Friday, August 28, 2015

All You Need is a Happy Face Frog and Duct Tape


Just smile and fake it until you make it.  Or find the silver lining in a situation.  Or just make some lemonade out of those lemons.  Then you can pull yourself up by the boot straps and get back in that race because everybody plays the fool sometimes: Oh my and it doesn't seem to really take care of the issue sometimes.  
New Age Philosophy seems to want to bridge sadness with a quick fix.  When there is a frowny face put a happy face sticker on it and all is suddenly good with life.   Law of Attraction says that if you are fixated on a thought or feeling for more than 68 seconds, it gains momentum.  When a feeling or belief gains momentum it is because, just like sticky tape it will roll around picking up like minded others or thoughts.  It becomes a snow ball rolling downhill. 

Some teachers are telling the truth when they say there is no bottom to that rabbit hole. Usually it ends of course but not before it has caused some mayhem and destruction in its wake.  The collateral damage can be verbal outbursts and injuring others and it might be a near fatal car accident.  Anger, jealousy, insecurity, inferiority, intolerance, fear, worry and anxiety collect friends along the way.  These are bad friends and they are carnivorous in their ugly appetite.  So it is not good to allow those hitch hikers to tag along.  Some things are just tenacious in our memories.  I look for a solution that will really close up a wound and make it better. 

Somewhere inside me is a memory that I don’t want to think of.  There are childhood memories that just seem to come out of the blue and promise to play havoc with my mood.  I realize today that I have been avoiding things that happened.  I don’t like to think about them.  There are many ways of avoiding things and some of those ways are not healthy.  Going into a bar to drink and share a sad story is what all Hollywood movies seem to suggest.  That is not a good way to close a wound.  Some people get really involved in projects and work.  They become workaholics.  Unfortunately sooner or later they must take a Holiday or Vacation.  When they do they rarely enjoy it.  They have forgotten how to relax and have fun.   Some people become sex addicts or relationship addicts.  I think those two are close cousins.   A new relationship is always fun and exciting.   At some point you will really get to know that person.  There are semi funny stories about going away with someone for a fun trip and being stuck in an airport for 3 days.  You will see the not pretty side of the person you are with.  There is a long list of avoidance behaviors and none of them work very well.  They do not liberate you from a tragic memory for very long.  There are some things that will help. 

Back up from the memory.  Pretend you are a witness standing on the side line of a childhood event.  That may or may not help.  For me sometimes that is worse.  I wonder why I am not rushing in to saving a screaming victim. 

Today I found something that does work.  It worked for me and it is still working.  This epiphany is a Higher Mind one. That is why I am blogging about it.  Instead of running from a bad feeling memory or thought, I just allowed it to happen (on one condition.)  I asked God to hold my hand and heal it.  God, let’s look at this together and then it might evaporate from my life stage. In previous postings I speak of my Near Death Experience.  I was promised that I would not face this world alone and suffer when I returned to the present 3D world.    All I have to do is request; ask; pray for assistance and it will be given.  So I asked.  I felt a huge relief in looking at this memory from a slightly more expansive perspective.  I felt comforted in a deeper way by seeing there was a life lesson.  It was not a bad karma lesson at all.  There is almost no way to share what I learned with my readers.  It is so highly personal and specialized.  For the first time I could really let go.  It was not duct taped nor happy faced. There was a deeper lasting peace today.  In fact, I did not even have to totally understand why it happened in the first place. That sort of logic just isn’t a true satisfier.  I felt no anger or victimhood that it did happen. Forgiveness? What is that anyway?  I think I have tried that and it felt really nauseatingly fake. It had that duct tape a broken arm feeling. There is true forgiveness and for me that is acceptance that we all do dumb hurtful things at times. If we could see the bigger picture we probably would not have acted badly.  The forgiveness I felt today is more light hearted and liberating than those other feelings. 

Now I am starting to even smile a little.  This time it is a smile that is bubbling up like helium from my inner soul.   In the past managing my emotions was like herding cats.  There was some control but mostly I chose to avoid bad memories.   This time it feels like I fenced them in with a great deal of kindness and acceptance.  I even can go as far as to say these experiences have deepened me.  Bad experiences don't need to beat me up if I can just take them at their temporary value and let them go.  Without trying too hard I did become that observer and I had another Bigger Observer with me.  Instead of multiple viewpoints we all became one.  I am certainly going to try this again because it was a successful fix for my angst. Life is messy business sometimes.  It is not a paint by numbers project.  It is like this; don't do your own dentistry, plumbing or brain surgery.  You don't have to be the expert with the up to date manual.  Just Call Out 1 800 God Help.  It sure saved my butt today.




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