Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Seek First the Kingdom of God and All Else Is Added To YOU

A fuller Victory complete with Palms

I just realized the full meaning.  And the first part of the Lord's prayer also illuminates this. Our Father, is a sacred relationship we all hold.  If we do not put Our Creator first, nothing will be in alignment with us. Ester Hicks mentioned that the concept of God, Father/Mother God, Creator, and the All that is really is up for debate on earth.  Some people view God as a really powerful human. 

Being in the vortex is that state of mind where we are connected to our Source Energy.  Nothing else really matters.  All the money and all it could buy would not make you happy if you are disconnected from your source energy.  On the other hand, a man/woman with very few possessions can be extremely happy if that man/woman is connected with who they truly are and that is a child of God. Be a child of God first and all is added to you.  True abundance, happiness and joy are only experienced when we are connected. 

What is the Kingdom of God?  That must be a very lovely place.  I imagine every happy feeling. I am seeing lots of color and pastels and a chorus of angels singing.  When I listen to birds sing in the morning it sounds like they are in line with this kingdom.  When cats purr and puppies play, it seems that it must be God's Kingdom being evidenced at that moment.  If one would doubt a kingdom of a Higher Power I want to whisk them to the Grand Canyon after a rain shower when rainbows appear and you feel the power.  This is the power that created worlds evidenced in the majesty of the canyon. 

At night when the stars shine on us and the sky is so big, I might start to feel small in the scheme of things.  The ocean is so enormous and my boat is feeling small and knocked by the waves.  We are told our Creator loves all creation, and yes even the tiny sparrow is cared for. It is important that we feel connected and cared for at all times.  That is the kingdom of God for me, that feeling that I am sitting on the lap of someone who adores me and they hug me through to the core of my being.  They chase out any doubt that I am not "good enough" just the way I am. 

That sums it all up. For me the Kingdom of God is the feeling I have while holding the hand of a benevolent Mother. She is made up of starlight and rainbows. Her smile is beaming with unconditional love.  The birds chirp and the angels are lifting us up with their celestial music as we watch the sun set on the Grand Canyon.  I want to just stay right here and not venture out.  My Kodak moment cannot entirely be captured on film and I will do my very best to carry this emotional feeling with me for the rest of the day. 

It is my hope and intention that when I start to speak or act that I will remember to not leave this vibration of love and peace.  Even in traffic, I will breath and relax because nothing that happens on the road is worth leaving this memory of "our Kingdom". 

I suppose it is a matter of focus and remembering what is important in my world. 

When was the Kingdom of God manifested through others in my life.  I just added a few of those experiences.

 I remember sitting on my "Daddys" shoulders when we were wading in the swimming pool and enjoying that bond. On the week ends I would crawl into bed with my parents and feel enveloped in warmth. I remember listening to my grandmother sing as she gardened. My favorite memory was sitting on my Grandpapa's lap while the adults would play cards. He let me lay the winning card down on the table. He said, "sweetie just lay that card down nice and slow".  Ah what memories of being loved and feeling connected. 

 Here's a suggestion:  Write down those scapebook, Kodak moments in your own childhood.  Then maybe you can carry them with you when you need to feel loved and cared for.   

( please ignor the message about war stamps unless we see this as a spiritual war?) but do share in this victory.  I will try and photoshop that off this angel.  She is lovely, strong and victorious. That is the vision I wanted to share.  

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