Sunday, May 10, 2015

Do We Have Reptile Dysfunction in the USA?

Who is really the man behind the curtain?  It might not be a human being at all.  Sounds absolutely ridiculous to most people until one of two things happen.  They are abducted by the military, or they are abducted by the aliens. 

If you are lucky enough to not fall into either one of those two boxes; there is a third box: Social Services.  I fall into that box.  These are the therapist, counselors, teachers, and social workers who will very often hear stories from children about being forced to participate in rituals.  They call them Satanic Rituals or cult rituals.  They witness baby murder or infanticide.  They are forced to participate in sexual acts.  What makes this horrible is that many of these rituals are inviting some of the most prominent leaders in the community.  Those who try to report or expose often meet with an unfortunate accident. 

Instead of posting links; I just suggest going to YouTube and use that search bar and the following names:

Camelot Interview with Carry Cassidy and Rothschild Daughter
Stewart Swerdlow/Reptilians and Mind Control
Arizona Wilder/ Deceived No More
Maxwell Jordon/Reptilians

My biggest question as a social worker was: Why?  I felt there were traumatized children and that they were telling the truth.  Many of these kids are forced to redact their story.

Hang on to Your Seat for the Why Part. 

 There are the reasons for doing this that the cult believes, that is what the more human or half human hybrids believe.  There is a more unfathomable version of what the aliens have disclosed to certain insiders.  And if any of this is true and that means even 1% of it, we need to stand up and take notice.  There is a defense.  That is knowing your rights as a human, being strong enough to stand your ground, know what human values you most cherish and highlight those. 

Most victims are seduced by fuzzy boundaries and a loss of personal power. Most babies are taken from 3rd world countries, bought from "bad" people running orphanages. Children often have no choice and parents arrange for them to be victims.  Why would any parent ever do that?  They believe it fractures the mind and allows the reptilian part of them to emerge over the human part. The reptilian part is more logical, more like Spock. It is survival based thinking.  Also in many ways they now are initiated into this cult.  Many children will not be able to interact with "normies" out there after this horrible act occurs. Children are often tortured, raped, forced to watch the other children who are being harmed as well.  They become rather submissive and less able to think for themselves.  As Swerdlow mentioned; these fractured minds become suggestible. They might be asked to murder or do other types of unethical acts later.

And why is the government so complacent?  That is a mile long story and I suggest Googling Ted Gunderson, FBI, murdered for his investigation into the Satanic Cults operating with high level government officials involved.  This is sad to watch the USA slowly loose its priceless FREEDOMS that so many people died for.  It was a long hard fight, to then have it swept away with the Patriot Act. 

I also suggest that everyone get a copy of Methodical Illuision by Rebekah Roth.  I just got my copy in the mail.  If you Google that name there are plenty of interviews with her.  She is a brave person to write an airline industries insider account of what happened on 9/11.  Warning:  It will make you sick at heart and you will realize several things.  The think I hope we all realize is this:  Let the real USA citizens stand up and say, we did not do any of this.  Our government has been usurped and the real bosses might not be able to un hide themselves.

What I have heard from those who seem to speak with Reptilian (five star military generals have be witnessed in trade agreements)  aliens is this:  We are many things for them.  They harvest us in different ways.  We are advancing now and close to liberation.  They will be stuck underground on earth and cannot escape until they evolve like we are.  The chickens are flying the coup.  Human blood is like a drug for them.  It holds hormones that they do not produce.  They are amused by human emotions and especially like "war games" and fear.  Humans provide much of the things they need and cannot produce for themselves. 

Reptilians are very psychic and can read us.  They are fast and will know what you are going to do milliseconds before you do it.  They feel superior to humans.  They do not understand human connectedness, love, bonding and family.  We are able to connect with our Higher Selves in a way they have lost.  We have a divine connection and with that is the ability to create and improve our lives.  And they have been able to deceive and manipulate us very easily.  They can mentally control humans pretty well.  Not always.  Anytime someone behaves in a brave altruistic way, it really foils a plan.  By not engaging in anger and violence and even offering co-existence, we foil reptilian agendas. 

First I guess people must believe they are here.  I say look at the way our world is going?  Humans will sell out other humans for money and power.  Not all of us, but, there are those who have lost their way.  Most people will be more effected by the non human friendly agendas than actually seeing a reptilian in an up close personal way.  It is so important to support people who do experience this.  Very often they are ridiculed and their life becomes undone.  If someone tells you their story, please be open minded. 

Jesus said:  The meek will inherit the earth.  I believe that is true.  In the end it will be our kindness not our inferior weapons that win the day.  I do not recommend fighting the aliens in any sort of violent way. 

I must add one other most important thing.  Not all reptilians are bad guys.  There are groups now trying to run interference and more in line with humans.  They are the rebels and cannot be too obvious. 

I think in the future it will not always be obvious who the good guys and bad guys are. 

There is lots here to research and digest.  Most of the videos are better than any science fiction movie out there.  So enjoy the exploration.


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