Maybe not as much as one would think!
Probably food has much less to do with weight than we ever dared to imagine. As we grow and evolve energetically, it will mean even less. Eating is pleasurable and social and has many good aspects. We humans are nourished by food. Jesus said that man does not live by bread alone. We are nourished energetically as well. We have been told that like a machine, weight reduction is calories in minus calories out. They can fatten up lab rats and there is some value in the fat rat and skinny rat research. There is more going on than what they intend to measure. What about cortisol the stress hormone? What about being able to listen to your body? What about balanced energy and happiness? How do all these many factors play into our overall health, well being and weight loss.
I have tried everything! I have spent good money after bad money on products and programs. I think I am on to something very life changing right now and this is an on going journal. I will be finished when I post those photos of me looking the way I would like to look. Now that doesn't mean I am not enjoying the journey there. I am. Please read below.
I have tried everything! I have spent good money after bad money on products and programs. I think I am on to something very life changing right now and this is an on going journal. I will be finished when I post those photos of me looking the way I would like to look. Now that doesn't mean I am not enjoying the journey there. I am. Please read below.
I had a personal revelation last night. My mother seems to have something to do with my weight issue. I have an inner rebel about weight loss. It might be because my Mother seemed so upset when I gained weight. Even as an adult I would call my Mother and her first question was "have you lost weight?" I remember not eating for several weeks, before anyone had a name for that, and then thank God I abandoned that. During that phase of my life my Mother would worry that I was too thin. When I was little she would not allow snacks for me, because she wanted me to be really hungry at dinner time. My mom and my weight problem are connected. So for this week, I am going to forgive Mom and me and just move on. This week is all about radical forgiveness and allowing the Love of God to be my main source in this regard. If I am fed with pure positive unconditional God Presence, wow, my body is going to know and feel that.
6/5/15 On my vacation to California I did pretty well. I was able to eat healthy food and take the tangy tangerine vitamins. I did not feel hungry. I ate less than normal. But this reduction in food was not coming from a place of feeling deprived. I think if I really wanted something I might eat a small amount and that would be OK. When I saw pictures from my trip I noticed I was still heavier than I would like but I look OK. Abraham says make peace with where you are, especially concerning your body. I watched people eat large amounts of food and it made me feel uncomfortable for them. I don't think we need as much as we think. Anyway some sort of shift is naturally happening. It is happening without any sort of guilt or self-degradation. That is so important. I want to love myself lighter and healthier.
me at Applebee's right corner with new and old friends
ancient alien show dudes an me in Joshua Tree Park California
As I was trying to enlist all of me, body and soul to now shed some pounds, I had to be very gentle with the process. I had to honor the beauty of plump women, including myself. I had to approach this as a body benefiting lessening of weight. I said, my feet, knees and back would benefit so much from becoming lighter. I was asked to give my self a big hug just the way I am. The God within me never saw any of the magazines with very thin models. I was a glamour girl the way I am. That was such a key development in my history and resistance to a positive better self-image. There was some self-loathing with my motivation to lose weight. Your Higher Self will reject the Self-Hate for Your Present Body in every way. This will create split energy and a sneaky double life. You will be in denial about the condition of your body and yet you will be in many ways represented by your body. You must make peace with your body where you are at.
None of this is about will power. For God sakes! For some women, they have abusive husbands or husbands who neglect them. Food might be the only form of recreation afforded or affordable for some women. That is a really sad thought. In fact try this little experiment: Pick out some very real (not air brushed female) and pretend that a magical fairy god mother turns you into that type of body. For the virtual reality aspect, look at pictures of yourself when you were that weight and form. Personally I don't want to look like someone else. I want to be my version of that weight. There was a Twilight Zone episode where young women got to choose the type of body they wanted. They stepped into a cellular reorganization machine and came out looking that way. There was a discussion on the lack of diversity. It would be like about 10 Barbie doll choices. How very boring. I love that beauty comes in so many forms. I don't want the anorexia look. I like having some curves. I just want to be lighter on my frame. It hurts my knees and feet to have so much extra weight. So pick a weight that will best serve you. Now be it in your mind. What doors would that open for you socially and economically? Would you be having more fun? In what ways??? What relationships would change? Take some time with this and have fun with this. It might help to narrate a whole story around this new you. Give her a nickname too. Imagine Hollywood is just dying to use your story as the basis for a movie? Who would play you? Interesting. Be your own fairy god mother here.
Me holding my Zachary 1981
good version of me
First discussion posted April 24 2015. Captain Crunch Log
What I have found is loving life makes you
thinner. When I am happy I do not over eat and I naturally choose the food that
is right for me. When I am happy, there
is a bounce in my step and I like to take walks. If I were not immersed in living a full
joyous life, I might be chained to a program and then experience guilt when I “cheated”. My dream life looks different. Self-love is fundamental to your health. A body that is swimming in uplifted energy
will heal itself. A body that is loved
will balance the endocrinal system to a well-oiled sportster model. Get thin being happy.
Later in the same day I write:
a more desirable weight is all about energy and our world view. That is about as far left of our present
paradigm as one can go. That is what I believe Abraham-Hicks is saying on this
topic. There are hundreds of food loss programs (most with a price tag). Some of them work for a while. The reason they often do not work long term
is the basic fundamental belief construct of a person has not shifted. The focus has been on food, certain types of
food, and energy expenditure, and calories, and other factors like supplements. It is for each person to decide what feels
This conversation is far from complete. It is the beginning of a change of path. I purchased Abraham Hicks weight loss DVD
long ago. I believe it saved me enormous
amounts of money. I don’t buy all the
products Dr. Oz recommends. I don’t
shell out the money I used to. I don’t
bow down to the skinny image media anymore.
My heroes have changed. Who is
living the most the way they want to?
Ester Hicks maybe?
You can watch her on You Tube. I do.
I read her books and buy her DVD’s and feel richer, happier and now
thinner. And if you don’t, then find activities
and friends that bring out the happiest version of you. Put on a pair of sneakers and walk, do some
Yoga, create a gratitude journal, dance to the radio, watch comedies not the
news. Those are all absolutely free and
they work. Food, what to eat, that is a
whole other topic and has far less to do with weight loss than ever
imagined. Just be sensible. You have a thick basis of dogma around
this. It will take time to say, it doesn’t
matter what I eat. So like Ester says,
sometimes you must honor your beliefs.
It is nuts to eat something you believe is bad for you. You are where you are in terms of what you
think. As Ester says you cannot turn a
train going 150 mph around quickly due to the momentum. We operate in a dimension of inertia. It would be highly developed to decide to
ignore this accepted law of physics without suffering adverse effects.
At my present weight, it is hard to believe how
men will flirt with me. It is not a
social barrier anymore. They might enjoy hanging out with a happy upbeat
person? Having a few playmates is part
of my definition of abundance too.