Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Radical, Magical, Time Management: Abraham-Hicks Style

Her Majesty's Time

New Way to Allow More Time Management (Abe-Hicks Style)

We all know linear time is a joke?  How people and events dovetail eludes us. But we try to be "on time" and show up.

This concept is new to me and yet...in the past this has happened many times, and with some criticism from the peanut gallery. More on this...later.

There have been times I say to people, I just don't have time. There are times I bite off more than I can comfortably chew and I start to feel overwhelmed, tense and stressed out.

There are times I just plain procrastinate. I organize time to study or clean my often messy bedroom and yet, other things just grab me and I get derailed.

Time management is a huge issue in our world today. Neale Walsch says just showing up is more than half the battle. For the most part, I really try to show up. There is a bit more to this story (at least for me). Abraham states that one person connected to their Source Energy is more powerful than thousands who are not. Imagine showing up, connected and fully present, because that energy can change the outcome of things.

Imagine showing up at a board meeting fully plugged in? I find that the plugged in part has little to do with me personally. I just surrender to the situation. That seems like the easy way out, but actually no, something nothing short of a miracle often happens. For example you are on a steering committee and there are big personalities, and they seem to dominate with their vision and intentions, I get frustrated because I am not being "heard". That shows that I have my ideas and ego just as much present. Recently, I learned to assess the players, remove myself from this frantic energy, balance and ask for connection. I simply ask and allow. There is no force with this. And I'll be a monkey's uncle if it doesn't really happen. I feel quiet and at peace instead of "in pieces". All of a sudden someone asks me, "Nancy, what do you think?" Like a John Travolta devotee, when offered the stage...TAKE THE STAGE! That is what made John famous. I am surprised what comes out of my mouth and I am personally amazed at the confidence with which I say it. I remember being on the church board years ago and feeling "butt hurt" about not being heard. There is this young women who was not validated for her good ideas and abilities...long ago. Her family did not really "get" her. Yip, that was me. I don't have to play that part anymore. I am fully validated by the Universe.

Ok that is the experience of showing up and being inspired before you speak or act. That is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. This is very different than the leadership we normally experience. The powerful fast talkers seem to prevail and prevail by steam rolling over others. That is hardly what I call success. If I have to steam roll over someone, well, I just lost the game.

But back to time management...that is slightly different but oddly similar.

Put everything on the back burner...yes even appointments. Everything. This is not the way the business world works. Trains run on time. It is a huge leap of faith and almost counter intuitive to work on the Universal Timing. I am not always allowing for this. It is the most rewarding practice and yet the one that I seem most resistant too. When I lived on the Navajo Reservation in Chinle, we called this living on reservation time. Clocks did not rule the day. The Native Americans are so plugged into a different type of flow of time and things just line up as they should. When some of my black friends used to ask, "hey, Nancy what time is it?" I would look at my watch and they would laugh. That was not what they wanted to know. What time is it now...it is time to get in synch with the Greater Timing. We all have biological clocks, astrological clocks, circadian clocks, and rhythms all around us. A great example is the people who were late to work the day of 9/11. One lady said, It was as if the Universe was using tricks to make me late and miss my train to the down town area where the Trade Center was. The world will criticize being late, and not showing up...but...sometimes...it is exactly the right thing.

What about when you make a promise? Try to keep them of course. Try to comply in this world but I will tell you this. There is a higher authority. The first thing in my Day Planner is: Did I sit with the POWER, did I LINE UP, did I align with GOD, Did I make the Kingdom of God, "hallowed" in the way I put all other actions on the back burner? I will know by the healthy happy way I feel if I did. Did I ask the Universal Manager to help me order my day?

The Universe will help you accomplish so much more than you possible could using your own known ways. Did you ever have a day where everything flowed and it was like you found extra hours in your day, and everything happened easily and succinctly? That is when you are surfing with the Universal Manager.

I do use my day planner...after I have lined up and become inspired I write things down with question marks. And phrases like I prefer to do this...and help me do this because I really don't want to do this. The Universe makes everything joyful.




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