Monday, July 12, 2021

Chapter 30. SPS. Why Did the Red Hen Cross the Road?


 To Reach my front door, of course.  There was a bit of commotion outside, and several cats were either an acting entourage or in pursuit of a gorgeous red hen. My front door was open, she walked right into my trailer and then flew to the kitchen sink.  I turned the water on for her and she drank and had a lovely little bath. She was quite at home. I spoke to the neighbors about Ms. Red Hen, and no one knew exactly where she hailed from.  It was quite a blessing to entertain her for a while.  A good home was found for her.

house in Myton, Utah 

The Message of the Red Hen

The work I do is my path.  I like the idea of being part of a collective or a group.  The message had been quite clear that I must climb this hill alone and take creative control of my life.  When I speak of a psychic sisterhood, I am referring to those on a similar path.  I do have a soul group that I have traveled through time with.  This time it is up to me to expand, go it alone, and then reunite with others.

When animals do some unexplained and anomalous things, they bear a message.  I think that this chapter is all about the animal messengers in my life as well as for others.  

Fluffy white cat

As a three-year-old, I remember a gorgeous white fluffy cat. She walked up to me and brushed my leg, but she would not allow me to pet her. She played “hide and seek:” instead.  My mother was at a luncheon with other women, and they were dinning outside. I remember people filming this incident and I even think I remember my mother owning a video called “the cat”.  This cat climbed a tree in front of me and then would disappear and reappear.  For me it was the beginning of a lifelong love of cats.  My parents would not allow me to have a cat due to my asthma.  As an adult, I had many cats in my life and my allergy subsided over time. I could spend an hour or two on each cat I ever owned or each cat that owned me.  There were many tears when they parted and yet the next cat was always just around the corner.  They are magical and quite psychic.  They express an extremely high level of love and self-sacrifice.  They wait patiently for my crossing over to see them again. There is a cat heaven.   

Lucky Ducky encounter

When I was five, I won a duck at the fair.  My big brother handed me a nickel to throw in a plate.  There was a huge problem; I could not see the plate.  In my frustration I just threw that nickel hard and far.  It must have bounced off something because it landed perfectly in a plate.  My brother could not manage landing a nickel in a plate and after the nice lady handed me a carton with my duck inside, we decided to call it a day.   I had won a prize that looked like a little ball of yellow fluff.  I believed it was a girl and named it Kim. We dug a hole up outside with an old used bathing tub as the pond. We put stones at one end so Kim could get easily out. Then my dad built a coup for Kim out of chicken wire. Kim grew to be an exceptionally large white feathered adult. It was part of the family and we just loved it.  One day when I was in kindergarten my parents took Kim to the park and let it go.  Ducks bond with people and I really missed it.  Many years later I had a dream about Kim.  He was wearing a Scottish tam and had a tartan scarf around his neck. I cannot tell you which clan it represented.  Kim was allowing me to meet the misses and all the little ducks that had waddled into the forefront.  Kim loved being a father and being part of a family.  My parents had done the right thing. That was not the only dream I would have of my friend.  I had another dream where Kim was in a barn with a group of animals that said, “I love you Nancy”’ There were all kinds of animals from horses to dogs and birds and of course ducks. All the small kindnesses I had shown to animals over the years were not forgotten nor was anything meaningless.  They were saying that these little things add up in a big way. 

 What About Fish?

My grandpa took me fishing.  Our family had rented a hotel room and a motorboat. We went to Lake Havasupai and most of the trip was wonderful. I loved the lake and being in the speedboat. Grandpa helped me put a hook on the end of the line and cast the line behind the boat.  Suddenly there was a fish on the line, and I was reeling it in when I connected with it.  I saw the look of fear in its eyes and the pain. I did not enjoy that one bit. I asked my grandpa to please let it go but I had the feeling that he was sad that I was sad.  There would be no more fishing trips for me. Fish are just horrified, and they do suffer.  I really should join Peta.

Dolphin encounter

I only was able to feed the Dolphin at Sea World.  I was scared as the Dolphin opened its mouth very wide and it had long sharp teeth. I was amazed how big that mouth was, but I dropped in my offering of little fish.  I touched its skin and there was a cold rubbery feel to that skin, and it did not move away for a few moments.  I did not know which of the many dolphins I had just fed. I was looking through a window and I noticed one dolphin swimming past the window and circling back around to look at me.  It was a brief encounter but a lasting one.  They are so intelligent, and they should not be at Sea World.  They deserve their freedom just like many higher order animals do.

Eagle Encounter

John Denver would be a poor man if he never saw an eagle fly.  I have seen then fly over many times but until one October Day I had never seen one up close and had true eye contact.  My little puppy Goldie had found a trail that went to the town dump.  We lived in Myton, Utah for a short while.  That is where my little red hen experience happened, and more animals will show up from Myton later in this chapter.  The eagle was perched on a low limb of a tree right next to the dump.  I was walking behind my puppy, but she took off running to all those wonderful garbage smells.  I tried to hurry up.  Suddenly, in a second, I was eye to eye with a bald eagle. It spread its wings and looked like about 8 feet of span to me.  We had a moment.  I looked at her and she looked me right in the eye and she looked at Goldie too.  She saw the connection between my dog and me.  With one big whoosh she lifted into the air and took off. It was scary and thrilling all at one time. There was a great deal of intelligence there with that Condor Sized eagle. That is the worry that many country folks face. Living in a small rural town, pets become prey.  Most people don’t even know the fate of their little doggies and kitties.  The eagles and the coyotes are going to look for easy prey and they are successful many times. 

Ferret Encounter and Smokey

Once again, I opened my front door, and a ferret ran in the door and peed in the corner and then hid under my couch.  Ferrets have a musky smell.  We decided to place an add somewhere so the owner could find us.  The owner did show up a day later.  He explained that he had been knocking on doors. I do not want a ferret. Another day we had a huge gray tom cat come in the door.  We offered him water and food.  That was it.  He adopted us.  Smokey had an abscess on his lip. I took him to the vet and the vet gave Smokey penicillin. The blood test revealed Smokey to have feline aides.  I ask the vet if I should put him down?  When I said that; Smokey jumped into my lap and started to hug me.  The vet and I laughed.  Smokey was our best cat. You have heard the saying: you can't herd cats? Yes, well Smokey could herd them.  He was the alpha male. I would ask Smokey to round up the two other female cats fir dinner and he would do that.  Smokey would knock at the door of my home standing behind both cats.  If they attempted to escape his round up he would get on top of them and grab their neck. It was amazing.  He could do things I never saw another cat do. Smokey offered advice to me on several life situations I was in.  He also had an arrangement with our next door neighbor in Phoenix.  I would let Smokey out at night and the neighbor was up early and knocked on the door to let Smokey back inside.  This routine was on going for quite a while until it suddenly stopped.  

Smokey remained with us for about 5 more years and then said goodbye. He said goodbye to my son and to me.  He just disappeared.  We think he went off to die on his own terms.  I felt Smokey jump on my bed.  That means that he was in spirit form.  It was also confirmation that he had transitioned to the cat haven.       

Pigeon, Newfoundland, and Sparrow and Nightingale

My two boys brought home strays all the time.  This bright Phoenix morning they brought home a pigeon.  We took it to the vet because its wing was broken.  The boys nursed it back to health and let it go. 3-year-old Jason brought home a huge Newfoundland. I am not 100% on the breed.  It was a big shaggy dog. A neighbor let us know that Jason was with this dog at the edge of a big canal. The dog would jump in to stay cool.  We had to take it to a shelter to keep Jason in the yard.  Then there was a sparrow that I brought home and hand fed.  It started flying and we took it to the sparrow shelter.  A lady had a back yard sanctuary for all kinds of birds.  It was good to know her. There were many more birds that found refuge with her.   

Just like a Disney movie, these creatures would come visit and the birds sang to me, and the other creatures seem to say words sometimes like “hello”.   A nightingale messenger: I was pregnant with Zak (the big guy with a sparrow on this finger). I had a bad night of tossing and turning and then about 6 AM the most lovely song bird started singing at the bed room window.  There was also a big bull frog in our yard that also started to croaking. Within moments there was a rooster crowing as well.  I call this Goddess Energy. About 6:15 AM I felt like the baby head butted me.  There was a sharp pain in my lower pelvis floor.  My then husband woke up.  We decided to drive to the hospital.  My birth was a planned C section but it had been planned for the 30th.  It was the 29th and the doctor had to cancel all his morning appointments. Years later I was spending the night with a friend when she went into labor. There was a rush of energy that was undeniable. I woke up about 2 AM and told her that I could not sleep due to all the goddess energy.  About 4 AM she went into labor.    

I am a pet psychic too.  I love speaking with pets.  I had one lady who I visited on a regular basis.  She would not leave the house with out her pit bull.  To take her shopping I had to put Emma in the front seat with me on a blanket.  The pit bull, Emma and I talked telepathically on these trips.  We went thru a hamburger drive thru and Emma said that she wanted a hamburger with everything, but she did not like the fries.  She said that she like potatoes but not French fries.  I asked her owner about all this, and it was accurate.  This dog liked cheese burgers with everything but not the fries. She was fond of the potato pancakes that her owner would sometimes make. She especially minded the oil used to fry the fries.  She had a sophisticated palate and she was a precise communicator.  

During those years of social work, I was like Long Island Medium sometimes having conversations with the pets and also loved ones.  I would say: Is your father passed over? I had to ask because the loved one would be standing there grinning.

Since most of my clients had a mental health diagnosis, I wondered if everything I said seemed normal?  I always fit in well with this group of people. Dogs will often spill the beans on their owners.  A dog might show me an image of their owner crying or breaking things.  Dogs and horses are truthful and better than parrots at telling stories. Animals show with emotions and all the senses rather than using words. It is a very accurate way of communicating because we often say words fall short and meanings get lost in translation. Also animals have no filter.  Be cognizant about that.  I believe a good pet psychic could solve a murder mystery just like James Stewart in Rear Window. 

We love you so much.  All my cats. 

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