Monday, July 26, 2021

Chapter 32 SPS. To Grow More Lovely Inside and Out


This might be a Ted Talk someday down the road.  That would be lovely.

 My frustration with losing weight has been on going but today I am celebrating small successes in how I feel.  Overall, I feel more energetic and I have made some  lifestyle changes. The scale (pounds) used to wreck my day, but now I do not allow it to be my only measurement. Today I did weigh. I gained 2 pounds, but I now have developed a questionnaire for myself. Now I like to rate my happiness and overall energy. I look to applaud myself with small achievable goals. Examples: Did I take my Youngevity products, do Yoga and Zumba today? Did I stick to my Keto eating plan? I really love the food on that plan. What would I most like to do today?  Learn Today?  And who do I want to touch today? Touch means reach out to and is not a romantic touch necessarily. Many times my touching or reaching out is random and accidental and perhaps all the more sacred for me. I like to play with the Universe. To play I summon all the love I feel for humanity and send it out like a boomerang and I am quite sure it will return to me with many blessings. With all that love and joy perhaps my weight loss will pale and not be such an obsession.  Lately I have been gifted with information. 

 I watched a documentary on You Tube called "why thin people stay thin".  These people can eat anything and they were doing an experiment to try and gain weight. They could not even gain weight.  When they started eating more calories their metabolism would increase.  The participants liked sports and walking, however they were asked to refrain from working out and walking too.  Yes, and they did not gain weight.  Weight loss is not just about calories in and out;  it is all about metabolism and maintained energy. 

Being over weight means there are other issues.  The first thing I am doing is focusing on my overall health.  I could starve and then fall and break bones and a hip replacement too. Having the goal of the scale showing 90 pounds cannot be the end all be all. My organs would shut down if I starve and I would have no vitality.  They say that anorexic people cannot get thin enough. I hate that the fashion industry has created that sort of image for women. I think they are trying to change that standard. 

I had a dream that I was dating several different men (but not being promiscuous) and I had some curves.  In fact I was probably 30 pounds overweight.  I looked so happy and radiant.  I was having fun and I was genuinely laughing (as opposed to fake laughing).  In this dream I was dancing with the occasional hip bump and I could really bump pretty good. I seemed to have positive self-worth. Wonderful dream to remember.  

I wonder if those trying to out do Twiggy ever thought about longevity and being an uplifting personality.  They say beauty is as beauty does.  Another saying about personality is this: Beauty is consciousness.  Being conscious is enlightenment and knowing who you really are.  In esteeming yourself you will esteem others. Personality is very important in the dating world. 

One day a lady handed me a book. (she must have been an angel).  The name of it was Psycho-Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz.  Dr. Maltz was a very wise plastic surgeon.  He was realizing there was a huge piece of self image that has nothing to do with how someone really looks. Looks are subjective anyway. Dr. Maltz would transform deformed faces into something pleasing to the eye.  There was a problem with the perception of the owner of that face; they clung to the belief they were still grotesque and unlovable. Beliefs die hard. Dr Maltz would have his patients put the words "I LOVE YOU" on their bathroom mirror as one step to unconditional self-love.  

If someone wishes to improve their appearance and perhaps get a make over. The makeover might need to be an inside job first.  The first thing might be to be kinder to yourself,  forgive yourself all wrong doings as well as forgive others. Don't starve. Find health food that you love so there is not a feeling of deprivation.  Know that we are all precious and our real self is literally divine. Unfortunately we have bought into the criticism and judgements of others.  I remember how critical my mother could be towards me and other people. I observed that she did not like herself very much either.  Some people thought she was very pretty.  She absolutely did not appreciate herself the way others did. She was very pretty.

I was 16 years old when that lady,  who was a stranger, handed me Dr. Maltz's book. That was a miracle that I needed.  I had been looking for answers, and I was starting to find all those resources too. The Universe does help those who help themselves. It was a miracle the way literature fell into my lap.  In the beginning I could not believe that I could achieve things but the end game I wanted was possible.  

That is one thing that is fundamental to realizing dreams. When working towards self actualization and personal fulfillment: believe it is possible.  I was listening to Sheila Gillette say:  Stop waiting for the other shoe to drop and dont believe that you cannot succeed.  The belief that you can do it is just as possible and probable.  I think life has smacked all of us at times.  We believed that we were a shoe in for a job or a raise or an award of some sort.  We tried and did not get it.  Abraham Lincoln ran many times for the senate prior to winning.  Walt Disney could not get a loan for his vision of Disneyland but finally someone gave him a chance.  So we all know those rags to riches stories.  And if not this life time, surely the next.  Why not believe in yourself?  The one piece of advice Abraham/Ester Hicks gives to people is:  Don't share your dream with others.  Often times well meaning others can rain on our dreams. Keep them safe within you. Break dreams up into those doable pieces and celebrate each time you get a bit closer. 

 Ask to see yourself differently.  You might see the sparkle in your eyes that can light up the room if you can perceive yourself differently.  Sometimes we get comfortable with putting ourselves down.  Lift yourself up because you are somebody and you have gifts.  Just ask to see them.  

A recap:  

Measurable goals can be as simple as creating a check list for each day. Try creating a Likert Scale. It can have any amount of numbers like from one to ten.  Did you take a walk today and how good is your frame of mind? Check it off. Today I did do my Yoga, check, and I meditated, check,  and I would say I am at a 9 in my happiness level. Also, I would say I followed my Keto diet 70%. In a column I might comment on what I could do to make it 85% tomorrow. That is motivational interviewing of myself, and it does create insight.  Maybe using a bathroom scale is not the way to go in the beginning. Usually someone's weight will fluctuate and that can be frustrating.  In time those pounds will just fly away without much thought.    

Look for ways to improve your self image. It might be a new hair style or getting your teeth whitened?  Try on clothes that fit and flatter. If you need consensus then ask a friend to shop with you. Most of looking good is the way you feel about yourself.  If your goal is weight loss, then you will want to celebrate all those small changes.  Look at overall health as being a great place to start.  You could end your life early if being scary thin is your goal. My newest goal is just having fun and being confident for all the many things I can do well.  Having fun might be doing some Zumba for 10 minutes a day, reaching out to a friend,  buying some flowers for my home and of-course, blogging.  I love to write.  Some people create a fun list.  Not a bad plan. 

People who are overweight often have other health issues. For me, I am diabetic and finding ways to manage that has been key to lightening the weight I carry. I have already written a great deal on type 2 diabetes. I have a theory that diabetes exits prior to the weight gain and not the other way around. It was discovered that I had gestational diabetes when I was at a normal weight. Also, I believe the infant formula my mom gave me had too much sugar in it.  My mom was not encouraged to breast feed her children.  That was how things changed in the 40's and 50's.  Sugar was in everything.  Did they know? Did they really know how toxic Fluoride was prior to adding it to our water sources? It is proven to lower IQ.  Did the powers that be desire to dumb us down and make us all diabetic?  I have read about operation paperclip.  That would be a whole other essay.  Obesity, Arthritis and Diabetes have become epidemic in the USA and they are all related as well as heart problems.  It is as though there was a master plan.  I don't have to be part of an evil master plan.  In the end all things right themselves.  Knowledge is gained as well as self mastery.  Those guys that tried to dumb us down get to live in the bed they made. 

  I am taking some supplements developed by Dr. Wallach, that give me energy. They give me the right sort of energy from vitamins and trace minerals. It is not that jittery 10 cups of coffee feeling. I just love it. According to Wallach's assessments, the first thing to do was to quit bread.  Gluten is not my friend and it is keeping me from absorbing nutrients. I had to find many of my own answers to living and loving my way to health.  Educating yourself is key to turning things around. There is help with that available.  I am one resource. 

  Once you have better energy, the weight will just drop off.  I remember Ricki Lake, star of Hairspray, saying "they had to feed me milkshakes because I was dancing and loosing so much weight".  It seems criminal that Hollywood producers starve or fatten up actors for the parts they play.  Is anything more important than your body?  Without health there is little you can do but complain. Richard Simmons, fat loss guru, said "food use to be the only friend I had" and that really leads to loneliness.  I read Richard Simmons book years ago, Never Say Diet.  I might be paraphrasing on what I read so do not quote me verbatim.  I love Richard Simmons.

I am recapping but I must add this part. 

  One thing I would love to say to Richard is this:  Get some Dr. Wallach's plant derived minerals and take them.  Richard does Sweating to the Oldies exercise videos. All that sweating is good for the heart, except people loose lots of electrolytes and other minerals when they sweat.   Trust me that will wear out a body and a person might feel worse than their couch potato friends.  Just a little bit of well earned wisdom from me. I developed an auto immune disease from all the activity I was doing. As a young adult I was working and in college and then dating until 3 am sometimes.  I did not know much about nutrition.  I got really sick and was in bed for about 6 weeks.  It was probably mononucleosis. It might be Epstein bar,  but it would come back if I was not careful.  Now they say it probably was Fibromyalgia.  That is the disease of our time.  I went to a Rheumatologist to receive a diagnosis but they did not have a cure for it.  I did discover my cure.  I still have to be careful.   

Ask the Universe to help you see yourself differently. Most people have taken on the perceptions and criticisms of other.  I love Abraham/Ester Hicks and Sheila Gillette as gurus on my relationship to myself.  That is the primary relationship.  There are many other life coaches and self help authors regarding this subject.  

I am at chapter 32 and close to finishing my book.  I am so excited.  Hope you all get something worth while out of what I am writing. 

If you need help visualizing and designing a path to weight loss or another health goal please reach out. I do free health evaluations and do recommend products.  I am here for you. 

just visit my website: 

1 comment:

  1. It was very well written. Good references and I like your dream.


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