Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Making a Comfy Emotional Bed for Peace to Lie IN

Or Recipe for Peace


Have you wondered why we all wish for world peace and yet we have not manifested it yet?  I think the concept of peace is so very foreign to most people.  Imagine all the things that upset you?  Keep careful observation on all the things that rattle your cage.  Maybe you can identify the top offending five of them: People who cut you off in traffic, the neighbors dog who tears up your garden, scam artists that have borrowed money and then did not repay it, telemarketers who call during dinner,  and for me, people that constantly advise me on how to lose weight.  Those are more minor irritations.  Imagine a bomb going off.  Imagine a stray NATO bomb that hit a children’s play ground and killed your 5 year old daughter. That really happened in Serbia 1991.  All your thoughts of peace are now disbanned.   I am a parent who lost a child. Jason was 27 years old.  I wrote a book called “Sunflowers for Jason” about his life and overcoming grief. It is available on Amazon. There is no amount of money or consequence to another that would ever make up for the pain and loss a parent feels.  In the wake of the Sandy Hook murders, I think most people are sensitive to the price those families are paying, especially during the Holidays. Most sudden murder and the witnessing of the innocent blood of children is followed by shock more than anger.  In time loved ones will experience anger and very intensely so.  I was angry at everyone and God.  I was so short tempered that I was let go of my job.  That was the first time in my life that I was fired too.  I was a complete mess.  As much as I say I want world peace, I could have pushed that red button on some of those emotional days.  That is a scary thought.  Most of my friends and family did not understand why I was a mess a year later.  They did the right obligatory things such as bring flowers and food the week of the funeral, so what is left to do?  Most people will experience the most intense grief about 6 months to a year after the death.  The first six months are full of shock and denial.   This varies with each individual and grief is very individual.   I could talk at length about the stages of grief and then how that vector turns into a noodle of ups and downs and crisscrosses its path like a snake on speed.  I am a veteran at six years of grief over Jason, but, I am not out of the woods.  When his birthday or “angelversary” comes up,  it feels like I am standing by his coffin and looking down at his gorgeous face as though it was yesterday.  He was and is beautiful and he will remain so in my mind.  I could spend a day reflecting on the times I wanted to just join him on the other side.  God saved me and spared me that fate.  Now I try and work at healing others and creating peace.  I started to talk about peace and I will continue to look at why that is so not happening in our world. 

My ex husband just sent me the rent money.  I will pay him back in a few weeks.  I think that is the best example of peace I can think of.  We were at odds for many years.  I might have even wished that he catch a horrible disease on his honeymoon with his second marriage.   I shudder to think.  We have matured and progressed over the years.  I can see my errors in thinking and I do believe he realizes some of his mistakes as well.   We can communicate in a friendly and honest way.  If Jason had lived to see this I know he would like it.  In fact, he is here with me and he does like it.  (I am a medium) The more we can forgive ourselves and others the more possible peace becomes.  I really don’t think that war and economic sanctions ever create lasting peace.  In fact I will venture to say that poverty creates war more than any other device.  If we want world peace as we often say we do, make sure the other people in your life are doing OK financially.  Then take that wish and radiate it into your community and be sure that the community at large is sustaining itself in a healthy way.  After that we look at our neighbors abroad.  I think President Kennedy did that best thing ever with creating the Peace Corps.  How brilliant.  Now Kennedy also averted a war with Russia in the Bay of Pigs incident.  Each side of that skirmish left the table with their dignity intact.  Respecting another person culture and understanding their needs are imperative to peace.  Most people do not understand the perspective of others enough to truly negotiate peace. 

I think I will go back to the small pond I live in and hope that everyone I know and that I care about is doing well.  Next I want to create a ripple in my pond that moves gracefully accross the oceans and beyond.  Life will create some peace ripples and some disagreements.  My nuclear family is my son, Zac, and we have an understanding.  If I am upset then it is my responsibility to discover the root belief that is causing it.  People who have a hair trigger temper will have their work cut out for them.  Maybe an anger management class?  The first rule is; be able to state what is upsetting you and what you need.  State it quietly, honestly and respectfully.  If it is ignored then you move to stage two.  That is you sit down at the table with two cups of herbal tea and honey and wait for the other person to notice.  If they sit down also, then slowly bring up your need again and wait.  They will probably respond appropriately.  If they don’t then hopefully they offer a reason for not being able to help you and for not agreeing with your perspective.  There are further negotiations and the final one might be removing yourself from the situation for a while. 

Notice that none of these options suggest buying a machine gun?  They don’t even advocate yelling to get your point across or seeing a divorce lawyer, and they especially do not suggest throwing a dinner plate with food across the table at your husband.  My mother often did that during dinner and then none of us kids could eat.  I was a skinny kid who went to the hospital frequently, and still they did not get why that sort of behavior did not work well at creating a happy family life.   That happens in American families and with our foreign policies as well.  Dad died early and mom had horrible health issues later.  Putting those pieces together is important. The bomb you throw returns to poison your own world.  As Jesus said, if you live by the sword, you will die by the sword. 

The bed we need to feather is one of understanding. Understanding the needs of others and how to compromise and negotiate is key to peace.  That means visualizing a happy healthy world for others.  I am getting good at manifesting for other people.  I have become the reincarnated fairy God Mother to several people.  If they tell me what they are trying to accomplish and what they need to grow a business idea, Wham Bam Thank You Fairy God Mother…it is on their door step.  Giving to another and helping others with prosperity is easier to manifest than my own desires.  Why this is a rule is amazing.  I think the reason it works so well is this:  At some level all things are connected and one.  It is really the law of oneness that is believed and activated when you sincerely help another.  Along with this desire to help, I make it a secret.  Sometimes people ask openly for help and I am on it and acting on it right away.  There is no secret.  At other times, I am praying intently with love and tears, and the other one does exactly know, but it works just the same or maybe better.  This is love in action.  The action part of love is needed to create heaven on earth or peace.  This is really very simple and a nuts and bolts analysis of getting peace started for all of us. Some of you already know and you are ahead of me. Least any of us forget.  I speak to myself much more than any other on this subject.

The beliefs we hold close will create the comfy bed that peace will chose to lay in.



Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The Fun Way to Quit Smoking in Six Weeks

The Fun Way to Quit Smoking in 6 Weeks, by Nancy Lake


I finnally got so sick with bronchitis and then pnuemonia that I had to quit smoking. I used to ask my two boys to hide my cigarettes.  That did work until I got in such a fit that I would find them.  I am psychic.  I just would ask my guides where they were. It was like a game of hot and cold.  I would also see where they were.  It was good for psychic development but not for quitting a bad habbit.  
It has been 10 years.  I am still a non smoker.  There were some false quits too.  But that is how you learn to cope and make it all the way there.  
Back to how I quit smoking and made it fun.  Here is the breakdown and the break free of it all
One:  You should create a plan that works for youTailored just for you! I did this and you might have to experiment with your own tolerance level and symptom reducers.  If you have tried to quit cold turkey before, great:  Look at every time and ask this question:  What happened?  For me it was stress and a feeling of deprivation.  Beyond the usual stomach cramps, headaches and lousy flu like complaints I experienced some emotional land mines.  All the emotional highs seemed to need a cigarette to balance them out.  If I was very excited and happy, I needed a cigarette, if I was bored, I needed a cigarette, if I was angry and irritable, I needed a cigarette, but stress trumped all those emotional moments for me.  Nicotine mixes with brain chemistry and sets off a pleasure cascade of adrenaline and blood sugar and dopamine.  It creates an intense release that lasts for about 10 minutes and then starts to subside.  It takes you down
Two: Create a pre-Planned withdrawal day.  Pick a day or just a half day where you go without a cigarette.  I already know that I will become a bitch and people should not come anywhere near me.  That is a given.  I also already know that I will want to “snack”. Chocolate works pretty well for me. Salty foods seem to work too.  This is where you experiment.  Have a supportive friend buy you Nicotine patches and snacks at the store.  Then have them pick up a funny movie from a DVD rental place.  Tell them to not venture into the dragons lair.  They should simply leave all items on your door step and tip toe away.  They should not even stick their vulnerable head in the door and say good luck.  It is best to text message this if needed.  I would wear the patch for about 8 hours.  Then peel it off and have a pre planned cigarette.   That was the best cigarette ever and I would feel dizzy after smoking it.  Start picking more days like that.  Plan for a day of abstinence, and then reward it.  In psychology we call this creating self efficacy.  I knew that I could survive 8 hours without a cigarette.  I grew in confidence.

Three:  Around the second or third week of these planned periods of abstinence you will want to go a bit longer.  Perhaps a whole week end would be nice.  Some people venture into nature and hike and camp without a cigarette around for about two days.  Take patches and anything that might aid you in not losing your mind.  This week is a great time to start taking Guafenesin. You can buy it over the counter. It loosens the congestion in the lungs.  Your lungs will be working so hard to get rid of all that horrible flem and garbage.  Along with this help start taking vitamin C and B vitamin Complex. In fact find a really good complete vitamin like the ones they give you when you are pregnant.  Walk more and sleep more.  

Four:  During the smoking days start limiting your daily intake of cigarettes.  Wrap a piece of note paper around the box of cigarettes and the place a rubber band around this.  Tally the cigarettes by placing a mark on the paper each time you remove the rubber band.  It helps to explore what you’re feeling as well, so instead of a mark, you can write a one word description, like “upset”, anxious, “on the phone” or whatever will help explain the need for that cigarette.  On the phone was a big one for me.  I wanted to light up when I talked to certain friends.  I started eating sun flower seeds instead.  Drop you cigarettes by two a day each week.  By week five I was using patches most of the day but smoking two in the morning and two at night.  This is when the health crisis starts.

Five:  Up to now, I am working with being gradual but now my lungs are starting to wake up and they wish to clean up.  I start having a productive cough.  Drink plenty of water.  Start treating yourself for the lung cleansing crisis that is sure to happen.  You are doing a great thing for your lungs, heart, cardiovascular system, liver and even bladder.  There is an odd connection between the bladder and cigarettes.  I would experience a weak bladder and some accidents too.  Be prepared for that as well.  It seems unfitting that nature would reward the withdrawal away from nicotine with that cold/flu sickness.  That is very common and it is the not a fun part of quitting.  It is a bridge to the other side.  Imagine having nice pink lungs.  I say wear pink all day every day and sing along with Cyndi Lauper, “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun” and they wanna have pink rosy lungs too.  And if you are a guy who is quitting…hey you can wear pink too.  It is your secret. 

Six:  Start replacing the cigarette with fun things that you can enjoy. This is an interesting task.  I often heard myself say, “This is my 5 minute vacation”.  This is my only vice and I would defend this terrible habit of mine.  It is necessary to do something else.  Go to You Tube and use the search bar to find and watch and ASMR videos.  I especially like Gentle Whispers and the Water Whispers.

Take up dancing or new hobbies and figure out some short activities that will replace a dependency that once gave you pleasure.  This part six still goes on for me.  I will probably be seeking short little vacation moments in my day for the next ten years.  I like blogging, bubble baths, talking to friends, taking walks and reading.  I got through the sixth and seventh week smoking one cigarette a day and finding some new pleasures.  Eventually, I was not buying cigarettes or patches.  One day in July, it hit me, I am free of this.  Praise God and Hallelujah!  I did not suffer with this all that much.  I found it to be an experiment and a slow transition.  If I did badly on one day, I would just get back on track the next day.  It actually was a fun and uplifting time for me. 

I love this sound:  Try this link: 



Monday, December 31, 2012

Parachute for the Fiscal Cliff

With the Government shutdown of October, I feel it is much the same story. I had a vivid dream two days ago.  I was seated in a balcony with three other people.  Below I was looking down at the US House of Representatives.  They were wearing colored shirts.  One side was in red shirts and I am assuming they are the Republicans, and the team was in blue as Democrats.  There was a plan A, for our economy and a plan B.  I was told that both plans were very poor and very lacking in design and neither plan would really help the middle class America out of its fiscal decline.  So although I am a Democrat I am ignoring all the requests to throw money at Obama’s plan.  I was shown a much more comprehensive plan with many stages and parts to it by the Andromedan Counsel.  We are not out of the woods yet.  I am struggling to remember what I was told.  I saw the constitution unrolled as though it was a long scroll.  It would take a little bit of sacrifice for about a year.  We would be putting money into green energy and this would yield jobs next year.  It is like a family sitting around the table and deciding which bills to pay.  You might not be able to pay all of them, but together you create a plan that will tackle the most essential needs.  Putting our Housing and cheap energy being as number one.  Travel would be another area.  Eating for less and eating healthier might be the next area of concern.  By ignoring some programs we can put the money into the more sustainable programs.  I am seeing a new type of banking.  It is somewhat like a credit union.  Again, what if you were asked to place more money in a local savings and loan and give the federal government less of your earned income?  These are the hearty and robust conversations we all need to have a voice in.  There must be some centralized government but I am all for whittling that down a bit.  We need the postal service and defense.  Our Defense budget is over the top already.  Let’s scale back until we are all on our feet once more.
We should all have what we need to live.  There is no scarcity just mismanagement. We have more than enough resources. Some people are purposefully kept in limbo or cut off from getting jobs by various forms of prejudice.
I think we might be moving towards a socialist society will take care of you but not very well.   You will be disarmed of weapons according to the agenda of the shadow government.  These people do not come right out with the agenda but they have all the money.  Many are bankers with very cold hearts.  Some of the very elite will support people and projects that they see as beneficial.  We need to shake loose of the Federal Reserve and climb out of debt the way Iceland and Argentina did.  If those countries can design a workable budget that freed them from enslavement to debt, why can’t (the hell) America do it too? 
I do not own weapons at all.  I have thought of buying pepper spray at least. I hate the idea of guns but I am also keenly aware of a government that wishes to disarm its population.  That will never fly in America.  Our beginning revolution and our constitution guarantee a right to bear arms.  I am protected very well.  That is all I am going to say!  As long as I am asking for and believing in my guides, I am protected better than if I owned lots of weaponry.  Jesus told his disciples that they would not need money or to carry swords while on the mission with him.  All that they needed was provided.  Jesus was showing all of us what is possible.   We have the power to create; we can change water to wine and heal illness.  We have been cut off from our manifesting ability but it still exists. 
Here is to Manifesting Wine and Cheese and Crackers and Great Friends to hail in the New Year.
Cheers Everyone.  Happy New Year!

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Seven Supporters of Alex Colliers and the Andromedan Teachings

Carrying the Flag of Alex & Andromedan Mentorship

This is the link to a You Tube Video.  We are not advertising this very much because it is fragile.

Both Raybeam and I have great admiration for what Alex has been through and his journey with the Andromedan race who are literally cousins to us humans.  They are trying to help us weather the storm and turn things around.  This transcript is called “Seven Souls Carrying on What Alex Collier started”. I wanted to use the word Andromedan in my title so the search engines will bring those who want to know more to the right place.
These sever souls include:  Nancy Lake, Robert Lake, Ashley Roya, Chad, Mona Scotia, and Raybeam Starchild. Wait to Finish this post.

Once we started talking about carrying on with what Alex started, I felt connected with the Blue Beings that Alex speaks of.  I seemed to know that they approved and said welcome aboard.  I remember saying, yes I am ready to be a conduit and channel for them.  I maybe should have read the fine print on that.  Since saying that I am on board, I am feeling an intense energy and also a great deal of joy.  All of a sudden everything has changed.  I feel that some people are seeing me as being weird or out there.  I left normal a long time ago.  I don’t think anyone expects me to be quite normal any more.  Still some people I know see being a channel for ET’s as a step into the social fringe.  Those people who know me well are saying step back into “normal” a little bit.   I lost a son in 2006 and I don’t expect to ever be normal again.  I have been psychic all my life and that puts me in a different boat.  I have been overweight most of my life and can’t figure out why.  I think it has kept me from obtaining the respect of (some) others and better paying positions.  I have two degrees so my ability to thrive in academia is understood, believed and documented.  I might be a natural teacher as well.   My life is full of peaks and valleys and struggles and some great luck and some minuses.  It is very much like a carnival ride.  I think I have tried to avoid the scary rides and after today I might be taking a ride on the thriller triple loop monster coaster. That is what it seems like.  Buckle your safety belt it is going to be bumpy in my world. 

I understand that Alex like to eat and enjoyed the occasional rum and coke.  I can’t do drugs or alcohol.  My brain chemistry is very sensitive. I do eat but trying to avoid the carbs.  The only way to calm my nervous energy is to listen to ASMR tapes on You Tube.  Certain sounds calm me and make my shoulders relax and I even get a pleasant sensation down my spine.  This is non medical, non drug, and legal.  That and bubble baths will have to suffice to let go of the intensity I feel in dealing with Andromedan warriors. They are really very amazing and I am going to enjoy the interaction.  I am remembering several things that Alex has said, and now I fully understand him.

We need better etiquette in dealing with non human and non earth beings.
 We are very ego centric in our view of ourselves and our place in the galaxy.  It would be good to be quiet and just listen when in the presence of some more advanced races.  They love us unconditionally but if we are to enlist the help of others and become part of the Galactic Federation we need to observe the protocol in addressing other groups.

They don’t want to do the work for us but they will help us. 
Being involved will mean leaving my coach potato self behind.  I must get more organized and busy. Many hands make light work.  I will learn to delegate and enlist others.  The Andromedans have said that money does not matter.  They can’t understand why we must pay to live on the planet we were born on.  Many of our indigenous tribes did not.  The earth based tribes did not build fences or roads either.  We can’t go back to those roots but among this group, money will not be an issue. We will work and produce what we need.  We will find the resources.  

Already people I know very well are saying, I just don’t believe in aliens or abductions.  I am not here to convert anyone to my way of thinking.  You do not have to believe anything to be my friend.  It is a free world and we are trying to maintain the freedom to believe what you wish to.  The only thing I might ask is to allow me my beliefs as well.  

And if you hang around me, you will witness things that do not fit into your world or paradigm, just be prepared for that.  It happens to my friends all the time. 
Here’s to my new life and new friends, the Andromedans. Cheers.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Hoping for a Wonderful Life Review

We should have a Wonderful Life Review

I love the 1946 Christmas Classic, It’s a Wonderful Life.  I always cry at the end and feel warm inside. 

Just like Jimmy Stewart character, George Bailey, we should receive a visit from our guardian angel at least once a year.  I am thinking Christmas Eve perhaps.  It would be wonderful indeed to see the beneficial things we have been involved in during that year or a life time too.  We all effect each other and the twist of this is some of the things we do are in our soul contract with significant others. 
Harry Bailey was saved from drowning in a frozen lake by his big brother George.  This heroic deed was celebrated by Clarence the guardian angel.  What if George had failed to save his brother?  We all have certain arrangements and agreements with the cosmic design of things.  Almost like a fairy tale, the knight on a white horse shows up in the nick of time and not a minute too soon.  The little riddle I want to suggest is this:  Harry was supposed to continue with his life, so, another miracle or another person would have saved him.  I think there is a plan B in some of these scenarios.  Fortunately we have all been there for someone in a time of need and we can be rewarded in many ways for our presence. 
There are so many people who brighten our lives just by being in it.  Steven Hawking did not save anyone physically as a firefighter or war hero would, but he has stretched our understanding of physics and cosmology.  He is quoted as saying God may have decreed the laws of physics but He himself does not break them.  The subject of God and philosophy is not one of Steven’s favorite subjects.  It is a subjective topic: How to define God.  I think Steven is close to defining God through science and that might prove to be a language that serves to unify us.  I define God as a relationship; More on that later.
It suffices to know that those who through talent and creativity and science have advanced us should also receive a pat on the back from their Clarence or Guardians.  We have had influence on others and we have agreed to some of the unfavorable events as well.  It is much harder to think of oneself as a victim when you realize you might have set up a certain experience.
I have had moments of Devine Intervention.  Once I was climbing up a canyon wall with some other teenagers.  My foot slipped and I was airborne for the longest of seconds.  I surrendered my life of 16 years into the hands of fate.  The day had been a perfect mix of teenage fun and adventure.  We found a natural water slide and had a raucous of a time with it.  I had enjoyed the hike down to the Blue River.  It was easy climbing over stacked boulders that looked like a Titan Child had placed them there.  Climbing back up my tennis shoes and clothing were still wet. Then there was that horrible (oops oh no) moment.  My heart was in my throat but something odd happened.  I was caught by a thorn bush by the seat of my pants.  I could not find the strength to laugh about it until later.  When I told my friends it soon became humorous.  In my heart I knew something big had happened.  There was a knowing that enveloped me with love and light.  It was the dawn of my sacred relationship. In this spiritual moment I knew something much Bigger Than Me had literally saved me.   There was a rational explanation, but I don’t remember that thorn tree on the way down or the way up.  I still get Goosebumps.  I think I am meant to be here until it is time to go.  I have a predetermined time of departure I think.
I often question George’s decisions and think that maybe he shouldn’t have sacrificed all his dreams to save others.  Then the story would be not as heartwarming.  I am not sure it is a good idea to live our lives according to others demands or wishes.  Somewhere in the design of a life there is the part that should make us look forward to getting up in the morning.  I might be wrong but I think being in a relationship because you want to be or a job because it is meaningful is a good thing.  Betrayal of yourself is betrayal just the same as to someone else. 
There are my favorite parts of the movie.  I love that the town came together to rescue George for his selflessness over the years.  He realized how truly wealthy he was and that cannot be measured in dollars.  I love that he got to see his effect on all the lives he touched.  He had new appreciation for his accomplishments.  I love that this might be the first Hollywood movie to suggest that we have guardian angels in a very real way who protect our lives. 
No matter what other thoughts and philosophies may come, being a kind person who is a blessing to others will always bring a round of applause from spirit.  We all do experience a life review which does happen shortly after passing to the other side.  Just like a Charles Dickens novel we will see how our lives did affect others. You will get the panoramic view of all that happened. You will see that we really all our connected and what you do unto another you really did do to yourself.  I experienced this in part when I had my near death experience at age 32.  I experienced that Life is Wonderful and full of golden opportunities that will create memories and treasure on the other side.  I did experience some of my mistakes and some things that were “accidentally” good.  I had some dumb luck at occasionally doing the right things. 

Merry Merry Holiday…Live Your Own Wonderful Life to the Fullest…I am going to try.

Ledgend of the White Buffalo Calf Woman

  Legend of the White Buffalo Sioux (Lakota) The White Buffalo are sacred to many Native Americans. The Lakota (Sioux) Nation has passed...