People used to farm differently and threw wood ash into their gardens and other compost.  Modern agriculture does little to feed and fallow the soil anymore.  We eat vegetables and yet they lack vitality.  Then there is gluten.   You have heard that word I am sure.  When people stone ground healthier grains and used them in an unprocessed way, there was benefit.  Cheap white bread will kill you.   The intestines get clogged and cannot ingest the proper nutrients anyway,  I read another book by Veterinarian turned People Doctor, Joel Wallach.  Dr. Wallach was seeing arthritis, cystic fibrosis and other human diseases in animals. (folks, these are not genetic) He gave them mineral treatments because, animals don't have Blue/Cross Blue Shield.  He cured them easily enough.  

The way agriculture and processed foods have changed our world have created some very serious and epidemic health problems.  The Pharmaceutical Giants just love it.   What a hey day for those guys. Doctors cannot be doctors anymore.  The way they must practice is predicated by licensing boards and skewed research.  Anyway a must read book is "Hells Kitchen"  by Joel Wallach.  You Tube is a great place to find Wallach.  

Now I don't want to put Wallach on a pedestal although is has done more than any other doctor in this century. Admiration is not the same as idol worship. He want to give him lots of credit and, I think there are some other factors and new upcoming leaders to watch for.  

Dr, Peter Breggin has a lot to say about not taking anti depressants. There are new research studies where psychotic patients were given intravenous vitamins, largely, C, B Complex, D3 and minerals and within days were not showing symptoms of mania, depression, and delusion.  But it looks like that research got kicked to the curb.  Now who would want to hide that?  There are so many psychiatrists and doctors who are sick of how things are and try to fight against a mighty current.  Most of us can follow the money trail and stink enough to figure it out,  That is not rocket science.  

So now I am eating better, less gluten, less diary is happening for me. My symptoms are better. My life style changes like doing Richard Simmons "Sweatin to the Oldies" everyday, taking nice walks, doing Hatha Yoga once again are greatly helping. My spiritual practices include inspirational reading, group meditation and my own meditation each morning. 

I think I am doing the right things with food.  I have been cooking with coconut oil. (all wrong)  I try and keep up with all the health trends.  Now I am reading "Hell's Kitchen" by Joel Wallach and find sauteing in oil is not advisable according to Wallach. Sometimes it is not advised to be a vegetarian either.  I was reading that a more raw vegetable diet, lots of greens, fish, nuts and healthy grains (not the cereal killers) but adding brown rice instead to our is much prefered.  It has been about 10 years. 

 I went to a doctor today and my CN1 is almost normal and my echocardiogram is "perfect".  I dance everyday and feel great. When I think about that suicide note it seems like another person.  It was worth the journey

I know people want a more blow by blow description but that is like 500 pages.  I will have to write a book. There is a more detailed account of what I am doing on my 90 Day Challenge Face Book Page. It has great recommendations.  

 If you do decide to order Doctor Wallach's products,  tell them Nancy sent you and my Distributor number is 2445-9901.  

I am not even a sells person.  I got a check for 10 dollars once.  I decided to become a distributor because I use their products and save on shipping.  That 10 dollars would not pay the rent. 

 Some people do quite well. Rosemary is healthy and delightful and is making a living at counseling and selling these health products. I have been trying to get well and that was my only goal. I just lightly tap people on the shoulder and say "maybe this works" and no arm twisting happens.  I now think that is because maybe I did not completely believe it myself.  I came from a doctor (my Dad) and it is hard to do something that often is not advised by doctors. We tend to hold doctors in a god like reverence. Well, I can thank modern allopathic medicine for all the great diagnostics. I have a lot of proof now that my insights and renegade ways have paid off.  I don't expect people to just jump in the way I did.  Perhaps at least I can encourage others to do their own research.  I can only offere what worked for me.  At last I have test results that confirm it.

If you want a consultation, and an education for your specific issues please visit my website and book an appointment. my website The products are not always one size fits all...but everyone needs minerals, vitamins and EFAs just for the basics.  There are starter packs available at Youngevity.  

Edgar Cayce recommended a few things that are not mentioned by Dr. Wallach. Cayce suggests getting spinal manipulation by a chiropractor and castor oil packs. He believes the best salad dressings are olive oil, lemon juice and spices and also red wine vinegar. I think these are meaningful additions as well.  I like this article I found and would say this guy is a living example of taking control of your health.  The only thing I would be cautious of is whole grains the contain gluten.  Wallach calls those "cereal killers" LOL.  They often keep the intestines from absorbing all those great minerals and nutrients we add. Here is the link:

This is a fuller explanation of Cayce's recommendation.  I suggest adding Sweet Ez or a combination of chromium and vanadium as well as other minerals.  Wallach states that minerals work in concert.  


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