Friday, August 20, 2021

Chapter 28: Blue Kaku Two


As a child I had a stuffed blue bunny, and he knew everything. He talked me to sleep and was a great comfort.  Both my kids had encounters with childlike dwarf beings.  Star Boy and Blue Dwarfs would park on the roof much like Santa Clause.  They would turn on all the toys at once, the T.V. as well as the Fisher-Price turn table. I will clarify that we did not touch these toys. There was some sort of magnetic energy present that did turn all these battery operated and AC/DC operated devices on.  

These beings would put on little dances and plays for Zak. I know this because Zak told me about it when he was 4 years old. Our home was like Grand Central Station for the paranormal.  There was no shortage of variety and types of visitors,  We had departed president’s visit our smallish two-bedroom apartment: Mainly, Abraham Lincoln, JFK, Theodor Roosevelt, and John Quincy Adams.  We had Native Americans, Red Arrow and White Buffalo and their tribe members who entertained us with drumming circles.  We had Great Grandparents and I believe we also had Abe’s mother, Nancy Lincoln at times.  St. Francis being was oft present and Famous comedians too. Many of these spirits or energies would show up and leave without saying a word to me.  They seemed to be checking in on me and the kids.  Coming home one night we saw a blue light on our second story roof, and it was a signal that there were ET beings awaiting us.  I don't want to repeat past stories so I will share some links.   

Omg I have several blogs about ET’s and my favorite is and please do read it.  Coexistence is all about becoming more conscious.  Our universe is expanding, and it is time to meet the neighbors.  That means becoming much more psychic. I had an experience yesterday where I was able to speak several different languages. I would see a book open with the vocabulary I needed to create meaningful dialogue with others. The best teachers of communication skills would be the little blue dwarfs.   They remind me of the Ewoks; But not exactly because they have blue leather skin.  Whitley Strieber has them wearing hoods.  They do walk like Ewoks, and they have so many skills that I would miss a hundred if I tried to list them all.  They have amazing healing ability, and I am sure that is why both Zak and I still exist. 

Blue Kaku Healing went something like this.

I did feel guided to eat a certain way.  I have done some other chapters dealing with healing remedies.  I like Dr. Wallach’s products and of course Edgar Cayce Remedies.  After barely surviving the toxic black mold in my home (2012 Sedona) I had serious issues and developed type 2 diabetes.  The blue dwarf people showed up when I was on deaths door and saved me.  I was staying with a friend, and they also woke her up and said that they would heal her too.  They have healing methods that seem to be frequency adjusters.  If I get run down, I remember to drink those green drinks my friend made.  Healing is all about energy.  Remember how Jesus healed people?  He could change their energy to quickly balance the disease.  I have had energy work done but the root of my problem was the trauma in my childhood. If I was holding on to past trauma the shift in energy would not suffice. I had to correct those patterns of thought. It is better that I do not stay in that memory. I would feel weak in that state of mind.   I had to learn to allow a greater current of energy to run through me.  Trauma tends to shut down the self-healing that we all need.   When I counsel people, I look for beliefs that would keep them stuck in poor mental and physical health. I see that belief and then go right to work changing it. 

Both mental and physical health require knowing that you are a child of God.  There is free will and we must be asking for help when we need it.  Recently, I have been asking God for healing in the mornings before I get up.  It makes a world of difference. The problem for me is keeping that level of energy as the day goes by.  So now there is a new device for me.  I do mindfulness check ins.  I might notice some energy bleeding.  It is just like having blood coming out of a cut on your body.  If I have been injured in word or deed I ask to repair immediately.  Repairing takes a great deal of focus for me.  I am changing a belief and I am changing the energy.  Each time I do this work, I become more resilient.  My little Blue Friend was named Blue Kaku by me.  I am sure his type has a name but I am not at all sure what it is.  

Blue Kaku knows how to party.  Having friends over is just what the doctor ordered sometimes.  I find it hard to believe that some people do not know how to have fun without substances.   Good food and friends are all that is required. When we were broke it would be popcorn and Kool-Aid.  Well, now they say Kool-Aid is not healthy.   There are other drinks like iced tea with lemon that would be better. Inexpensive parties can happen on a dime and with a little magic. Board games and card games can happen easily enough.   Get some cheap thrills by sitting  in a circle and pass stories.  That was our favorite thing ever.  You might need an oven timer or just have someone watch the clock.  Each person gets to talk for 3 minutes before passing the story to the next person.  These stories would turn out to be silly, adventurous, fanciful, and sure to produce some giggles.  It is fun to have a prize for the best storyteller. The Blue Kaku would never have a day go by without giggles.  Laughter is the best medicine. 

Zak and I are down to just us two.  Each morning we have coffee chat.  Zak will share dreams sometimes and I try to share news stories or a recap of something I read.  Good book reports work.  Today Zak shared about Blue Kaku showing up as a dwarf in silver.  Apparently, he kept shape shifting.   Zak used to create stories and just send them out on the internet.  He wrote one about Konda.  Konda was a reptilian who wore a purple hooded robe.  He was a peaceful reptilian and was a priest.  We discovered that someone had drawn a picture of him and that was a great moment.  We knew that he existed, and others knew that he existed as well.  Let me see If I can find that picture.

Good Artist.  He has that ridge down the middle of his head. 

I have a blog about the blue dwarf my son saw at age 7.

I found the following photo of a blue dwarf alien.  This one is probably someone dressed up as a blue dwarf alien.  There are others if I can find them. 

We credit these beings with being there in a good way for our family. 

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