Sunday, August 2, 2015

Lost That "I Am Securely Connected to God Feeling?" 10 Ways to Get It Back!

Step One:  Find a piece of dirt and sit on it. 

It is called grounding.  I recommend finding some stones that feel good when you hold them and make a circle around you with them.  Next be sure that bare skin and bare feet are touching the earth. There is that Native American tradition of creating a medicine bag.  If you have a little pouch of any kind,  just fill it with a pinch of dirt and a couple of rocks.  It really is that simple.  If you are sitting in an office 10 stories up, no problem, you have a medicine pouch.  If possible sit near a tree or hug a tree.  Oh and another important part read my last blog.  It will feel expansive and that will help.

2. Hug a cute fluffy animal.  Animals are automatically connected to God with out much effort. They live in the now moment and do not need to amass wealth to feel secure.  They trust life.  And even if they die they do not fret as they know they are returning to source and it will be OK.  Breath deeply and slowly as you hug and pet.  Tell them you need to feel calm and connected too. They get it and they hear you.  They might not catch every word but the concept behind the words is easy for them.

3.  Pray.  Ask for God to show you and make it clear that you are not separated.  The best time to connect with God is when you don't have an urgent situation or crisis to deal with.  OK so if your like me and most of us, you are most likely to be on your knees when a crisis hits.  Use God like the Corning Ware dishes and not the Havilland china.  Best not to save God for a special occasion.  Each Day ask to feel the security and love and joy from true connection. It is really best to start your day this way.  Eileen Cady (from Findhorn) used to have to go into the public restroom to find a quiet place to pray, to center, and to meditate.  We have iPod now.  Do a quiet soft music one for when you need to zone out.  Call this the God Connection Play list. When you ask you will receive.  It will take longer if you are upset or panicked.  The moment you surrender to a situation and let go, you are like a balloon filling up with helium. Breath that in.  Like a cork you will lift and bob to the surface or float up in a breeze.  Fear holds us down.

Sub note:  Why did I wait until number three to say pray?  God (in my opinion) is always waiting for the best moment to speak with us.  It is much preferred to create that perfect space.  I call it the invite God to tea time technique.

4.  Get comfortable under your tree or in a quiet spot and then ask.  It really works out well.  Which leads me to the next request.  Ask or invite your guides to tea as well.  Your Higher Power will know who needs to show up for you.  As I said last post, we are all God's Children.  He longs for all of us to connect.

5,  Stop Worry Before It Starts:  Don't assume the worst.  Katie Byron does a type of questioning or self-talk with her clients.  She asks:  Is it true?  Often there are so many things that we struggle with that have no real basis and then we don't have control.  If it is true is there anything you can do right now to make it a little better?  If so, then what would that be. This leads to gracefully into my next idea. 

6, Call a friend.  Decide who your designated friends are ahead of time.  People that will give you a few moments to pray with you and up lift you.  That is one thing that AA does for its members.  They have a phone tree of names.  Being that person on the end of a call gives you the chance to encourage someone with a few words.  The trick is be that light house and don't jump down the rabbit hole with them.  Really.  If some one is drowning you want to be the guy holding a floating donut. So don't sink down there. And don't hesitate to reach out to a spiritual person when you need to.

7. Take a walk.

 Walking can relieve stress and there are so many pretty things to see.

 The night sky is full of magic.  Can you not feel the Intelligence of this Universe looking at the planets spinning peacefully in their orbit.  They are not bouncing around and bumping into each other like billiard balls in space.  Thank goodness.  Walk where there is a view.  I always said if I was ever suicidal enough to have a real plan, I would find my way to the Grand Canyon.  I don't think there are many who do not feel the presence of God when looking at that canyon.  So get out and walk. Wheel yourself, drive or bike if that is a better fit. Walking and singing is helpful.  Singing leads me to the next thing and I think you will like this one.

8.  Sing.  Sing at the top of your lungs.

 Get in the car and sing or out in the boonies and fresh mountain air and sing.  Go for a walk, go for a walk with someone you like, go for a walk to a neighbors house, sing.  Start singing Happy Birthday to Me.  Really every day is your birthday when you wake up and have a clean slate in front of you.  Sing to the Heavens, sing a hymn, sing a prayer.  It is a pretty fast way to be connected to God.

9.  Clean your space.  Really clean your home or at least your bedroom.  Offer to help someone clean their home.  And use a broom or feathers to move the air around too  The Native Americans call this smudging.  First clean.  Take all clutter away.  Put it in boxes or give it away.  Open the windows, let in the sun shine.  Sing or chant while you clean and then finish by burning sage, or Palo Santo.  I use an abalone sea shell to burn my sage in. . You can use a small broom to sweep the smoke if no really big feathers are near.  Be sure to move in circles with nothing but good thoughts.  bless each corner.  It makes for such a nice place to live and meditate and entertain angels.  They are all around.

10.My typing teacher said, don't just be good, be good for something.  I watch older women crochet or knit and that is great for those who tend to worry.  It would be fine to play with beads or a rosary.  They say with each bead think of a good memory.  It can be a small memory like your first kiss.  For me it is the first time I held my baby boys.  There are good memories available.  Sometimes when we are engulfed in sadness and disconnection, it is really hard to remember.  It would be good to create a scrap book of treasured happy memories.  So happy memories and busy hands lead to a place of opening the heart where God just naturally steps in.  Doing these things creates a space, a sacred space and it is my promise that it works every time. 



  1. This is beautiful, Angelbell. Thank you. I share it with a friend who is feeling lost and disconnected at this time.

    1. Thank you. I felt inspired when putting this together. Glad it helped.


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