Thursday, March 19, 2015

Will I Win the Lottery? Common Question

"Will I win the lottery" or "if you are psychic, why don't you win the lottery".  I have heard those two question lately.  But when I heard it changed me a great deal.

For those reading this. I am a professional psychic.  We have a bad rap.  I work hard at changing that. And some of that "fear" and judgment comes from certain religious doctrines. I am quite sure that Jesus was about as psychic as they come.  He spoke to disembodied spirit (Elisa and Moses) and he seemed to know the future.  In Corinthians II there is a section on "gifts of the spirit" and prophesy is one of those.  How someone uses this talent is what is important.  My intentions are high and benevolent ones.

I had a very nice lady show up for a reading today.  My kitchen is my office and I work at the table. This lady had a tape recorder and I really liked that.  I wish more people would bring them.

She tried to tell me what the another psychic said.  I stopped her.  I really like to start with a clean slate with everyone.  That is counter intuitive from what people think.  The less I know the better.

This is an example:  About 15 years ago I had a job at a homeless shelter.  I was not doing readings hardly at all.  I would get requests sometimes, and say, I am so tired, beat, and just need a real week end.   If I were independently wealthy, I am sure I would do readings but it would be more on my terms. 

Back to my co-worker, I'll call her Jane, who kept asking me for a tarot card reading.  I finally said yes.  I had known her for about a year.  I liked her very much.  She was a happily married mother of four.  I enjoyed her cheerful bubbly attitude.  She looked and acted somewhat like Melissa McCarthy, (famous comedian).  Yes, I thought I knew her. 

Now to complicate this and add a wrinkle, I had been flirting with someone at work.  He was the IT or computer guy.  He was about my age, with salt and pepper hair.  He had a winning smile and I always was glad when my computer needed a visit from this guy. I will call him "Jack". 

So, Jane and I pull out our sandwiches for lunch in the break room,  and I began laying out my cards on the table.  I start to shift slightly into my ultra relaxed and ultra receptive place.  And, there it was.  There are two men in her reading.  Apparently, she is not that "happily" married because she has been having a six month affair with someone I know at work.   I saw Jack's face very clearly.  When I told her it was Jack, she turned pale as a ghost.  She was not expecting this kind of accuracy.   I think I started looking for a new job after that.  I am a political hot potato almost anywhere I work.  I made a vow to not read for co-workers again. 

I assumed I knew her.  Anything I assume can be challenged when I am channeling and receptive.  I don't want to assume too much prior to getting to that purer energy where everything gets clear for me. Give me a stranger any much easier. 

End of the example.

Back to today.

I was able to stop my client from telling me too much about herself or what another psychic said.  People who visit a lot of psychics, they get so many mixed messages.  It really muddies the water.

What I saw was amazing.  Her true life path was to heal a karmic relationship with her family of origin.  That was first and the ultimate priority.  I said, you can't buy that kind of peace and harmony for a truck load of gold. 

She had a rather serious health issue.  I told her so much about that and that she should nip the bud on this.  Right now it is not too serious, but, it will become serious.  Again, I said, Health is something you cannot purchase.  You can't go buy a new body with 50 million dollars.  I remember a Twilight Zone episode where in the future that is possible.  But not now.

Up till now, I did not know that her most important question was lingering. 

She asked me about money...I said it looked good.  There were some ups and downs but she would be doing fine.  Then she mentioned a psychic who works at Vision Quest.  That person told her she would soon win the lottery.  I assume this means the huge jack pot one.

My feeling is this: even if she did, it would not help her.  And I really did not see it all.  Not a huge win.  Maybe a  small jackpot. Those are fun.  

My guides told me later that there are so many competing vibrations around the lottery.  If this wonderful lady would create the harmony she was supposed to with her family of origin, it would help the energy around her.  It would make winning the lottery more possible. 

It is all about energy.  I also received the message that if a person has a higher goal for the money it will help.   If your goal would help many people, that could effect the numbers.  The numbers you pick are not as important as the Universe deciding to line up with those numbers at exactly the right second.  Creating the right energetic connection is possible.  Is it possible for anyone to win the lottery?  Sure it is.  There are things a person can do to make it a thousand times more probable.  For one thing, do not be desperate about it. Remember this is a game with lots of players.  Have some fun with that.  Visualize the joy you will feel in winning and have a solid plan for the money.  I know someone who won 50 thousand dollars and in a year it was gone.  They partied it away.  That happens and it leaves someone in even worse shape. Now they probably have a huge substance addiction and they are loosing their home.  That is an example of the lottery not solving all the problems in one's life.  

So even if a psychic picks up on some winning numbers.  I have gotten 3 of them recently (needed 5),  energetically there is so much energy.  Out there (somewhere under the crescent moon) is an elderly woman saying prayers for all her family members and her newest great grand baby too. She is comfortable in her own needs, it is not critical that she wins.  So she tells God in her prayer what she would do for each Grand Child...and just as she finishes her prayer the lotto angels are picking numbers....

I think that is kinda how it goes. 

With a wink and a smile...

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