Saturday, November 3, 2012

Man of the Hour, Alex Collier

This is my nut shell version of some of the talks he has given:

The first time I heard Alex I tingled inside and all my truth barometers were ringing.  I had a warm feeling listening to his words and I realized I had received some of the same information.  I also have this experience with other leader/teachers like Nick Bunick.  Often times these are reluctant leaders who have asked, why me?  I realize that they are all coming to the surface during 2012.  Even I feel requested to be a leader of sorts.  During these uncertain times it is easy for people to get lost and to panic.  In fact that is exactly what the evil powers want you to feel, fear and depression.  It is so much easier to heard the masses when they are weak and don’t know that they are powerful beyond imagination.  Yes powerful.  You must invite the bad people and events into your life because you have free will.  Usually we are tricked.  Alien races will say, oh, I see you are washing away in a flood; well, we can help you if you wish to sign an agreement. There have been many agreements according to Alex with the reptilian races and they are considered to be the bullies of the universe. They feed off our fear and they are amused with us.  They also eat people and must do so while that person is alive.  Our hormones offer a rush to them.  Alex was telling us that they have royalty in their system.  The reptiles with wings and very long tails are royalty.  They have a warrior class and a worker class.  They do not bond in romance as we do and many human emotions are beyond them.  Originally they came here for fresh water and gold.  This planet offered many resources.  Earth was rather bare until it was taraformed by the Andromedans.  Andromedans create “Edens” on planets.  Edens are domed biospheres that grow everything they need to eat while visiting an alien planet.  Many life forms were brought to earth fully formed and they adapted.  Humans did not originate here, and we were seeded as well.  When the reptilians came they did some dumbing down of our race with genetic tinkering.  They wanted us to be subservient.  The group of aliens that probably built the pyramids really enjoyed being treated as gods.  Alex yes it is wrong to manipulate us that way and we need to rebuilt our self awareness.  Humans are actually descended from royalty.  We are the off spring of a magnificent human type race called the Lyra.  Lyrans are called so referring to the Constellation Lyra.   There have been star wars in our solar system and in other parts of the known universe.  Humanoids have been at the edge of existence and extinction due to wars with beings that exists on helium instead of oxygen and other more aggressive types of races such as the reptilian races.  The history that Alex presents is fascinating and I am in awe.  The important part is what lies ahead.  We are being asked to envision the kind of earth and society we wish to live in.  The Andromedans do not use money and they cannot understand why we must pay rent to live on a planet we were born on.  Believe me I have experienced low rent districts and slum lords before and I agree that at least modest abodes should be available much like health insurance.  There are some things that just must be in place for families such as safe and clean shelter.  Those who can afford the castle on the hill, then by all means move to Beverly Hills.  Neale Donald Walsch used to say we have the income scale all wrong.  Those who take care of children and the elderly should earn much more that the ball players.  The social workers, healers, counselors, nurses, care takers, teachers and farmers all should reap a much more substantial income.  The CEO’s in plush offices might seem important but perhaps they got there the wrong way.  Sometimes it is a blood fest to the top.   Alex mentions that type of reptile behavior is unusual for humans.  What is happening is walk in reptiles.  They use the body of a three year old child and kill them very slowly and then take over the body and revive them.  This has gone on for generations with some blood lines that are considered royal.  They look human until they experience human emotions they can’t handle and then they revert back to scales for a moment. There are hybrids among us.  

Alex is asking us to look at the values we hold and decide which human conditions and values should be carried forward and which ones should be left behind?  I think children hold some of those answers for us.  Watch children play for a while and you will have some of the snap shots of what our best features are.  Keep dreaming about the future for it is upon us and our Alien Ancestors have returned to help foster in this new age.  They won’t do the work for us, but, they are available to mentor if we need help and ask.  In my next post, I will share my vision of “the Jetson’s.  I have witnessed future cities and they are fantastic. 
click on the photo to reach Alex's website:

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