Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Humans have much to Learn from Sasquatch

Sasquatch and the Human Connection

When speaking of Sasquatch or Bigfoot creatures, I am very cautious.  I feel there will be a time we can interact with them more freely.  They are ancient ancestors of the human race.  In being such, you might ask where the fork in the road is?  That is rather sad in my opinion.  

(since posting I found the best discussion on human/alien origin ever.  I am posting this to watch on You Tube when you have an hour or so of down time. )  Star Date:  August 19 2014

June 24 2015:  I found the best discussion on Sasquatch ever.  It is the most kind reverent interaction of learning and sharing I have found.  Two guys who live in the woods have made it their mission to understand the Sasquatch's living in this area of Canada. So I hope you will also finish my post and please view this video as well.

I had a Bigfoot sighting.  I was driving through the Uintah Basin Mountains at twilight. My two little boys were in the back of the mini van. We pulled off the road out of necessity.  When I started my vehicle back up my headlights caught a pair of eyes that sent a chill through me. It was a very hairy, human like creature.  He was holding onto the side of a mountain ledge. I feel he was trying to get a better look at us.  He was at a about 100 yards away.  From my line of sight  he was about 3 feet tall.  I mean he was much larger in reality, but at my vantage point that was that size.  If you were looking at a human trekking up the side of a mountain,  and you were a distance back, they might appear to be 2 feet high.  Perspective.  

From that short connection, I started listening to stories. I really am good at sniffing out the fake stories, but some encounters fit perfectly with what I sense about Sasquatch Tribe.  I feel they are very intelligent, they have a type of language, they bury their dead.  Most importantly they are inter-dimensional and they have learned to shift between 3rd and 4th density.  They will leave a few clues for us, but unless they really wish to get to know you and have some sort of exchange, it will not happen.  

Like Native American Totem Animals, they can offer their protection to humans.  There are stories of people passing out or sustaining injuries while hiking and being helped by Sasquatches.   Those stories are few and far between for a reason.  

When we are more balanced and able to respect all animals, we will have more interaction.  When we are not a threat, we will have more interaction.  Until then they will remain elusive and for good reason!  

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