Saturday, December 29, 2012

Seven Supporters of Alex Colliers and the Andromedan Teachings

Carrying the Flag of Alex & Andromedan Mentorship

This is the link to a You Tube Video.  We are not advertising this very much because it is fragile.

Both Raybeam and I have great admiration for what Alex has been through and his journey with the Andromedan race who are literally cousins to us humans.  They are trying to help us weather the storm and turn things around.  This transcript is called “Seven Souls Carrying on What Alex Collier started”. I wanted to use the word Andromedan in my title so the search engines will bring those who want to know more to the right place.
These sever souls include:  Nancy Lake, Robert Lake, Ashley Roya, Chad, Mona Scotia, and Raybeam Starchild. Wait to Finish this post.

Once we started talking about carrying on with what Alex started, I felt connected with the Blue Beings that Alex speaks of.  I seemed to know that they approved and said welcome aboard.  I remember saying, yes I am ready to be a conduit and channel for them.  I maybe should have read the fine print on that.  Since saying that I am on board, I am feeling an intense energy and also a great deal of joy.  All of a sudden everything has changed.  I feel that some people are seeing me as being weird or out there.  I left normal a long time ago.  I don’t think anyone expects me to be quite normal any more.  Still some people I know see being a channel for ET’s as a step into the social fringe.  Those people who know me well are saying step back into “normal” a little bit.   I lost a son in 2006 and I don’t expect to ever be normal again.  I have been psychic all my life and that puts me in a different boat.  I have been overweight most of my life and can’t figure out why.  I think it has kept me from obtaining the respect of (some) others and better paying positions.  I have two degrees so my ability to thrive in academia is understood, believed and documented.  I might be a natural teacher as well.   My life is full of peaks and valleys and struggles and some great luck and some minuses.  It is very much like a carnival ride.  I think I have tried to avoid the scary rides and after today I might be taking a ride on the thriller triple loop monster coaster. That is what it seems like.  Buckle your safety belt it is going to be bumpy in my world. 

I understand that Alex like to eat and enjoyed the occasional rum and coke.  I can’t do drugs or alcohol.  My brain chemistry is very sensitive. I do eat but trying to avoid the carbs.  The only way to calm my nervous energy is to listen to ASMR tapes on You Tube.  Certain sounds calm me and make my shoulders relax and I even get a pleasant sensation down my spine.  This is non medical, non drug, and legal.  That and bubble baths will have to suffice to let go of the intensity I feel in dealing with Andromedan warriors. They are really very amazing and I am going to enjoy the interaction.  I am remembering several things that Alex has said, and now I fully understand him.

We need better etiquette in dealing with non human and non earth beings.
 We are very ego centric in our view of ourselves and our place in the galaxy.  It would be good to be quiet and just listen when in the presence of some more advanced races.  They love us unconditionally but if we are to enlist the help of others and become part of the Galactic Federation we need to observe the protocol in addressing other groups.

They don’t want to do the work for us but they will help us. 
Being involved will mean leaving my coach potato self behind.  I must get more organized and busy. Many hands make light work.  I will learn to delegate and enlist others.  The Andromedans have said that money does not matter.  They can’t understand why we must pay to live on the planet we were born on.  Many of our indigenous tribes did not.  The earth based tribes did not build fences or roads either.  We can’t go back to those roots but among this group, money will not be an issue. We will work and produce what we need.  We will find the resources.  

Already people I know very well are saying, I just don’t believe in aliens or abductions.  I am not here to convert anyone to my way of thinking.  You do not have to believe anything to be my friend.  It is a free world and we are trying to maintain the freedom to believe what you wish to.  The only thing I might ask is to allow me my beliefs as well.  

And if you hang around me, you will witness things that do not fit into your world or paradigm, just be prepared for that.  It happens to my friends all the time. 
Here’s to my new life and new friends, the Andromedans. Cheers.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Hoping for a Wonderful Life Review

We should have a Wonderful Life Review

I love the 1946 Christmas Classic, It’s a Wonderful Life.  I always cry at the end and feel warm inside. 

Just like Jimmy Stewart character, George Bailey, we should receive a visit from our guardian angel at least once a year.  I am thinking Christmas Eve perhaps.  It would be wonderful indeed to see the beneficial things we have been involved in during that year or a life time too.  We all effect each other and the twist of this is some of the things we do are in our soul contract with significant others. 
Harry Bailey was saved from drowning in a frozen lake by his big brother George.  This heroic deed was celebrated by Clarence the guardian angel.  What if George had failed to save his brother?  We all have certain arrangements and agreements with the cosmic design of things.  Almost like a fairy tale, the knight on a white horse shows up in the nick of time and not a minute too soon.  The little riddle I want to suggest is this:  Harry was supposed to continue with his life, so, another miracle or another person would have saved him.  I think there is a plan B in some of these scenarios.  Fortunately we have all been there for someone in a time of need and we can be rewarded in many ways for our presence. 
There are so many people who brighten our lives just by being in it.  Steven Hawking did not save anyone physically as a firefighter or war hero would, but he has stretched our understanding of physics and cosmology.  He is quoted as saying God may have decreed the laws of physics but He himself does not break them.  The subject of God and philosophy is not one of Steven’s favorite subjects.  It is a subjective topic: How to define God.  I think Steven is close to defining God through science and that might prove to be a language that serves to unify us.  I define God as a relationship; More on that later.
It suffices to know that those who through talent and creativity and science have advanced us should also receive a pat on the back from their Clarence or Guardians.  We have had influence on others and we have agreed to some of the unfavorable events as well.  It is much harder to think of oneself as a victim when you realize you might have set up a certain experience.
I have had moments of Devine Intervention.  Once I was climbing up a canyon wall with some other teenagers.  My foot slipped and I was airborne for the longest of seconds.  I surrendered my life of 16 years into the hands of fate.  The day had been a perfect mix of teenage fun and adventure.  We found a natural water slide and had a raucous of a time with it.  I had enjoyed the hike down to the Blue River.  It was easy climbing over stacked boulders that looked like a Titan Child had placed them there.  Climbing back up my tennis shoes and clothing were still wet. Then there was that horrible (oops oh no) moment.  My heart was in my throat but something odd happened.  I was caught by a thorn bush by the seat of my pants.  I could not find the strength to laugh about it until later.  When I told my friends it soon became humorous.  In my heart I knew something big had happened.  There was a knowing that enveloped me with love and light.  It was the dawn of my sacred relationship. In this spiritual moment I knew something much Bigger Than Me had literally saved me.   There was a rational explanation, but I don’t remember that thorn tree on the way down or the way up.  I still get Goosebumps.  I think I am meant to be here until it is time to go.  I have a predetermined time of departure I think.
I often question George’s decisions and think that maybe he shouldn’t have sacrificed all his dreams to save others.  Then the story would be not as heartwarming.  I am not sure it is a good idea to live our lives according to others demands or wishes.  Somewhere in the design of a life there is the part that should make us look forward to getting up in the morning.  I might be wrong but I think being in a relationship because you want to be or a job because it is meaningful is a good thing.  Betrayal of yourself is betrayal just the same as to someone else. 
There are my favorite parts of the movie.  I love that the town came together to rescue George for his selflessness over the years.  He realized how truly wealthy he was and that cannot be measured in dollars.  I love that he got to see his effect on all the lives he touched.  He had new appreciation for his accomplishments.  I love that this might be the first Hollywood movie to suggest that we have guardian angels in a very real way who protect our lives. 
No matter what other thoughts and philosophies may come, being a kind person who is a blessing to others will always bring a round of applause from spirit.  We all do experience a life review which does happen shortly after passing to the other side.  Just like a Charles Dickens novel we will see how our lives did affect others. You will get the panoramic view of all that happened. You will see that we really all our connected and what you do unto another you really did do to yourself.  I experienced this in part when I had my near death experience at age 32.  I experienced that Life is Wonderful and full of golden opportunities that will create memories and treasure on the other side.  I did experience some of my mistakes and some things that were “accidentally” good.  I had some dumb luck at occasionally doing the right things. 

Merry Merry Holiday…Live Your Own Wonderful Life to the Fullest…I am going to try.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

How to Create Killers Through Mind Control

The Age of Mind Control Has Arrived

Mind control has been here for quite a while.  Known as MK Ultra in the past governmental experiments. 

This is a clip of the movie Conspiracy Theory and it has some truths mixed in with silly untruths making the lead character look a bit crazy.

Dr. Ross has several great interviews and has written about mind control extensively.

more on mind control with Cathy O'Brien

I started looking into this mind control issue 10 years ago when my son was spinning out of control and had vague memories of soldiers abducting him.  We have found out a great deal.  This essay was written right after the Sandy Hood school shooting in December 2012

Regarding Adam Lanza:  One of the forensic investigators, Lt. Vance said. "The forensic part is not done yet. We are looking on his computers to see if there was someone who was goading this kid on. There could be a conspiracy of sorts involving someone else.” The News in Australia is different than ours. Their news reports a man in camoflage pants being escorted out of the woods behind Sandy elementary school and put in a police car.  And did his mother, Nancy Lanza really own a semi automatic weapon as it is reported? There are conflicting accounts of her level of expertise with weapons, and Adam was a shy geeky guy going to college at age 17.  What do we believe.

 A Google search regarding mind control will yield all that anyone needs to learn. There is a movie called "Manchurian Candidate" that is about creating a human weapon or an assassin. When is the assassin created?  Early in childhood some children are exposed to some type of mind control and some of these victims are children of military personelle (other countries as well).  Males are their most vulnerable and unstable during adolescence.  The surge of testosterone and the new growth of neurons in the brain lead to moodiness and frustration.  If someone can purposefully excite, perturb anger in a teen male then we have the makings of a monster.
I am sharing Liza's quote.  "I am Adam Lanza's mother. I am Dylan Klebold's and Eric Harris's mother. I am Jason Holmes's mother. I am Jared Loughner's mother. I am Seung-Hui Cho's mother. And these boys—and their mothers—need help. In the wake of another horrific national tragedy, it's easy to talk about guns. But it's time to talk about helping at risk children" It is time to discuss the mental health inept 3 ring circus that is helping big pharma make millions.    It is time to really discuss, beyond the psycho-pharmaceutical interventions, they don't work and they don't cure the problem and they are poisonous neuro toxins.  We need to talk more about the snake pits where those having a break down are taken and people just scream all night.  We need to discuss the jails who serve as a place to detain the mentally ill.  We need to come together under a new paradigm of compassion and understanding. 

Most of the mass shootings have been planned in advance.  All of the killers were genius or near genius in IQ.  That is also an important factor.  I think the less intelligent do not make good mind control candidates.  I am not totally sure why that is an issue.  The less intelligent can have outbursts of anger but they might not plan an incident very well.   Certain drugs can exasperate violence and some of these drugs are unknown to most of us.  Those who are intelligent might also react to cues that others might miss. 
Childhood trauma makes children emotionally unstable.  Corey Goode was a child abducted by the military and received special training.  His psychic telepathic abilities were tapped and increased.  Corey is very intelligent and empathic.  If you Google that name you are in for a huge wake up call.  He is a whistle blower for military secret programs.  He said that children who may already be traumatized by abuse or neglect are excellent candidates to be used by the military as assassins.  They can be abducted from their beds at night and the technology exists to move them through 3-D walls and return them quietly and maneuver time as well.  Parents are often unaware of these abductions.  Those children with a tendency to be anti-social or fractured are then tortured to the point of fracturing their mind.  This technique does not work as well for females.  Teen girls have more resiliency in this regard. 
The gun control agenda is just ridiculous.  But it seems to be the motivation for triggering these young enhanced mind controlled all American boys to activate in sleepy small towns across America. Towns like Sandy Hook, Roseburg, Oregon, Colorado, etc.  Why a safe little town?  The message is to instill fear in all of our hearts.  You are safe nowhere,  until you pass this piece of awful legislation that further takes away constitutional rights.  It is so much fear campaigning and it is a crime against the American People.  We need a tribunal to hold these rogue military people accountable. 
Criminals will always be able to get guns and ammunition.  Laws just keep the honest people honest.  Helping kids when they need it most and beefing up our education would be a more wise use of energy and money.  
As for guns, I look forward to two types, Star Trek Stun Guns and Tranquilizer Guns...
I would hope the rest would go away, but, I don't see that any time soon. 
I would like to add some new information on mind control and its beginnings.  Google Stewart Swerdow and you will find many interviews on You 
Tube and elsewhere including Coast to Coast AM 2012 interviews that were amazing. Stewart has been criticized but I personally believe him.  He was a teen age victim of mind control during the Montuak Project.  He was abducted and tortured.  He and Al Bielek discuss using sexual assault and physical assault on mind control victims to plant triggers to be used to initiate assassinations.  Stewart says that is is more than our military that created this.  Reptilian agendas feel that humans need to be controlled and are easily influenced by propaganda.   At the helm of the shadow government are forces of non human entities.  They have worked hard at deceiving us and militarizing almost all government agencies.  Do you feel de-humanized and de-valued at air ports, banks, and various helping agencies?  It is not your imagination.  All part of the new order.  Anyway this last piece is added January 2 2015.  

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Time Travel to 2026 Where I Meet My Granddaughter

I Met My Future Granddaughter

She is radiant in my mind. Her smile is like the sun bouncing off ice cycles after a winter storm has past.  Tasha, short for Natasha, is not here on earth yet.  I have but a slip of a memory from a slip in time about six months ago.  I have talked to my future grandchild.  She is an fairy princess with blond curly tassels of hair, the green eyes of an old soul, and she fills my heart to the brim.  I feel our little struggling group will be reborn when she enters the world.  It does spur me on to know that our Jason will return in flesh through her line.  This is reincarnation at its best. 

I remember writing down all the details of a dream I had and did not want to lose any of those little pieces.

I went through my Dash Journal. I keep a journal on the dash of my computer.  I found what I had recorded on February 14th, Valentine’s Day, 2012

Feb 14

Took a day off yesterday, Zac and I got haircuts and saw a movie. I was talking about time travel and the movie Millennium. It is one of my favorite Science Fiction movies. Zac and I went to Red Planet Diner and we discussed what I might say to myself if I got to travel back.  As I was getting ready for bed, I saw a little blond girl in my bed room out of the corner of my eye.  She seemed quite solid in her presentation.  I got a chill at seeing her.  She is my future granddaughter, Natasha.  I think they call her Tasha.  The year is 2026and Tasha is 8 years old.  I would be in my 70’s and I believe I know her very well.  I was told her child would be a reincarnation of Jason and this time we will be aware of all that he is ahead of time.  The way will be much smoother and he will have a wonderful journey.

This was not really a dream; I was in that twilight state before sleep so it was more what I would call a lucid dream.  I had forgotten the dates.  Tasha is to be born in the year 2018.  That is about 5 years up the road.  That means that circumstances will improve in dramatic ways in our little group.  Zac is single and I believe that he desires a girl friend, but at this time not children.  Zac is a far from being a family man as anyone could possibly be.  As many of my readers are aware, Zac is now my only son in the flesh.  Jason is free to roam the spiritual plane and is quite alive, but not incarnate.  I lost my eldest son in 2006 to some very unusual circumstances.  I did not see that coming.  But back to our Tasha in the future.  Zachary would be the one remaining vehicle for her genetic line and I have never wished to push Zach.  I think the female who will grab his heart is lucky as he is a dear sweet compassionate person.  My first wish is that he is happy and well matched.  Tasha would be welcome into our lives if that is that case. 
We still struggle with the loss of Jason and other family members.  
The death of a loved one is shielded and inconceivable to the mind.  His death was nearly the end of me.  I did not see much point in living.  I wrote a book called “Sunflowers for Jason”  and it is available in kindle on Amazon.   That book is necessary in my life because it chronicles the growth through my devastation and it manages to tell a tale of survival.  The book "The Lovely Bones" speaks to the growth people have after a huge loss and tragedy.  Jason wanted to be a parent in the worst way.  He was married to my son in law, Keith.  Yes, they were gay and putting that aside, they would have made the best parents in the world.  It reminds me of another favorite comedy, The Bird Cage (1996).  That would be them as a mature couple had Jason not met with an untimely end.  Jason would have been the Nathan Lane personality and he did have the same flare for drama.
There are cycles of life and death.  We need a miracle like a baby to wake up our hearts again.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Merry Quackers and Christmas Kindness

 Quakers and Kindness

                                                            Meet the Family

I won a baby duckling at the Arizona State Fair.  I threw a nickel high into the air, it bounced and landed in a little shallow pan.  My brother and his friend, Chris, shouted, she won!  Hey, she won a duck! I was handed a cute little yellow ball of fluff that I named Kim. Back up about 3 minutes before the winning coin toss. I was having a moment of frustration, or a 5 year old temper tantrum. Everyone was throwing nickels trying to win a baby duck, but, I was too small. I could not see over the railing.  It was like I was invisible and powerless to enlist the help needed.  When they handed me a nickel, I tossed it in a wild, devil may care way and won. I can't imagine how many things that nickel hit and bounced off of on its trajectory. That seems to be true with most of my lucky breaks.  If I am detached from the desired outcome, I am sure to get my wish. My brother dug a pond for Kim the whole family enjoy many funny moments with Kim. I had a wonderful experience and I loved her so much. I thought Kim was a girl duck. My parents loved him too but took him to Encanto Park to be with other ducks once he was fully grown.  The mystery is how did I discover Kim was a male?  That is yet to come.  

(sorry about the font change)
 Kim was one of many pets and animals that I would take care of over the years.  I was given an old horse one summer at camp.  This horse was having some hip problems and he hurt.  We were always lagging behind everyone on the trail at camp.  I would get upset when he wouldn’t obey my commands.  One day the trail leader said you have to show him whose boss.  I was sort of mean that day digging my heals in his side.  After a long day of riding I got off of him and just looked at him in the eyes and he had so much love in his face.  We spoke to each other in whispers and nozzles and hugs.  I could see that he was just old and tired and yet he had such resiliency.  After that I was patient and kinder and we did just fine.  He would go a little bit faster once in a while and catch up to everyone.  I hated to say good bye at the summer’s end there was such unconditional love within this horse.  I got equine therapy free of charge and it really did help too.    
My Dad and Mom would not let me have a cat for many years due to my asthma attacks. Sometimes interactions would be with other’s animals would result in rashes.  Finally Zac found a little cat in the snow.  It was so tiny and I said, OK let’s take it home.  That started the rescuing of cats part of our life.  I had to take antihistamines to cope.  Over time my body got used to cat dander and I am alright now.  We could not always keep them but we had them until we found a good home for them. That is why we have Smoky.  He was beat up and I took him to the vet.  He got patched up.  The vet said, “This one is feral”.  Well he adopted us and when we were packing to leave he jumped in the car with us.  Most cats complain and meow when ridding in a car.  Smoky is a great travel cat and probably could go on the road with us.   There were birds we rescued as well.  We learned how to feed a lost ferret until the owner found him.  I am proud of the many creatures we managed to help and find homes for over the years.  

I love animals and feel they do communicate with us.  I never expected anything in the way of reward for helping and rescuing animals.  I had to abandon two cats once and felt awful.  We took them to a very nice neighborhood and let them go.  That is not the usual track I take but we had an unusual situation at that time.  The best place is always a no kill shelter if you can find one. 
The animals say thank you 

One night I had a wonderful dream.  Kim, my duck, waddled up to me and said, “Hello”.   He spoke to me and he was dressed up in a scarf and vest but looked especially dapper in his Scottish Tam.   He introduced me to his many ducklings.  Kim had a wife and they had many seasons of ducklings.  I only saw about 20 present.  They all greeted me with such affection.  Then Kim said, “Come this way, Nancy” and I followed.  I walked into a barn where to my surprise were all the animals I had ever helped.  There were some birds flying around as well.  I noticed the old horse and several dogs, and cats and they were all smiling in their own way.  As if on cue, they all said, “Hello, Nancy, we love you”. It was so adorable how slowly and deliberately they formed those words with squawks, squeaks, guttural sounds, and a little baying.  It reminds me of the Christmas song my classroom of first graders sang in Spanish.  We had to do it many times and very slowly to pronounce it right. My heart just swelled with appreciation.  Dreams come with many feelings as well.  The feeling I had was that all those little interactions we take for granted do add up and the animal kingdom is receptive and perhaps blessed.  All life is sacred.  I am not a vegetarian but more and more I shun meat and I never eat duck.  We go out for Chinese food once in a while and it is on the menu but to this day, I can never have it.
The moral if there is one:  No act of kindness goes unnoticed in the larger eyes of the All That Is.  Let it come from the heart where every good and perfect gift comes from.   

Ledgend of the White Buffalo Calf Woman

  Legend of the White Buffalo Sioux (Lakota) The White Buffalo are sacred to many Native Americans. The Lakota (Sioux) Nation has passed...