Saturday, October 6, 2012

Jan Ross and My Personal Proof of the Paranormal

 written by Nancy lake.


Jan Ross and My Personal Proof of the Paranormal

I keep a journal of certain paranormal events that have happened in my life . I take many things about my paranormal life for granted. Many paranormal things land on the cutting room floor where my journal is concerned. I have been psychic and experienced many abnormal things since childhood. This is quite normal for me. Abnormal would be not being the way I am. For me… paranormal is normal. I never have considered myself a circus freak. Actually, I believed that everyone was just like me most of my childhood. This made me very honest. If everyone can read each other’s auras and intentions, crime and dishonesty would become nonexistent. It was hard to understand why some people would try and be deceitful. I got snowed or horns waggled now and then too (taken by a con). Yes, at an inner level I knew something was wrong and nothing made sense, but, I went along with it anyway. Most of those misadventures were when I thought I was in love with someone. I get very dumb and non psychic when my hormones act up. There have been times I succumbed to peer pressure like most young people do. My inner voice was screaming inside because it did not make any logical sense to me. Another ongoing issue for me was my self esteem. I knew what I felt and I knew what was “right” but there are more confident beings who talk a fast game. I did manage to unravel many plans in my youth. People who believed me dumb and simple minded found their agendas laid wide open in public sometimes. I totally saw what was going on and I revealed it. This never makes one popular. The greatest lesson learned was to keep my own counsel. Just because I see something and know something doesn’t mean I should share it with others. That is always a judgment call. It took me a while to realize we all perceive differently. When people are not as aware of subtle energies and they are not clairvoyant I consider them sight impaired. I might refer to them as color blind. That is how I imagine it. If you see in living color and then realize your friends see in black and white, it can be disillusioning. I believe we are all supposed to see and hear and know and future generations will have whole conversations telepathically as I have.
There are many psychic readings that stand out as my personal Proof favorites: Here are two of them

Frankly Scarlet, I Need a Girlfriend!

About 10 years ago I begain working the psychic fair at the Jan Ross Bookstore in Phoenix. Jan Ross was a Phoenix Big Name Psychic and bless her soul; she paved the way for the rest of us. I got to know Jan just as she was exiting this world due to cancer. Jan was 75 and divorced. She had cured herself of cancer several times already and decided this time she would say good bye. I had about six months of working in her store and getting to know her before her exit. During one psychic fair, a rather thin man sat down at my table. As I looked him over, a huge red Macaw formed on his shoulder. I asked him about the beautiful large parrot or Macaw. I wondered if this was a pirate past life showing up. He explained that the McCaw, Scarlet, was the reason he sought psychic counsel. She was very bonded to this man and she was laying eggs that of course could not be fertilized by her human companion. She wanted a “baby” or fledgling. Her owner could not date nor have a life of his own. He had brought some women over to his home and Scarlet had chased them off. She was extremely jealous. We talked of finding her a mate and I suppose that is very difficult with Macaws. I am not sure we totally solved this relationship issue during the short reading, but, one thing was apparent. Scarlet was there for the reading as well. I could feel her energy and her concern. She had as much an interest in the discussion as her owner. I will never forget it. If I should doubt myself, I need only remember the Gone with The Wind Heroine.

All I can see is Green

Many people wish to remain a blank slate during their readings. They are cautious about sharing personal information and even guard their body language. This behavior used to bother me. I prefer a friendly atmosphere and I believe the most insightful readings are a combined effort between reader and client. In other words there is a spirit of cooperation. When someone throws up a brick wall it requires more energy to read. My feeling was I am not a circus act. Think of me as a highly skilled professional counselor who has a Masters degree in Psychology and also I happen to be very intuitive. They are getting the best of both worlds. I don’t feel a need to “prove” my ability, nor do I wish to spend the time and energy on entertainment. Maybe it is my ego, but I am not a “dog and pony act”. Go somewhere else for that please! Well, in the recent past I have allowed more showmanship. Sometimes, in certain situations, a demonstration of the paranormal is needed. Then there are those who try and decide if money is my motive.  I do charge because the energy and time I use to counsel for others, means I am not working for someone else. I prefer to think I am reasonable and offer so much for so little.  This is Devine income and I believe it returns to my clients 10 fold.

Last year I did a short Tarot Reading for a woman who remained oddly quiet and unmoved through the whole reading. I asked her if she had questions for me. She said she had hoped to hear from a departed loved one. I had felt the loving energy of a Mother in her reading but failed to mention it.  (I usually feel loved ones during a session, however, some people do not ask for this and they watch their minues in asking for a short reading) I told her that her mother was present and seems to have a cup in her hand. She asked me the color of the cup. I went blank. I could see nothing and then all of a sudden my head just filled with an emerald green color. I told her all I can see is green, a vivid green color. With those words this young women broke her silence and started sobbing as she reached for my tissue box. It was as if an emotional damn had broken. When she had become calm again, she told me that her mother had been in the hospital dying of cancer for three weeks last year. She visited her every day. They had decided to use a code word(s) to verify true authentic connection when enlisting the services of a medium. Her mother had chosen the words “green cup”. (I got chills) OK folks I sat their with my mouth open. Do I doubt myself?  Other psychics tell me I second guess myself too much and just relax. 

 for you skeptics, even if I had this person’s real full name, even a Google and search would not reveal information like that. For me, it was personal proof that I was truly in touch with Mom. And it is my guess it was pretty good proof for my client as well.

I can’t believe that people who only give me their first name (like Bob or Jeff) to book an appointment with me, think that I can Google and research them prior to a psychic reading. I am way too busy and thank God I don’t have to do that. I would consider that boring and time consuming. I would pick another line of work fast because that would not be fulfilling in the least.

For more information about a real legend Jan Ross, please click this link


Friday, October 5, 2012

What About Bob's Baby Steps?

written by Nancy Lake.  Web page:

Of-course I am referring to the Bill Murray comedy “What About Bob”.  The Washington post had a great review of this movie.  I barrow one quote “Written by Tom Schulman, the screenplay borrows the pixilated myth from "Harvey" that crazy is nicer than cured. Even though Bob is agoraphobic, claustrophobic, hypochondriac, Bob is better off than his psychiatrist because he is capable of expressing his needs. Or as Bob himself puts it to Dr. Marvin: "Give me, give me, give me, I need, I need, I need."  

Dr. Marvin is also a bit egocentric and perhaps too enmeshed in the psycho-analytical approach. He can't seem to get rid of Bob who follows this therapist on his summer vacations with his family.  He should know that what you resist persists.  The more angst Dr. Marvin feels the more unbalanced his own mental health  becomes. If one is in the helping profession, you are never off duty.  It is our nature to be of assistance and to genuinely care about others.  

I can remember being in a personal crisis and having someone ask me a psychic question regarding a new relationship.  I had just had a fender bender and was in shock.  I gave this person the disclaimer that "I might not be all that psychic right now".  Funny thing was, I managed to help them.  

Dr. Marvin should have addressed the Bob issue with more compassion.  It is true that "boundaries" are important in this line of work.  I have grown in my personal understanding of boundaries.  My line is drawn when I refuse to absorb negative energy.  I call it my purple bubble I reside in.  Someone might be living a nightmare by their own admission, however; I am watching it as an observer only.  This does not affect my personal space.  Bob showing up on my vacation would not necessarily ruin it, I would have handles it much differently.  For the sake of comedy, and laughs, Dr. Marvin and Bob play out the opposite roles in the mental healing paradigm. 

I think of this movie as a must see. I especially recommend it for off hours telephone answering services.  That comment is better understood after watching the movie. Bob manages to wrangle information from these answering service ladies. 

But what about the Baby Steps? OK.  There is a huge amount of wisdom in that philosophy. 

I can think of 3 recent readings where I saw visually and heard myself say, there are many baby steps on the way to your recovery and please celebrate each one of them fully.  

Celebrate each small step!  You don't have to spend lots of money.  Doing a victory lap around the house might work.  If you have one of those free calendars...the paper ones you hang on the wall, place a gold star on it and smile!  When I was writing my book, I would write and hour a day on week days and then several hours on Sundays.   It is so vital to see the progress made and not rush it.

When planning a road trip from Phoenix to Sacramento it is not necessary to be discouraged the whole journey because you were not “there yet”.  Planning interesting stops along the way is a great idea.  I love movies that highlight all the interesting stops and then the destination is the end of the movie.  

I counseled a lady who went through a recent break up and has been so depressed she did not leave the house for weeks.  It looked like she had emerged from a dark closet and was taking a few little steps back to her life again.  I did not want to throw too many suggestions her way. She asked me how long her depression was going to last.  I saw it getting better incrementally and she could help this by volunteering with children (if she chooses to do so).  It also looked like getting body work might be very healing and therapeutic.  The important thing was to encourage her to take little steps towards re-emerging with a fuller version of herself once more.  I could see a future event where she was at a Christmas party, looking radiant in a light blue dress, socializing and singing. That event being several months into the future gave us a time frame and a promise that indeed her circumstances were improving if she chooses that path.  There is free will.   

With many things in life there is a process that seems to take some time.  Quick fixes may not even be possible.  One example for me is dieting or weight loss.  Bodies seem to change slowly and it can be frustrating.  It is probably good not to weigh too often.  Baby steps are perfect for losing weight. I think just add some life affirming things to your world.  Life affirming and fun things like learning to dance and joining a water volley ball team. That  might be just the ticket to taking off a few pounds each month.  I am convinced the more I focus on it and the more I deprive myself the less weight I loose.  I have lost and gained the same 20 pounds over and over.  It has been an expensive 20 pounds as well.  I have paid for weight watchers, Ideal Protein, and Nutrisystem and a few other programs.  They all made money and I did not keep that weight off. Recently, I started loving my body unconditionally and asking to loose 3 pounds a month. Oddly that works. There is little argument about that slow loss with my inner rebel. That is 36 pounds a year and it will stay off. Baby steps. They say it works with dept as well. 

Sometimes life will cause us to run fast and skip ahead but the advice of baby steps works well in most situations.  Like Esther Hicks says, just do something that will make you feel a little bit better today. It is hard to go from zero to joy on the emotional scale.  Take a small step toward feeling less devastated. From there more progress is made.

I watch What About Bob once a year.  I always see some sage advice in it. 

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Touched by a Dwarf Blue Alien

Jason’s Blue Alien Adventure

When my son was about 7 years old he was taking a bath alone and became very excited when a little blue alien reached over and touched him causing a shock or current.  Jason drew a picture for me and it possessed great detail.  He said this blue man smelled like sulfur and its arms were very long and did not bend at the elbows. The movement is more flexible as though they have additional joints.  Jason counted three fingers. Since Jason died at age 27 all further inquiries ended.  We had discussed this once before.  Once an adult he seemed to forget about it or refer to it as his imagination long ago.  As a mother I felt the experience was a genuine one. His detail of the experience was very exact.  Jason always was an artist.  I held on to that drawing for many years but I can’t place it now.  There was another adventure where a winged alien wanted Jason to climb up a large rock cliff and was guiding him there.  I was able to pick Jason up and discourage that happening.  We witnessed many lights around where we lived and often times all the battery operated toys would go on by themselves as well as our TV.  I will not cry anymore because I miss Jason.  He lives on and I know that. Lately I have received a strong nudge telling me to forge a new chapter and stop looking behind.  That is exactly what Jason would want.  He loved adventure.  I will honor that and keep on trekking ahead.

I also experienced the little blue men I can vouch for Whitley Strieber’s account of them.  They always make me feel very sleepy so I can’t recall too much except they are very nice to me.  I believe they moved my whole car one time.  It is a fuzzy memory but I got in my car at one point and my car was totally somewhere else later on. 

I feel that we can be mentored on becoming more evolved by the benevolent aliens.  In my opinion not all aliens like humans and many find us emotional and beastly.   The ones that do like us are ancient ancestors.  As ancestors they feel a need to help us along.  Most alien races do not rely on words to communicate they are telepathic and also feel empathetic towards all life forms. 

I have listened to Charles Hall, Alex Collier and Whitley Strieber.  They all have their own personal accounts of the aliens and their agenda on earth.  This is the 2012 moment when we line up with a certain part of the galaxy and go through some sort of shift.  Most of these aliens seem to be able to time travel and they know what is going to happen.  They know that the earth has had nuclear wars before and humans were almost wiped out.  The remnants of the last nuclear war had to hide in caves and became very pale and sick.   There is talk the Sahara was once like a rain forest teaming with life and jungle.  We could face this kind of war again if we don’t evolve.  Earth has been the handmaiden to many alien races and our human DNA holds 22 different kinds of alien genetics.  Maybe that is what is seen as junk DNA.  We hold precious cargo.  When alien races have needed to repair their DNA from generations of engineering, they were amazed to find the humans had a perfect library of pristine DNA.  Some little colony on the edge of the Galaxy held a most unusual treasure.  The ancient DNA sequence as it existed before being tampered with.  That would require adducting humans and doing various experiments to retrieve it.  That was happening here and there when some of our satellites and radio frequencies started interfering with crafts being able to land safely.  I really believe that many secret meetings have occurred between the military and alien beings.  It seems only logical to me.

Education is probably the key to evolving and not repeating the wars of the past.  The tall whites allow children to explore and follow their curiosity.   Mentoring and apprenticeships seems to be the education of choice for many evolved civilizations.  Communication and education now seem to be the hope I cling to as far as riding into a victorious future. 

I welcome more information on the little blue dwarves.  I will see if I can append this in a bit with more knowledge.  Note added on July 5th. I have failed to mention seeing these types of beings last year. I was extremely ill and staying with a friend. They showed up during the night and I think aided in my healing. My friend also was aware of them and they spoke telepathically to her. "She said, "Nancy is over there, and they replied, you also need healing". Another friend, Anita, mentioned her face was torn up after an accident. She saw them enter her hospital room and they explained they wanted to help her. She woke up almost completely healed. It is hard to even notice any scars on her chin.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

The Value of Human Connections Even On Face Book

The value of human connection was on my mind today when I was feeling a little down.  Lately, I have been feeling disconnected from others.  That is a bit abnormal for me.  I tend to gravitate towards others and usually I am friendly and outgoing and others reciprocate.  This past month it feels as though friends and acquaintances are not really connecting. 

The original Stepford Wives (1975 Movie Classic) was actually very believable for me and it did illustrate a feeling I sometimes carry.  It feels that people are giving you programed answers and when you look in their eyes they seem vacant.  It is though most people I know are too busy or too absorbed to really connect in a meaningful way.  I can understand business and being preoccupied. I think it is perfectly acceptable to say, I cannot give you my full attention at this very moment:  Let me call you back or visit later.  I get that most people have a lot on their plate, however;  I am feeling a robot epidemic coming on.  This is intensifying.  

People connect through social media and that can seem rather superficial at times.  There is more and more one way communication.  Most companies work from a pyramid structure of communication.  The larger they are the worse that communication gets.  The people at the top make the decisions and it filters down on a need to know basis.  It is one way.  The news is one way.  

Even where I attend grad school feels very one way at times.  Socrates taught be asking questions of his students and creating a learning grid to be filled in depending on the natural curiosity of his pupils. This seems like the idea way to learn.  Let's fill each others basket with many perspectives.  We all have experience to bring to the table.  The CEO who is not interested in the "little people" at the bottom of a corporation is loosing a great deal of valuable input.  Having a round table communication with all participants of a company is going to allow for more individual buy in.  All employees will be motivated to produce better if they feel their concerns are heard.  I took a course called Enlightened Management once.  It talks about creating a family like atmosphere at work   Employees are not robots and they are going to have issues at times.  In a supportive company individual issues can be faced with compassion.  This results in keeping employees who are good at their job and this creates better mentoring for the new crop of employees.  A cut throat environment is not really productive.  People stress out and valuable sharing and cooperation is lost.  That is just at work.

We listen to the news when we get home from school or work.  That is terrible one way communication.  The news is biased and incomplete and even disturbing.  We really aren't able to learn much about our environment this way.  If local news would offer suggestions on current problems and town hall meetings and other forums, how progressive that would be.  As I have mentioned before, our media was bought up and monopolized long ago.  I remember when Clear
Channel bought up all the independent radio stations.  It was spine chilling.  I had a horrible reaction realizing that Clear Channel was going to be one way. I saw that they were going to filter all news and broadcast what they thought beneficial.  That seems to be the case.  

The potential of Face Book is there.  We can interact with each other and communicate concerns. Potentially social media could serve as an important vehicle to reaching out and really talking once again.  I went to a party for the Democratic Nomination of Barack.  I would not have known about it if my email and other connections were not in place.  

I salute the social medias and may more and better spring forth from them (and blogs too)

Monday, October 1, 2012

Charlie and the Tall White Aliens

Charles and Tall White Aliens

I just spent an hour on a post that disappeared

In 1965 Charlie Hall entered the Air Force and was sent to Nellis Air Force Base as a weather man.  Out on the ranges around area 51 Hall encountered several tall non human aliens. Other air force peers had also seen them from a distance and described  a strange sight that appeared to be an iridescent floating horse. Charles got close enough to observe that it was a group of human looking people in iridescent white jump suits riding a anti gravity device about 12 feet off the ground.  The people in the middle were hunched over while the person in front was steering, thus giving the impression of a horse.  While exploring the area he accidentally discovered a hollow mountain with a hanger that was partially open. During another exploration he saw   a whole community of tall whites who have lived among us for centuries.  There was a reason that Charles was able to communicate with the aliens and became close than most of the former weatherman at Nellis.  He had rescued a little alien girl who was lost on the desert.  She had wondered off and was hidden from view by all the tall sage bush in the area.  Even though the alien group appreciated Hall,  there was always some anxiety when dealing with them. years after his military experiences, Charles started writing about his encounter as a journal.  When his wife, Marie, found it  and read it, she convinced him to publish it.  I had the opportunity of talking with him at length in 2010.

Our government and many other governments know about aliens and their crafts being here and their history of earth interactions.  I am convinced that there is no hope of our government opening up to all they know for the following reasons.

1.    They know where the bodies are buried. Many innocent civilians and lower level military persons have been abducted and experimented on.  To admit to having allowed all this in an exchange of technology worth billions will never, ever happen.

2.    We paid for this.  The middle class working Americans paid for underground basis and space exploration that we do not reap the benefit of.  Not only technologies regarding space craft but technologies regarding mapping human DNA have been traded.

3.    This is benefiting the 1% of the wealthiest people.  Vaccines that don’t work will be offered to us because the viruses that can mimic human DNA and hide have already been developed.  Someone would have to admit to all this. Heads would roll.  It just is not going happen anytime soon. 
 4. Many people would panic. At least that is what those in positions of authority believe.  If the general public knew that we had actual treaties and contracts with certain alien races like the tall whites, they would feel vulnerable. Actually, all of he earths military strength combined could not protect us entirely.  If the aliens wanted earth they could have taken it over long ago.  There are some things they do want that we have and they manage to get what they want. 

I learned this a long time ago when I was abducted.  The memories were hazy and caused some emotional trauma in my life.  My children had some experiences as well.  One time our little family was run off the road by a UFO.  It was coming at us about 200 mph and I barely had time to pull over.  Our family has been aware that we are not alone for most of our lives.  My first alien encounter was when I was a teen ager, but now I am starting to remember much earlier experiences. At age six my parents took me to the doctor because of a reoccurring rash around my ears. I still have that at times as an adult, but I am aware of an implant in that area.  I don’t want it removed.  Bud Hopkins always believed implants were tracking devices.  I told him, no not at all, they are helping us survive devices.  Leave them in.

The most remarkable experience was the time I met with Charlie Hall in person and had a chance to ask loads of questions. Charles wrote a book called Millennial Hospitality about his experiences with tall white aliens.  I went into a bit more detail of his book in the last posting that disappeared after I posted it.  I would just suggest reading what is probably the most authentic of human/alien encounters.  I applaud his book and hope to write and publish one myself in the future.  

Update:  Someone asked about the tall white's view of Jesus.  That is an interesting subject.  Charles was/is a devout Catholic.  The Tall White Aliens seemed to respect his point of view.  They thought it interesting the Charlie prayed for protection when out in the Nevada desert alone.  After Charles saved a Tall White little girl who had become lost while playing among the desert sage, he became known as "the teachers pet".  He was allowed to roam known occupied areas with a high security clearance.  I don't think the Tall Whites subscribe to religion the way we do.  They have shown Charles respect and seem to understand his views without necessarily sharing those beliefs.  Since Charles was shot by a new comer alien, Pam, it was evident that belief alone could not prevent that type of assault.  One can argue that Charles miraculously survived this ordeal where many others might not have.  That might be an argument for Divine Intervention.  Also, in Viet Nam, Charles was spared certain death during a raid of mortar fire.  He has been blessed many times.  

Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Perfect Angel Station

The Perfect Angel Station

The Virtual Reality

This inspires me and I just lit up when I saw it on K.T.s Face Book page.  Adorable.  I kept trying to describe what the "real" station would look like.  I wanted the color and the warmth to be there.  In my tenure of social work I believe miracles happen for the asking and the perfect results show up for families. Often times the agencies get in the way with "band aid" fixes. 

We have discovered that take a family who is struggling and move them to a friendly and safe environment and they might have a chance.  If I could elaborate on a fictional family I would say this.  Move them to a new community and provide the skills and tools they need to create a better life.  California social workers found that housing was the first piece to put in place with families suffering with chronic problems.  It does make sense.  Abraham Maslow gave us the basics for human well being.  That would be safety and a sense of belongingness.  Many families have never experienced security.  The very wealthy families pass along the security to future generations and the reverse is true with poverty.

We all need to step in and provide the basics for at least one year.  It might take longer than one year, and I don't like cookie cutter approaches to fixing people and their lives, but one year will net some progress, I feel.  If we strip some money from our defense budget and put it into affordable housing and transitional housing this could be a whole new reality. 

From the step one model of help, people can start to realize other dreams and build a real life.  The California model took families on skid row and placed them in modest but functional housing units. Once there job placement and education was the next goal and these families received food stamps.  Many people don't know how to shop or cook anymore.  There was a need for life skills and other step one interventions. 

In the past, social workers have tried to bring food boxes to families and then find them appropriate jobs.  Often times this does not prove effective because the real root of the problem has not been identified.  That is why it might take a year to clear out old patterns and instill new ideas.  Most of these people are not lazy they just don't know how to climb out of their circumstances. 

Angel Station is my dream, I want to hire 12 social workers who can hook people up and encourage a better life strategy.  These are going to be life changing and game changing social workers.  Patch Adams had a free medical clinic in Virginia.  I hope to be agency free with my clinic if that is possible. 

Look how homey and colorful this station is.  When there is hope we can see the bridge and the path. 

Friday, September 28, 2012

Cleaning Out Pandora's Big Dark Closet

Cleaning Out Pandora’s Big Dark Closet

This Was a Day of Contrast
A six minute video called 10 Signs of Spiritual Awakening is worth watching.  Just place this URL in your browser. 

 This video mentioned emotional cleaning of old trapped feelings.  This is a catch 22 in spiritual growth.  This is how I see it.  As I climb the ladder of awareness and understanding I begin to feel lighter, freer and much happier and then Pandora’s Box swallows me up.  It feels like a game of Shoots and Ladders and I landed on the wrong square.  Whoosh, I am back to square one and so discouraged.  On a clear or calm day I can see the logic for this.  My childhood had insecure and dark moments.  I feel there was abuse on several levels however I will not go into this victim mode right now.  It really doesn’t help overcome the abuse.  I am convinced that I choose this family and environment to speed up my progress.  My evolution was slow as a turtle I was told by my Higher Ups.  Being an “old soul” was now getting on the last nerve of my Cosmic Counterparts.    My soul group is prodding me along.  It seems like we have all the time in the world to progress and evolve, but maybe not.  There are so many of us here right now.  I think I wanted to be alive on earth for the 2012 experience of tipping the balance.  If enough humans cross the threshold together we will shift into a more humane energy.  Life expectancy should increase and mental and physical ailments should diminish quite a bit.  I probably needed a life time to speed up my pace so I could join the great wave of souls (having a human experience) as we cross the marathon marker.  It really is an exciting event and to be a participant is awesome.
I left my sometimes sad childhood just hanging out there.  I can trip on that emotional baggage sometimes.  It is necessary to clean out those memories and elevate those experiences.  It hurt at the time it happened.  As a social worker, I pray we change the old ways of parenting and in doing so kids will probably grow up substance abuse free.  We can teach them to roll with the punches and like themselves.  When kids experience abuse they blame themselves.  Often times they have the abusive parent on a pedestal and want to be loved by them.  Somehow that translates as this:  There must be something awful about me, for this person whom I love and adore to be so unkind and uncaring.  It sometimes takes 50 years of therapy to heal those inner bruises.  I accept and love me much more. There is great wealth in that realization.  Then every now and then poor red headed Pandora shows up..kind of like a meeker Annie.  In truth I am neither devil nor angel…I am human… and that is a privilege.  As a human I can weave the rich tapestry of emotion into my life.  I feel so colorful.  I am guided towards realizing the Big Picture by my own amazing emotions.  The vector of spiritual growth is quite curvy with ups and downs and the contrast of life.  For me it is truly a 2012 blessing to ride the back of discovery via feelings. 

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Seek First the Kingdom of God and All Else Is Added To YOU

A fuller Victory complete with Palms

I just realized the full meaning.  And the first part of the Lord's prayer also illuminates this. Our Father, is a sacred relationship we all hold.  If we do not put Our Creator first, nothing will be in alignment with us. Ester Hicks mentioned that the concept of God, Father/Mother God, Creator, and the All that is really is up for debate on earth.  Some people view God as a really powerful human. 

Being in the vortex is that state of mind where we are connected to our Source Energy.  Nothing else really matters.  All the money and all it could buy would not make you happy if you are disconnected from your source energy.  On the other hand, a man/woman with very few possessions can be extremely happy if that man/woman is connected with who they truly are and that is a child of God. Be a child of God first and all is added to you.  True abundance, happiness and joy are only experienced when we are connected. 

What is the Kingdom of God?  That must be a very lovely place.  I imagine every happy feeling. I am seeing lots of color and pastels and a chorus of angels singing.  When I listen to birds sing in the morning it sounds like they are in line with this kingdom.  When cats purr and puppies play, it seems that it must be God's Kingdom being evidenced at that moment.  If one would doubt a kingdom of a Higher Power I want to whisk them to the Grand Canyon after a rain shower when rainbows appear and you feel the power.  This is the power that created worlds evidenced in the majesty of the canyon. 

At night when the stars shine on us and the sky is so big, I might start to feel small in the scheme of things.  The ocean is so enormous and my boat is feeling small and knocked by the waves.  We are told our Creator loves all creation, and yes even the tiny sparrow is cared for. It is important that we feel connected and cared for at all times.  That is the kingdom of God for me, that feeling that I am sitting on the lap of someone who adores me and they hug me through to the core of my being.  They chase out any doubt that I am not "good enough" just the way I am. 

That sums it all up. For me the Kingdom of God is the feeling I have while holding the hand of a benevolent Mother. She is made up of starlight and rainbows. Her smile is beaming with unconditional love.  The birds chirp and the angels are lifting us up with their celestial music as we watch the sun set on the Grand Canyon.  I want to just stay right here and not venture out.  My Kodak moment cannot entirely be captured on film and I will do my very best to carry this emotional feeling with me for the rest of the day. 

It is my hope and intention that when I start to speak or act that I will remember to not leave this vibration of love and peace.  Even in traffic, I will breath and relax because nothing that happens on the road is worth leaving this memory of "our Kingdom". 

I suppose it is a matter of focus and remembering what is important in my world. 

When was the Kingdom of God manifested through others in my life.  I just added a few of those experiences.

 I remember sitting on my "Daddys" shoulders when we were wading in the swimming pool and enjoying that bond. On the week ends I would crawl into bed with my parents and feel enveloped in warmth. I remember listening to my grandmother sing as she gardened. My favorite memory was sitting on my Grandpapa's lap while the adults would play cards. He let me lay the winning card down on the table. He said, "sweetie just lay that card down nice and slow".  Ah what memories of being loved and feeling connected. 

 Here's a suggestion:  Write down those scapebook, Kodak moments in your own childhood.  Then maybe you can carry them with you when you need to feel loved and cared for.   

( please ignor the message about war stamps unless we see this as a spiritual war?) but do share in this victory.  I will try and photoshop that off this angel.  She is lovely, strong and victorious. That is the vision I wanted to share.  

Monday, September 24, 2012

Time to do a chakra balance dance

Time to do a chakra balance dance

When, anytime you are feeling down, frustrated, overwhelmed, and lack luster.  One of my favorite authors for subjects regarding self love is SARK or Susan Kennedy.  The answer for so many relationship questions is simply, stop obsessing and enjoy dancing with yourself for a while.  

Don't wait for someone to come along to start feeling complete and balanced.  I was just reading an advertisement for a psychic reading.  It said, is he cheating on you?  Oh, my, if I felt that way I would change my focus immediately.  He may or may not be cheating.  There is no way to police what someone else does and worry only makes this worse.  My advice is do a chakra balance dance.  I do it and feel better in about 10 minutes.

Lower the lighting or just light candles and play some new age music.  I just start slowly waltzing in my kitchen, my living area too.  It is important to see the vivid colors of each chakra in your mind.  I place my hand on the root chakra and see a vivid red color...I ask my body to do a spin in the direction of this small generator within me.  Slowly I will spin clockwise or counter clockwise depending on the physical need of my body.  It is also very nice to do some yoga stretches and meditation when you finish this balance dance. 

Take the focus off what someone else might be doing because if your remain in balance and love no one can really hurt you.  It made me think a great deal when someone said, true spirituality is not allowing for injury.  If someone cannot harm you there is not need for retaliation and defensiveness.  We all prefer to be treated with respect.  Even if someone is the cause of your death, it must be forgiven as though you had a pre-arrangement for this to happen. 

It is so much more important to honor your life and live in the fullest possible way than to sulk and worry.  Right now I am thinking of my to do list.  It is rather long.  I am trying to move somethings around to make them more interesting.  I will also add some things that I want to do to my list.  It is a sad day when I am only doing chores or the things I must.  Once I add some fun actions it seems as though I gain several more hours and have more time than I thought. 

Today it starts with a chakra dance and more magic will follow.

PS:  I would love to hear from my readers.  I have readers from Thailand, Russia, Australia, Germany, New Zealand, North Korea, and the USA.  Please leave comments if you wish. Questions are also welcome. Namaste


Sunday, September 23, 2012

Which Idea Feels Better Game

Which idea feels Better (Game)

When it comes to making decisions there are many helpful strategies for you to look at.  You can make a list of pros and cons and then decide. Many folks listen to the experts or well meaning friends and then decide what to do next.  My what feels better game works very well in this regard.  I will explain it in small bite size pieces.

You will notice the "Moon" tarot card above.  The water is the subconscious or unseen motivation in our lives.  The lobster or crayfish is emerging in the moon light to reveal something of an answer from the watery depths.  There is a middle path between two towers and dogs bark or bay at the moon (dogs are demanding your attention).  The moon belongs to female intuition and refers to our monthly cycles as well.  When it comes to choosing the next right move or path, there is an element of the unknown.  It is best to ask your soul which way, which action, or non action feels right.

This lesson that I call a game is also a very important 2012 tool to put in your personal tool box.  I believe that the new moon is the time for planting seeds and the full moon is the harvest. Develop a full moon ritual and a new moon ritual that works for you.  Plan a small picnic with a little wine and other favorite foods. Take a folding chaise lounge chair with you,  Spend some time beneath the night sky.  Just appreciate all that has happened and visualize all that you desire to happen and lift it up in a moon beam. The results are very good for me.  Of-course life will deliver some unexpected things to deal with.  Not everything can wait for a proper ceremony. 

I will use my life to illustrate a recent decision making process.  When I came to Phoenix, I was sleeping on a friends couch and trying to regain my health.  It seemed that I would have to get a "real" job.  I left Sedona where I was a full time professional psychic.  My past resume includes many family support or social work type positions.  No one ever gets rich working for someone else. No one ever gets wealthy being a social worker, however, I was looking at crawling back an old haunt.  If heaven is guaranteed by how "Mother Teresa-ish" you have been, I should have enough points.  Heaven is a state of mind, and no one need die first to reside there.  Yes, the opposite is true as well.  Ever feel like "this is hell"?  Yip, sometimes it is that too. 

My friend told me about Phoenix Rising Now and that her good friend Ron and his lovely wife ran a metaphysical store.  I met Ron and liked him very much.  Life had opened a door once again to do this work that I love and I happen to be quite good at.  It wasn't that easy however.  The first several weeks I had very few clients.  No one knew I was there and I had done no advertising at all.  All of a sudden I was back sending out resumes once again.  Kit, my psychic friend, was inspired to call me and say, do you believe in yourself enough to take flyer's around the neighborhood.?  Ron copied 50 flyer's and I had delivered them to various businesses. The problem was by sending out resumes for an old way of livelihood,  my energy was divided and not focused on what I really wanted to do.  I wanted to spread the news and grow my business.  The flyer's helped.  I am much busier now. The way I made my decision was listening to my heart. I lit up and I felt much happier when I was delivering the flyer's.  It was a hot day in Phoenix, but, I barely noticed.  My feet seemed to have life of their own.  Part of my logical brain wanted to return to having a secure pay check every two weeks and perhaps dental insurance and other perks. This was a decision needing to be made.  I was going all in or all out on one or the other one of these choices.   

With the presidential race at hand, I think some of us are flipping a coin.  I don't think we are able to see the future entirely on which candidate is needed at this time.  I am voting for Obama.  I get that warm feeling about him.  It just feels better.  Birth certificate or not, I must go with a gut reaction on this.  I am not twisting the arms of others to do the same.  It is important to vote your conscience.

With choices it is helpful to go within and create each scene in your mind. How does that look for you?  Put yourself in the play you are writing.  How do you feel in that part?  You might have to do this several times to decide which feels more uplifting?  Which play makes your heart sing?  Some times the contrast might be small.  One play makes you feel "OK" and the other one feels a little more dull or lifeless.  Humm, if that is the case neither one are probably fulfilling your dreams or life path, however, I would choose the OK one until I realize something better.   

It is so vital to be the author of your own life and enjoy the process too.  Toggle between scenes until you know which has more light and positive energy.  It gets easier each time you do it.

Ledgend of the White Buffalo Calf Woman

  Legend of the White Buffalo Sioux (Lakota) The White Buffalo are sacred to many Native Americans. The Lakota (Sioux) Nation has passed...