Thursday, January 29, 2015

Whoa: Are You Sure There is No Karma, Abraham?

Places where I am conflicted with the Abraham Teachings.

I consider myself to be an Abrahamster.  I appreciate the channeling of the collective called Abraham via channel Ester Hicks.  I went to her conference in Phoenix on February 1, 2014.  It was great to see her in person but I did not get to ask a question in the hot seat.  My question was about Angels.  A man named Otto handed me a feather after the conference.  He asked if I was a medium, and I said “YES”.  Since I did not know him, I was thinking, OMG.  That was a confirmation of the question I had hoped to ask.

So, I remain a fan.  I am far better off after listening to Abraham for the last 5 years. It has broadened my horizon and I just feel happier these days.  So what is my gripe?  Abraham would say, “What is stuck in my vibrational craw”.  Two areas are conflicted to this day for me personally.  These beliefs seem to be juxtaposed in my center.  I feel that a better explanation needs to be offered to us earthlings who are in this world of physicality. 

Belief One:  Karma and the Akashic Records.

I think they are meaning ideas about Karma that do not benefit us.  Edgar Cayce mentioned some fears and health problems resulting from past life issues.  Two stories come to mind.  The first one was a woman born with a deformed hip.  She had been to many doctors and had multiple surgeries.  During her Cayce reading he said there was a spiritual and Karmic energy attached to this hip issue.  When she was sitting in a Roman Coliseum watching Christians being fed to lions, she laughed when one young lady's butt was bitten and torn by a lion.  Not only was it a sign of little compassion or empathy, the bigger issue was not allowing others to have their beliefs.  Even if someone has different beliefs than our own, we must allow and respect that.  We are all growing in conscious awareness at are own pace and in our own way.

Another Edgar Cayce reading involves a man who was born a dwarf.  He also had health issues.  He elected to be born to this body for his growth.  Cayce said that Hitler had asked him to destroy the wheat fields and orchards prior to the arrival of the allies in Germany.  He did this as asked but it must have triggered a huge spiritual rift later.
I myself do past life reading.  I am able to view Akashic records.  It does seem that we carry some soul memory via our energetic body into this life time.  There is some thread of connection. 

Each time Ester is asked about Karma it seems it upsets her and she says it is a flawed concept.  Perhaps some of the idea of retribution is faulty, but the soul memory and energy of key events I feel do cross into our present mind and body experience. 
I am hearing Abraham say,” yes, but you are not limited in this way. “ Take the value in an experience and go on…go on to create joy and love.  I just got some of this.  It is a complicated thing to explain and that is probably why she “dislikes” this subject.   

The other two issues for me are childhood abuse and personal boundaries.  Those are large topics as well.  I don’t feel moved to go through both of those today.  I have not yet heard a satisfactory explanation of children creating abuse in their lives yet.  Few of us are born in to TV perfect homes and families.  I suppose even as children, we can attract events or protect our environment.  I am not completely resolved on Angels, Abuse, Boundaries and Karma…all complex. 

The paradigm has not shifted but little by little I can see that none of these things need hold us back.

So more later, more realization is coming.  

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