Sunday, December 16, 2012

How to Create Killers Through Mind Control

The Age of Mind Control Has Arrived

Mind control has been here for quite a while.  Known as MK Ultra in the past governmental experiments. 

This is a clip of the movie Conspiracy Theory and it has some truths mixed in with silly untruths making the lead character look a bit crazy.

Dr. Ross has several great interviews and has written about mind control extensively.

more on mind control with Cathy O'Brien

I started looking into this mind control issue 10 years ago when my son was spinning out of control and had vague memories of soldiers abducting him.  We have found out a great deal.  This essay was written right after the Sandy Hood school shooting in December 2012

Regarding Adam Lanza:  One of the forensic investigators, Lt. Vance said. "The forensic part is not done yet. We are looking on his computers to see if there was someone who was goading this kid on. There could be a conspiracy of sorts involving someone else.” The News in Australia is different than ours. Their news reports a man in camoflage pants being escorted out of the woods behind Sandy elementary school and put in a police car.  And did his mother, Nancy Lanza really own a semi automatic weapon as it is reported? There are conflicting accounts of her level of expertise with weapons, and Adam was a shy geeky guy going to college at age 17.  What do we believe.

 A Google search regarding mind control will yield all that anyone needs to learn. There is a movie called "Manchurian Candidate" that is about creating a human weapon or an assassin. When is the assassin created?  Early in childhood some children are exposed to some type of mind control and some of these victims are children of military personelle (other countries as well).  Males are their most vulnerable and unstable during adolescence.  The surge of testosterone and the new growth of neurons in the brain lead to moodiness and frustration.  If someone can purposefully excite, perturb anger in a teen male then we have the makings of a monster.
I am sharing Liza's quote.  "I am Adam Lanza's mother. I am Dylan Klebold's and Eric Harris's mother. I am Jason Holmes's mother. I am Jared Loughner's mother. I am Seung-Hui Cho's mother. And these boys—and their mothers—need help. In the wake of another horrific national tragedy, it's easy to talk about guns. But it's time to talk about helping at risk children" It is time to discuss the mental health inept 3 ring circus that is helping big pharma make millions.    It is time to really discuss, beyond the psycho-pharmaceutical interventions, they don't work and they don't cure the problem and they are poisonous neuro toxins.  We need to talk more about the snake pits where those having a break down are taken and people just scream all night.  We need to discuss the jails who serve as a place to detain the mentally ill.  We need to come together under a new paradigm of compassion and understanding. 

Most of the mass shootings have been planned in advance.  All of the killers were genius or near genius in IQ.  That is also an important factor.  I think the less intelligent do not make good mind control candidates.  I am not totally sure why that is an issue.  The less intelligent can have outbursts of anger but they might not plan an incident very well.   Certain drugs can exasperate violence and some of these drugs are unknown to most of us.  Those who are intelligent might also react to cues that others might miss. 
Childhood trauma makes children emotionally unstable.  Corey Goode was a child abducted by the military and received special training.  His psychic telepathic abilities were tapped and increased.  Corey is very intelligent and empathic.  If you Google that name you are in for a huge wake up call.  He is a whistle blower for military secret programs.  He said that children who may already be traumatized by abuse or neglect are excellent candidates to be used by the military as assassins.  They can be abducted from their beds at night and the technology exists to move them through 3-D walls and return them quietly and maneuver time as well.  Parents are often unaware of these abductions.  Those children with a tendency to be anti-social or fractured are then tortured to the point of fracturing their mind.  This technique does not work as well for females.  Teen girls have more resiliency in this regard. 
The gun control agenda is just ridiculous.  But it seems to be the motivation for triggering these young enhanced mind controlled all American boys to activate in sleepy small towns across America. Towns like Sandy Hook, Roseburg, Oregon, Colorado, etc.  Why a safe little town?  The message is to instill fear in all of our hearts.  You are safe nowhere,  until you pass this piece of awful legislation that further takes away constitutional rights.  It is so much fear campaigning and it is a crime against the American People.  We need a tribunal to hold these rogue military people accountable. 
Criminals will always be able to get guns and ammunition.  Laws just keep the honest people honest.  Helping kids when they need it most and beefing up our education would be a more wise use of energy and money.  
As for guns, I look forward to two types, Star Trek Stun Guns and Tranquilizer Guns...
I would hope the rest would go away, but, I don't see that any time soon. 
I would like to add some new information on mind control and its beginnings.  Google Stewart Swerdow and you will find many interviews on You 
Tube and elsewhere including Coast to Coast AM 2012 interviews that were amazing. Stewart has been criticized but I personally believe him.  He was a teen age victim of mind control during the Montuak Project.  He was abducted and tortured.  He and Al Bielek discuss using sexual assault and physical assault on mind control victims to plant triggers to be used to initiate assassinations.  Stewart says that is is more than our military that created this.  Reptilian agendas feel that humans need to be controlled and are easily influenced by propaganda.   At the helm of the shadow government are forces of non human entities.  They have worked hard at deceiving us and militarizing almost all government agencies.  Do you feel de-humanized and de-valued at air ports, banks, and various helping agencies?  It is not your imagination.  All part of the new order.  Anyway this last piece is added January 2 2015.  

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