Monday, May 11, 2015

Heaven and God on This Alaskan Cruise

2008 Sitka Alaska
I was in awe of the small athletic porpoises leaping from the ocean waves. They were playing in the wake left by the ocean liner I was on. It was a dream come true: Finally to meet Neale Donald Walsch in person and to be in such a rich environment on board the Oosterdam Ship. There had been a rash of deaths in my family and those events seemed as otherworldly as experiencing the vast sea coast in front of me. I had received a modest inheritance and decided it was time to take a trip that would relax and heal my ravaged soul. Accepting the absence of significant people was not easy to get past and I needed the adventure and condolence that only nature in all its loveliness can offer.

We were traveling up the west coastal waters of Canada on our way to the breath taking shores of pine clad Alaskan mountains. I was on sensory overload. It was so beautiful I would clasp my heart and say to myself, "take this all in, breathe it in, feel it in, so you can always remember how this felt and looked and smelled. I was in the process of absorbing all the beauty I possibly could in one week. I was also journaling all I could from the lectures Neale would present on board ship. The following is a discussion about getting in touch with our own soul and together with God receiving the answers we need.

At nine in the morning we met in the Crow's Nest. We are on the upper most deck enclosed by huge glass windows that keep out the chill in the ocean air. Since we are at the rear or aft of the ship, we watch the wake the ship is leaving and see the vast expanse of blue ocean behind us. Every once in a while we are greeted with the presence of sea gulls circling the cloudless blue sky. I am feeling like a spoiled brat. I found out that room service was included in the deal I paid for. I had coffee and an omelet delivered to my room. I feel like I am in a dream but I keep telling myself it is all very real.

Neale asked us to gather in a semi circle and not a wide one. There are two roles of us in half circles. He explains that he broke his neck in an auto accident prior to writing his best selling "Conversations with God" novels. He mentions that it is important that he be able to maintain eye contact with everyone without twisting his neck too much. We all oblige and fit into his line of vision.

Neale is 60 something years old and has a sparkle in his blue eyes. His white hair is a bit long. He has a full white beard that makes him look like a sophisticated Moses figure sitting in jeans and a royal blue shirt directly in front of us. He tells us some jokes. It loosens the mood and then he begins with his discussion on the "ceiving" of things. He explains that God is constantly talking to us if we will listen.

Many times God gives us great ideas that we toss out or censure. I am taking notes and asking questions. One year later I read my short hand and realize I must fill in some of this discussion from memory. So the discussion goes something like this:
When we ask for help, God will bestow upon the mind certain "ceivings". This is not a true word but our mind conceives something that God put into the subconscious. Under ideal circumstances, we hope it will plant itself and grow, for this is "ceiving" at its best. However, many ceivings will be like seeds cast into the thorns. These seeds, or creative conceptions, will be trampled by our own limited perception. Neale explained, "we ceive, perceive and then deceive". Our own inner censor will come from our conscious mind and tell us things like "you can't do that", or "you tried something like that before and it didn't work". What just happened? An idea was cast into your mind and it was pure genius and original design. We tossed it out before it had a chance. Then if we should share our idea with others, those others become the birds that eat all our seeds or great ideas. The peanut gallery is full of nay sayers that will trample your dreams underfoot or eat them for breakfast. The idea is to let the seeds of God fall onto fertile ground and take root.

Neale asked us to write down an issue we were having in our personal lives. Tomorrow we will collectively discuss what we can "ceive". Give yourself time to meditate and cultivate the receptive part of one's mind. Carry your question with you into the rest of this day and watch for subtle messages. You might engage in a conversation with a stranger on board ship and they will gift you with an idea or you might turn to the right page of a book and see an answer.
Sometimes we will flip on a radio station and hear a song that seems to sing to us our answer. And then we will tell ourselves, oh, that was nothing, that song is on the airwaves for everyone and I am acting like it was just for me. Well, maybe it was just for you. Maybe God was singing a love song to anyone who would listen. When you received it in your heart at the perfect moment, then it was just for you.

Neale cautioned us about caring for our soul more than any other aspect. Most of us get caught up in our day to day worlds. We busy ourselves with many mundane things. If you give some time to each day to meditate and ask questions of God your life will start to unfold in untold ways. God wants to communicate with us, but, we give that precious little time. We might spend a half hour on the phone with a creditor, and then be grumpy and upset for the next half hour. We have aches and pains, so we spend two hours waiting to see a doctor. We come home with a prescription that makes us drowsy and out of sorts so we will just go to bed early. Even our best friend calls and we can't speak to her/him right now. Neale cautioned us about putting the "kingdom of God first" everyday. That "kingdom" or sacred realm is within our own soul. Neale said that when we have our SOUL as our priority, or the apex of our own pyramid, all else will be put into right order. Our bodies will repair themselves and take on new life and our Mind will function on the high level it was meant to. Our mind is not the same as our brain. The brain functions much like a computer and helps us perceive and navigate our physical world.

God will reach us and gift us with good ideas and solutions to any crisis or problem. That gift cannot take hold in a sea of anxiety and worry. You must calm your mind and have faith. I am getting in the habit of asking for a solution and then immediately saying "thank you God". My faith is now growing to the point that I know I will get my answer. I don't always know who will deliver it but I know "it is in the mail. I might be just doing the dishes and out of the blue the solutions to my dilemma plops into my head. I don't argue with it. Even if it seems unlikely, I write it down. I water it a little with gratitude and love. In a short time I have a plan that I can really carry out. I usually don't share my information until I have the result or conclusion manifest. Other people can destroy a fragile dream. This is between you and God so find a warm sunny spot to let it grow and become a miracle.
At the end of any Neale directed lecture, he would turn to us and ask, "Are you folks getting your money's worth"? It is odd because my negative parts would say "wow I have spent an enormous amount of money for me on this trip". My practical side would chime in with "you should have put this money in a CD or IRA for retirement." I would just grab my heart and say, no, no, no. This trip is worth a million trillion dollars to my soul. I am sure that this money will have many spiritual unfoldings in the future. No savings account can give my heart, life and soul these types of returns.
So there it is. It makes it all the sweeter to share this journey with all of you. And may all your dreams have a fertile place to plant themselves and grow.

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