this blog and read it. I love writing uplifting pieces in my
blog. (But) Let’s face it, sometimes when people are at a low point and feeling
like a punching bag, it might not help.
Abraham Hicks points out that most often the answers and remedies are at
a different frequency. You are listening
to another radio frequency at a lower vibration. Remembrance number one would be saying this
to yourself: Tomorrow when I wake up, I
will be able to listen to that inspired radio program on a higher
frequency. I just need to get calm and
survive today. Sleep will break the
momentum that occurred during a really bad totally lousy day.
guy’s urgency: I did psychic counseling yesterday right on
the spot. I mean a young man called and asked if I could do a reading right
now. That means that I am cooking dinner, so I turn off the stove and drop everything. That is not my preference. Life has segments or natural divisions. There are times of the day I feel more
psychic than others. Like I am not a morning person psychic. I can pay bills so perhaps my left brain is
working in the morning but not my right brain.
What if a friend calls and needs a ride to the hospital? Any urgent situation takes away from my
ability to be psychic. I do this sacred
work in a quiet receptive positive state of mind. But, to my surprise I said yes to this young
man. After some time, I discovered that
he was trying to stave off depression. I
would not call this an emergency, at least in my book, but it was for him. It
seems like we all need a safety plan for staving off depression. Identify people you can call who know the
wonderful side of you. Perhaps identify
comedies that lift you up. Have a few
elevating songs on your personal play list.
If it is a really bad place, you are in and it even feels suicidal take
a day trip. I have always said if I feel
like ending it all, I am going to get in my car and travel to Zion Canyon in
Utah. That and a stop at the Grand
Canyon, should do the trick. When you
are past a tough time and as you bask in the knowing that you are OK and ready
for the next adventure; remember this remembrance too two: Develop your own safety plan for
depression. Get it on paper and find a
bright colored binder for it. Keep it
handy. It might save you some money on psychics
you comparing yourself?
Are you kicking yourself in the pants? Another good remembrance is number
three: Stop the self-criticism that is often at the root of your despair. At least in my world, often it is there when I
am at a low place. Give yourself
permission to be human and to fail before you succeed. My mom was very critical of me and that did
not help my self-esteem one little bit. The worse is being compared to a sibling or a
close friend. Once my boss compared me
to his daughter and it was not flattering.
I was begging off work due to cramps.
Most people, mainly men, think that all cramps are the same. Just take some ibuprofen and get to work anyway.
Boss guy said, “my daughter goes through that, and she never misses work.” I
had dysmenorrhea or extreme cramps. I was not like his daughter. My pain felt
like labor pains. I can say they were
exactly like labor pains after having gone through labor. I would pass out at times. I wish I had been sure enough of myself to ask
a doctor to write a note to hand to PE coaches and future employers. Until
my first pregnancy cured this, I was made to feel wimpy and pathetic each month. That is so sad to think of all those horrible
messages until I was pregnant at age 26.
After a lifetime of research, I now know there are some simple remedies
that help. One is to drink lots of
water and stay hydrated as you approach your cycle. I was a diet Pepsi drinker
back then.
During these low points, dismiss or forgive
any perceived flaws. Some people believe that criticism serves as motivation to
change and correct. That is not really true.
Love yourself and ask to see yourself as God sees you; that would be
amazing. You, me, all of us, are amazing. It is true that people are at different stages
of development. Some babies walk sooner
than others and spiritually some people get concepts and have better than average
awareness than others. That gives life
some variety. We grow at different rates
and in different ways. This is the place
where you hug yourself after a fall or trip.
This is where you get to gag your mother and put a stop to all that
negative narrative. At least in your
imagination. Some therapists suggest writing
a letter to a parent and maybe don’t send it exactly right away. You can tell
them that it would have been wonderful if they could have kept some of their
opinions to themselves. Later in my life
I realized that my grandmother was very critical of my mother as a child. It does seem cyclical and generational. Give everyone a hall passes and go
forward. I never want to sound advice-y. Please treat any crazy thing I say as a
suggestion to be discarded easy as you will find much better remedies. Best advice is to listen to yourself unless
you are the one putting yourself down. Then
Stop that.
Readings are usually not the answer. I have rules about fluff readings. I have had more than one person on my list of
frequent flyers or return clients, needing fluff readings. It is a real thing that psychics do. At the psychic center I worked for in Sedona,
the concierge would call and ask if I had time for a fluff and fold reading? I was
good at it. People feeling bad about themselves
would drag themselves to the psychic center. They want to hear all the good
things about who they were. I loved
providing that service. I got to connect with the soul of that person, and
genuinely see those sparkly places and positive qualities. It would make me
tingle all over. There is something, I
will say, that is harmful about it. Don’t
elevate by comparing them to others. For
instance, if someone was to say to me, Nancy you are a good writer. I would say thank you so much. I shouldn’t say, “well I am not Shakespeare or
Hemingway.” That falls into self-depreciation. I would be shooting myself in the foot to say
that and also to say: “I am a good writer and much better than Sally over there.” And even worse, Sally is a disorganized slob
of word salad.” Wow.
Obviously, we all have different gifts and as
such, don’t compare. A fluff reading is good until it crosses certain
lines. You have heard the phrase “a rising
tide lifts all ships”. At our center all
humans are basically good and have good intentions. It is a bright and preferred way to help each
other if we can celebrate those talents and good traits all others. Remembrance
number four is this: Appreciate other people
because it will help you appreciate you.
Those golden traits are woven
through all of us. The contrast of life
experiences will ask that we grow and expand into better people. Just like shellfish outgrow their shell and find a new one. Without any harsh pressure change
These feels done. I love the feeling of being able to share blogs. It is all about self-expression and sharing. Those are higher order actualizations. That is what living is all about to me. Now I am going to create a new safety plan. A better safety plan because rainey days happen.
my contact information is on a landing page
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