Thursday, March 27, 2014

Jumping into a pile of Moon Money

Yes it all flows together, the moon, money and me.  Zac is such an artist and created some moon money one time.  I think that is borrowed from a game.  It is possible to attract large amounts of money into your life, yes(!), the real spendable kind.  It is always best not to be too desperate. Sometimes that is the hard part. I do know. This is where my guides tell me to trust. Trust that the Universe sees you, knows you. Fear seems to create an obstacle that is not easy to explain. Your flow of energy needs to be playful and relaxed. I get tested on this all the time, and I admit to not passing this at every turn. I am getting better.

I have been listening to the Abrahamster stuff and doing a few personal experiments.  I imagine all the many tokens of abundance finding me easily.  It is really more than that.  Abe/Hicks states that having passion and joy creates a magical attraction of abundance in your life.  Just being more engaged in happiness will draw the right people and phenomena of money to you.  Remember the part in Avatar (2009 film) where the little seeds all land on Jake.  His heart is attracting them and he can't even brush them away.  That is called vibrational currency.  That type of energy can lead to playful and significant real dollar amassing.

The reason for today's post is this. I Love doing psychic readings. Link to that site: Angel Bells Hangout.  I meet the most amazing people and when I read for someone else, it always seems to answer one of my own questions as well. Amazing how that happens.  I Did a phone reading last night for an adorable person. This person was telling me that they work from home as a billing entrepreneur. She was feeling isolated and also worrying about bills. There was no real sparkle in her life. I scanned her in my assessing easy way. My guides showed me pictures of her being a gourmet cook and enjoying that. They showed me her grooming cute little dogs. And I saw her doing the country swing at a local country western night club. Three things that add some zest and sparkle to her life. She validated all three things, loves C & W music and dancing, loves to cook for others, loves animals and was a dog sitter at one time. I said, sometimes our passion can lead to money. I saw some creative ways to turn these hobbies and interests into money and it would get her out of the house. She closed that door quickly...saying will I will do my bookkeeping to pay the bills and then I might do some of those things. ¨Oh no, don't wait¨ I exclaimed.  Don't go back to isolating and being in a gloomy closet.

I tried to explain that she had it backwards with the flow of money. She would become a magnet for dollars by enjoying what she does and adding some enthusiasm to her life. It is hard to explain that concept to someone trained in thinking in ¨practical ways¨. We have so much of that programming embedded in us from well meaning others. Clearing this could take time but it doesn't have to. Her present paradigm was not working well anyway..thus she asked for a reading with this moon crazed moon child psychic. She had a grounded way about her and she was adorable on many levels, but it is time for a shift. This linear thinking (work now, play later, gotta keep my nose to the grindstone and ignore my life) really pinches us off from the pot of gold that only each soul can find,...we all need to embrace a more holistic view point.

And what a blessing to me.  I needed to see this clearly...more clearly.

Amen and Amen

adding a great Abraham Hicks Link..enjoy

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