Friday, December 31, 2021

The Sasquatch Diet for 2022 And My Honest to God Bigfoot Sighting.


Bigfoot Diet may heal people of Diabetes

Today several wonderful epiphanies happened, and these ideas were heaven sent. The following ideas will prove life transforming. Ideas are golden things with wings.

 As many of you know, I am insulin dependent diabetic type 2.  What many may not know is I love Sasquatch.  I saw that big guy once when traveling through the Uintah Mountain range in Utah.  I had to pull over for a bathroom break.  I pulled off the road and looked around for trees or thick foliage.  I had on white pants and a Santa red top, but no one was on the road that I could see anyway.  But I was noticed.  I climbed down a hill a bit and as I climbed back up to my SUV, I saw some movement maybe 100 yards away.  The sun was still up, and I could make out a fur covered man hanging on the cliff side.  My eyes met his.  He did not stop or try to hide. In fact, I had a serious fear developing.  I felt that he could and would reach me in a matter of minutes.  The consciousness of this guy was powerful.  There was an intention to reach me.  I also started to feel rather frozen as though I could not think well.  I opened my car door and got in.  My keys were in my pocket, and I could barely reach them. I did put them in the ignition.  The only way I was going to leave was to not look at him. Fortunately, I drove off and none to soon.  I will add a few details.  From the first moment I saw him he appeared to be about 3 inches tall.  I mean the distance between me and him would have him appear that tall.  I knew it was a Big Foot.  He was very curious as he had an intensity to reach me.  There was mind speak or telepathic communication going on.  As I drove off it was like he was saying “wait just a minute”.  How do I know it was a “he”?  I am guessing.  He seemed to blend with that cliff, but he had brown fur.  Part of me wanted to speak to him and to know a bit more about his kind, however a woman alone on the road just can’t chance that sort of thing. I lived in Utah in 1993.  I have heard that there are many sightings in that area. From that day forward I read all I could on Sasquatch.  I have found many resources now.  I really like a YouTube channel called Buckeye Bigfoot.  There are a variety of stories, and some are scary, and some people form positive relationships with Bigfoot families.  Usually, those friendships are kept quiet from the outside world.

I have been listening to hunters and outdoorsy types who gift the Sasquatch with food.  I had a new worry today about Bigfoot becoming diabetic because people gift surgery and starchy treats.   For hundreds of thousands of years, the Bigfoot have been eating fish, nuts, berries, squash, apples, deer meat, and they seem to like eggs and chickens too.  They eat all meat uncooked.  They have dietary needs and likes much like humans.  I am pretty sure they are ancient relatives.  Humans are hybrids.

Lloyd Pye has some scientific skeleton research and human Alma genetics to share.  I believe the Alma species is a smaller more human size bipedal humanoid type ape.  This is a link to some of his research

Most of these types of human-like apes’ forage and seem to be omnivores. I decided that I would like to try sticking to the types of food a sasquatch would eat.  I was listening to Sarah Hallberg today.  She cured herself of cancer and cured some of her patients of diabetes too by changing her diet.  In short, I am going to be cutting out lots of carbs.  I am going to be seeing a dietician soon and I will share my personal preferences with her.  One thing that Sarah says is that diabetes can be removed entirely.  She has had great success with that. My preference is to not eat meat but instead eat nuts and eggs.  I don’t think I could eat it raw anyway.  I will add a link for Sarah’s Ted Talk.

It is quite a gift that I could combine an interests like Sasquatch and my personal need to lose weight and not need so much insulin into a whole plan for this year. 

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