Friday, December 21, 2012

Hoping for a Wonderful Life Review

We should have a Wonderful Life Review

I love the 1946 Christmas Classic, It’s a Wonderful Life.  I always cry at the end and feel warm inside. 

Just like Jimmy Stewart character, George Bailey, we should receive a visit from our guardian angel at least once a year.  I am thinking Christmas Eve perhaps.  It would be wonderful indeed to see the beneficial things we have been involved in during that year or a life time too.  We all effect each other and the twist of this is some of the things we do are in our soul contract with significant others. 
Harry Bailey was saved from drowning in a frozen lake by his big brother George.  This heroic deed was celebrated by Clarence the guardian angel.  What if George had failed to save his brother?  We all have certain arrangements and agreements with the cosmic design of things.  Almost like a fairy tale, the knight on a white horse shows up in the nick of time and not a minute too soon.  The little riddle I want to suggest is this:  Harry was supposed to continue with his life, so, another miracle or another person would have saved him.  I think there is a plan B in some of these scenarios.  Fortunately we have all been there for someone in a time of need and we can be rewarded in many ways for our presence. 
There are so many people who brighten our lives just by being in it.  Steven Hawking did not save anyone physically as a firefighter or war hero would, but he has stretched our understanding of physics and cosmology.  He is quoted as saying God may have decreed the laws of physics but He himself does not break them.  The subject of God and philosophy is not one of Steven’s favorite subjects.  It is a subjective topic: How to define God.  I think Steven is close to defining God through science and that might prove to be a language that serves to unify us.  I define God as a relationship; More on that later.
It suffices to know that those who through talent and creativity and science have advanced us should also receive a pat on the back from their Clarence or Guardians.  We have had influence on others and we have agreed to some of the unfavorable events as well.  It is much harder to think of oneself as a victim when you realize you might have set up a certain experience.
I have had moments of Devine Intervention.  Once I was climbing up a canyon wall with some other teenagers.  My foot slipped and I was airborne for the longest of seconds.  I surrendered my life of 16 years into the hands of fate.  The day had been a perfect mix of teenage fun and adventure.  We found a natural water slide and had a raucous of a time with it.  I had enjoyed the hike down to the Blue River.  It was easy climbing over stacked boulders that looked like a Titan Child had placed them there.  Climbing back up my tennis shoes and clothing were still wet. Then there was that horrible (oops oh no) moment.  My heart was in my throat but something odd happened.  I was caught by a thorn bush by the seat of my pants.  I could not find the strength to laugh about it until later.  When I told my friends it soon became humorous.  In my heart I knew something big had happened.  There was a knowing that enveloped me with love and light.  It was the dawn of my sacred relationship. In this spiritual moment I knew something much Bigger Than Me had literally saved me.   There was a rational explanation, but I don’t remember that thorn tree on the way down or the way up.  I still get Goosebumps.  I think I am meant to be here until it is time to go.  I have a predetermined time of departure I think.
I often question George’s decisions and think that maybe he shouldn’t have sacrificed all his dreams to save others.  Then the story would be not as heartwarming.  I am not sure it is a good idea to live our lives according to others demands or wishes.  Somewhere in the design of a life there is the part that should make us look forward to getting up in the morning.  I might be wrong but I think being in a relationship because you want to be or a job because it is meaningful is a good thing.  Betrayal of yourself is betrayal just the same as to someone else. 
There are my favorite parts of the movie.  I love that the town came together to rescue George for his selflessness over the years.  He realized how truly wealthy he was and that cannot be measured in dollars.  I love that he got to see his effect on all the lives he touched.  He had new appreciation for his accomplishments.  I love that this might be the first Hollywood movie to suggest that we have guardian angels in a very real way who protect our lives. 
No matter what other thoughts and philosophies may come, being a kind person who is a blessing to others will always bring a round of applause from spirit.  We all do experience a life review which does happen shortly after passing to the other side.  Just like a Charles Dickens novel we will see how our lives did affect others. You will get the panoramic view of all that happened. You will see that we really all our connected and what you do unto another you really did do to yourself.  I experienced this in part when I had my near death experience at age 32.  I experienced that Life is Wonderful and full of golden opportunities that will create memories and treasure on the other side.  I did experience some of my mistakes and some things that were “accidentally” good.  I had some dumb luck at occasionally doing the right things. 

Merry Merry Holiday…Live Your Own Wonderful Life to the Fullest…I am going to try.

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