Friday, January 2, 2015

2015 Predictions

2015 Predictions

Happy New Year.  Each new year I draw some Tarot Cards and meditate on global predictions. 


Last year I felt that each state in the USA would make some enormous changes at a state level via the Governors.  That happened in the way of demanding labeling of GMO ingredients in foods.  It happened in legalization of medical marijuana. I believe there were other significant state level changes too.  I know that legal marriage between same sex partners continues to gain state by state approval.   I believe that will continue. I predicted in 2014 that Alaska would get a new dynamic governor.  This was a close race against a Republican incumbent.   There is a new dynamic (Independent Party) governor, Bill Walker.  I will call that a home run for me.  More will be happening on a local level this year.  City magistrates and leaders will honor the voice of the people more than at a federal level in many ways. 

2014 I predicted that in Arizona we would elect a male governor that I did not prefer and did not vote for.  That happened.  In many ways it will not be a tragedy.  I don’t see some of the changes I prefer happening in our state, but it appears that he will create some stability and some better communication in our state legislature.  I will have to be content to wait until the next gubernatorial

I copied this from last years predictions:
This year we will see many females running for President. And I don't think Hillary will be the final choice. But lets leave some fun in the race. I don't want to know. Next year (2016)I might hone in on all the politics regarding our next US president.

I still am not sure who will win the presidency but it will be a rocky road for some.  This time many will leave the political arena for good.  There will be some dark horses running and that only makes it more exciting.  Just when you think it will be the same old thing, the world and the USA will see new faces and brand new exciting discussions.  It will be a great race.  No need to spoil all the fun with a premature prediction.   

I predicted a desalinization plant in or near Rocky Point, Mexico that would be international.  It would greatly help parts of southern Arizona, namely Yuma.  I did find an article that states a study for that and it was published in August 2014.  They are going to break ground and it is underway.  I would call that a hit.  I believe this year there is even more on this and new jobs created for Mexico and Arizona.  It will be quite the partnership.  More across the border cooperation in education as well.  I see one of the best colleges being build.  It will rival Stanford and Yale in the scope and quality of curriculum.  The way to ease border conflict and immigration woes will emerge.  It is a more flexible agreement.  The problem was those people in Mexico fleeing poverty and corruption.   I think the drug cabal of the past will be fading in many areas.  With new citizen and immigration measures in place we all win.  Habla Espanol?  Keep practicing.  It is time we in the States learn more than one language.  It is becoming the norm in Arizona.
Last year I predicted that people who are frustrated with the status quo would have more problems assembling in a town hall forum.  I was looking at all the world wide protest that happened over this last year… And the police state level resistance to them.  I predicted that churches would step up and become more of a political voice and a place where people can discuss the issues at stake.  It is a trend that will continue.  The Catholic Pope seems to be helping in this regard as well as Protestant Dominations.  Zachary and I went to a Christmas Eve Candlelight service at a very progressive church and we intend to return.  I don’t know how to measure this trend for my accuracy…but personal observation tells me it is happening.  This year, beyond the church taken on some political advocacy, I see smaller groups of people meeting and I would call this master mind groups or groups that envision and put energy around the preferred intentions.  This feels safer and less infiltrated than larger known political groups.  The point is not to be too rattled by all that is happening but continue to support each other in what we are building for the future.  When you know what you don’t want, you will clearly know what you do want.

Huge divisions are happening within the Police and the Military.  Both the police and military will be dividing more than ever.  I told a young black police man in 2012 that he would have to decide which side of the line he is going to stand on.  He looked worried.  I said don’t be concerned because you are one of the good guys.  Eventually the white hats in all this win.  Please continue to respect our law officers and military.  They are aware of all the crazy decisions coming from the top.  You will continue to be surprised at all the happenings around this.  It continues for the next 5 to 10 years. 

I predicted “sensitive windows” last year.  I found some news on this:

This year it will be a year for indoor gardening and edible landscaping.  Hydroponics really take off with more and better ways to do this for apartment dwellers.  All kinds of green technology is on the rise.

Last year 2014 I predicted a huge fear campaign for a super bug or virus.

I think I call that a ding ding ding.  The Ebola fear campaign was raging most of this last year.  I still think there will be news of a vaccination for this down the road.  I use a yellow light of caution with almost all vaccinations.  Kids getting new vaccinations in the 60’s were accidentally infected with a cancer causing live virus.  Now how does that happen?  I have looked at all the articles on this.  I believe it was a polio vaccine that infected thousands of school children.  I will dig up that research.  Where there is smoke there is fire. 

As I try to retell all the correct predictions, it takes some focus on what is unique for this year. 
The biggest news will be the many accidental deaths of bankers.  The banking system is about to break up in a huge apocalyptic way.  I predict that there will be a USA form of economy that is only a credit system.  All numbers and transparent accounting.  There will be credit cards and the old fashioned books issues long ago for savings accounts.  Someone will only sign their name for non-credit card dealings.  There must be a third party unlike the usually bartering systems of old.  This will take more than one year to totally transform and change but there is a big wave happening and evidenced this year.   How we exchange goods and services changes and is slowly yet painfully pulled from the Federal Reserve. 

This change will free up new and timely jobs and services.  It will put flow back into a fiat economy that is inflated and stagnate on borrowing and lending.   It creates new types of money for new needed enterprise.  We have been so corralled by the banks.
That is the most exciting thing.  Woo Hoo. 
2015 is a year where many will panic and make some bad choices…around everything.  It is better to stay where you are, relationship, home, career and all, than to jump from the fire into the frying pan. 
There will be new leadership where the law is concerned.  New Lawyers new ways of reaching justice.  The whole system is ready to birth a new egg.  Again this takes time.  We see it begin this year.

I will end with a feeling that if we don’t lose our heads it will be a great year.   It looks like even the Democratic Party will be splitting in many of its core decisions.  It looks like there is a red and black team or two sides this year and facing the elections.  With so much liquid change, some people will feel anxious.  I say go with the flow, relax.  It is taking us to a better place in the end. 

Best Wishes for a year of harmony and small safe changes. 


PS.  I just remember saying last year that volcanoes could have benefits or be channeled by drilling wells that allow for power and also maybe to eliminate our toxic non biodegradable waste. I did not see much on this until today.  There is research that says in certain countries this is being seriously looked at.  But did it actually happen in 2014.  I am still looking.

Last year I said there would be a new innovative American Car Company.

 I just found out I was right on about that.  Accidentally I found a new electric car company called
Green Tech based in Virginia. I did not hear about them until recently.  They are really taking off now.

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