Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Guided Meditation for Children. Part Two

We will continue our journey from part one

if you wish to start there 

As we come out of the blue tunnel of light there is a green city in the distance,  It looks very magical and it beacons us on.

I have been there before and I am so happy to take you to one of my favorite places.  

We are here and the green gate opens for us. Every one is there to smile and greet us. These people in green are the friendliest folks I have ever met. They line up on the side of the green road and wave and smile at us.  They just love visitors. They love the green light in your heart and it makes them so happy.  Each heart light is just a little bit different like the pictures we paint, fingerprints,smiles,and snowflakes. 

There is a green parrot who speaks to us. He introduces himself us Jacob. He sings us a song and I think it is a Bob Marley song called "Three Little Birds". Jacob sits on your shoulder and sings it to you. That is his job. Jacob greets visitors and tells them that everything is going to be alright. 

Jacob tells us to come back soon and visit again.  We must go on now to the next experience on this ride.

We are floating through a lavender field. Excuse me, I must nibble on this flower. I am a lady bug who cannot resist flowers this fragrant.  Did you ever smell anything so wonderful in your life?  (find something lavender, like a candle scent) There are so many lavender humming birds here too. All around us we hear the hum and swish of little birds drawing nectar from each little blossom. We must look like flowers too. Little birds are flying by to greet us. Lavender helps me feel calm and peaceful. Do you feel that way too? Wonderful. just take that nice feeling with you as we go to our next place. 

I see it now. This is the purple forest and it is entirely magical. I hear waltz music playing. 

Any time that music is playing it means one thing. The purple roses are dancing. The purple roses seldom like to stay in one place all day.  It is lovely to watch them float around us in dreamy patterns. I love the way they smell and make me feel free. Freedom is playing and dancing like the roses do. I like that too. 

I think that is my favorite music with fairy violins. They are the most talented as well as small and purple. 

Look into my big eyes. See me? It has been a pleasure being your guide today. I will take you back to where we started. To do this I will count to three. OK. 

One: we are starting to come home again.  Relax. You can always come back here again.

Two: Think of all the people you love. You can open your eyes now and find them.

Three: All these nice feelings, scents, and sounds can stay with you as you start to move and go forward with your day. Wiggle your toes. Yawn and Stretch a little. Go have fun. 

1 comment:

  1. I am just so happy about being creative today. When I am happy I make grammar mistakes almost on purpose. I did the guided meditation openly. I mean anyone can use it. I used art from all over the place. When I was quite small, every night at bed time, about two feet above me was a light show in the darkness. Dots of color, almost like what we call pixelated would form above me. Red, Brilliant Green, magenta, orange, purple, blue. There seemed to be a pattern. I really enjoyed falling asleep this way. I was gently aware of guidance from about age 3. My stuffed bunny, Tony, talked to me a great deal. He would always calm me down. I guess he was my imaginary friend. I think children who are intuitive need a little help from adults. That is what I am trying to accomplish


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