Sunday, October 17, 2021

Chapter 11 SPS Being a Medium is Just Like Cold Calling


I am going to state without a shred of doubt that I am a medium.  Well, sometimes maybe there is a moment of doubt.  I have been seeing and feeling departed beings since being quite small.   As a young person, I did not ask to see them.  They would show up and talk to me.   I mentioned seeing 6 great grandfathers looking down at me like looking over the edge of a well when I was young.  I have identified them from family albums.  What diversity.  One of them looks like the white-haired banker from Monopoly.  He is one of the Sorrell’s and he was rich.  One has a huge grey beard, and he was a farmer from Arkansas.  Pretty sure he was from the Emsley Woods’ clan and they were of Welch heritage I hear.  There is a red headed frontiersman, and he is one from the Boone’ clan.  They say his name was Squire Boone, one of Daniels’s brothers.  There is a sea captain, and he was Captain Fox.  He was an English sailor who started a line of merchant ships running to the new colonies in America.  He retired to a lovely seacoast town in Virginia and married. He had a flock of girls.  He reminds me of Rex Harrison in the Ghost and Mrs. Muir.  Then there is Nickolas Bell.  He is from Cherokee County, Alabama, and for sure he is Cherokee.  He married an Irish woman and they had about 10 children.  Nickolas was a pharmacist they say.  Could make medicine for people.  Below is a picture of him with family.  (picture above) The second picture is of Nickolas’s grandson Alex.  Alex was part Welsh and part Cherokee.  Who is the most psychic Cherokee or Welsh Celtics?  I am not sure.  

Like most of his peers they have adopted Anglicized names.  The Cherokee were bi-cultural and spoke both Cherokee and English at the time of the Indian Removal act in Alabama.  It is a blessing that they were able to blend in as “Dark Dutch” and homestead land in Texas.  So far, I have an interesting list of surnames:  Sorrell, Woods, Fox, Boone, and Bell.  I think that number six must be Frank Kendig.   He was part of the Swiss Mennonite bunch.  His census records say that he was a railroad engineer.  Just like the movie “An American Quilt” they tell of the variety of the New Land and the horrors too from the Cherokee side.   Some how it all comes together, and I can pass it on to my one remaining son.  So on to the experience I had yesterday with what I call “cold calling”. 

I scheduled an appointment for a young couple to visit me for some extra special intuitive counseling.   They were wearing their covid 19 masks in my home and I asked them to remove them.  It felt awkward and like the connection was not as good as I had hoped.   I felt like I was working too hard.  I explained that it was like a hard sell or a cold call.  With the departed you can invite them to come in and talk but you cannot drag them in.   Just like with Long Island Medium, she will talk to those who have departed loved one’s present, And in a crowd of people, only those who insist on speaking to their loved ones are chosen.  My departed son, Jason, was a loud “ghost” on a talk show with Theresa Caputo.  At minute 17:15 of the interview, Theresa was speaking about Jason’s accidental death at age 27.  He was taking 2 new medications and had an alcoholic drink that night.   The coroner’s report said that all these substances overly sedated him. But no one substance was the cause of his death.    Link:,  Jason had a big personality, and he knows how to communicate with psychics and Mediums. He was very psychic too.  I remember James Von Praagh stopped his lecture to say, “I was not going to do any readings today, but there is a young man here and I must reach out to someone out there in the audience with his message”. There were about three hundred plus people in that audience at the Celebrate Your Life venue in Phoenix.  I will revisit this another time about Jason.  But Jason is the neon sign blinking when there is a medium in the room.  He is an easy sell.

Back to working too hard to pull a ghost through the ethers:  I suggested I just do a tarot reading to warm up the connections.  That worked very well and there was a lot of accurate information for my clients.   All of a sudden, I "saw" someone getting shot in the chest with a gun.  I blurted out who got shot in the chest with a gun? 

It was so dramatic, and I could not continue the reading.  It was one of the loved ones.  It was the younger brother of the male client and he mentioned that it was gang related.   I told him that there was a flood of love coming through with this brother.   I cannot or should not say too much as I don’t want to disclose this client’s identity.   What is interesting is this client was new to me and new to the idea of speaking to departed.  It was a huge break through for him in realizing that life continues after the transition called death.  His grief had been especially painful due to his belief that his brother was “gone” forever. 

There must be an easier way to communicate but I guess I will stay with what I know.  Many of my readers are mediums and psychics. Some are famous and there are many mediums like Sylvia Browne on the other side that are guides for me.  If anyone has warm up exercises to ease the process of medium work, I would love to hear from you.  Please email me:


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