Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Happy Scorpio Solar Eclipse Day


 My Life Script on This Scorpio Solar Eclipse
On November 13th, 2012, a Total Solar Eclipse is occurring in the House of
Scorpio.  New beginnings and powerful changes are manifesting right now. It made me wish to rewrite all the things I don’t like into likes.  We call that reframing in the psychology business.   The things that used to cause pain and discomfort might be a blessing in disguise.  I am rotating this around and making it open up to possibilities.  I don’t like the choking feeling of fear and perhaps my worst experience is any type of self loathing. (Lack of Chips) I call it the not enough chips theory.  Some kids are dealt a healthy hand of self esteem chips.  All it really takes to get a big healthy bag of chips is an affirming environment.  A mom who allows you to see yourself as capable and lovable and is a big fan of yours helps. Family that affirms you and also allows you to be free to explore and grow is also ideal. This chip theory belongs to social worker Charlie Applestein. He assessed "problem kids" in the juvenile detention centers and worked with them. They really needed to be build up and a lot of self worth needed to be constructed.  If you family sends you to school with a big bag of self worth and healthy attitudes the school bully shrinks around you.  The critical coach maybe gets one of your chips now and then, but you have plenty more.  The same bully and coach may flatten a kid with no or few chips. It only really takes one secure care taker to achieve this. There are stories of single moms who are able to raise above all the challenges and be supportive enough that their children make the “right” choices in life.  The kids make some positive and healthy decisions for themselves.  Some kids are born into abuse and do not get that bag of chips.  It is harder to see yourself as a winner later on.  I truly see this Eclipse as a brilliant time to get a whole new bag of chips and polish up the ones I have.  I am going for chip fever…or maybe moon rocks.  I am cashing in my moon rocks tonight. These are Scorpio moon rocks and they make a lasting trade.  I am flowing on a moon beam to my dream current.  No one is pushing my dream and I don’t need anyone’s approval in the creation of my dream.  All life has value and all people have value. I am not here to measure them or to compare myself to anyone else.  This is my construct. Sometimes if I don’t have what I really want I can figure out what I will feel like when I get there.  If I make it to my destination how happy will I feel?  Ok. I am going to feel that way skipping all the way to my destination.  Why wait? I like staying busy but if I decide to be lazy, I think that is good.  I am trying to balance the pace of my life.  I will never totally “retire” I like making money in various ways. I love to travel and meet people.  I hope nothing stands in my way with travel.  I love my emotions and they are the rich pallet for my life.  I honor all emotions as a gage telling me how close I am to my true self. Even if I were totally handicapped as long as I can feel and have the awareness that I do, I count that as being nearly perfect in every way.  If I never lose all the weight I carry, I accept that and I will be in the virtual place of appreciating the skin I am in and be happy with my physical self.  I dream of owning a home once again.  It seems like a big dream and one that I think will manifest.  I don’t have to wait until I have a home to feel at home.  I am a child of this world and somehow I will be at home on earth. My mind is the key to enjoying this life.  It takes some determination and focus to decide that nothing will get me down or make me a prisoner.  Even if someone is in prison, they have a window within to escape.  I used to think it would take lots of money to see the kind of home and life I would like to have.  I don’t believe that money would build what I really wish for anymore.  Money might help in many ways but it fall short in other ways.  It is all moon money right now. I have a virtual fortune of chips and I am using them to create a big dream.  The one thing money can’t buy is playmates. I hope there are others like me out there to enjoy and have fun with.  I want real relationships where I am fully present and I convey that more non verbally than with words.  I say it with my eyes and my smiles and there is lots of telepathic talk going on because it is more authentic communication.  There is no price tag for that sort of connection in life.  It is priceless.  Today I spend my bag of chips. I invest in all the dreams I hold.  I think…hold on to your hat Nancy…there is a big wind brewing up beneath me. 

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