Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Why Don't We Get Real News from an Unbiased Media?

To discover what is going on in the world I visit other people's blogs and foreign independent newspapers.  Our media is completely owned by "Big Brother".  I don't know who these invisible and powerful people are (I can find out quickly if need be) and it doesn't matter.  When Brittany and other celebrities are in the news for various behaviors, but true and vital news is missing, it is obvious to most of us that our media has been purchased and this is just getting worse.

I was still confused about the violence and unrest in Syria.  Our news is vacant on this subject.  I found a blog that I will quote:" Most Syrians are angry about what is being done to their country by the Assad regime. Increasingly, they are angry that the United States is stopping them from receiving the weapons that might have saved their children's lives."  Apparently there are some very gruesome photos of children being killed by attackers of the Assad regime.  Those bloody pictures fill the tabloids overseas, but even a mention of this is absent from our news.  In 1992 the UN did some strategic bombing in Serbia. Our military said there was a need to control the ethnic cleansing and violence in that area.  Unfortunately one or two strategic bomb hit a children's school and a hospital.  The USA never offered an appropriate apology.   A dead little girl holding a doll was on the front of a Serbian Newspaper with an outraged readership, but we never heard a word about this horrible mistake on our news channels.  If you flipped on the TV it might have been about a cat lost for days being reunited with its owner or Charlie Sheen's break-up.  You would not know why other countries are so upset with the USA.  It is not because we are Christian and they are Muslim or another religion.  In my opinion it is the bad foreign policy (that we don't decide upon) and then the cover ups and lies in our media.

I do believe communication is the key to resolving world conflict.  We all might need to make some small personal sacrifices in the future. We might have to share resources.  The really upsetting element is trying to reach others who are upset with the USA and say, these decisions were made with out the knowledge 99 % of the citizens of this country. What is worse is there is a monopoly now controlling our media owned by an elite group.  Remember when clear channel was buying all the little radio stations back in the 80's and 90's?  There is crucial world news is hidden from us.  We don't see the terrorist attacks coming and there is no heads up.  Ignorance is not bliss for me.

I must dig to discover what is really going on.  Facebook and other social media do have some chat going on about the rest of the world and what our military or NATO has done and is doing there.

I am asking the Angels to loose the grip on reporting the news.  I should not have to dig so hard.

One interesting You Tube has been forcoming with news from Drake and the Lady Dragon.  Drake is a military insider...who is spilling the beans.  His voice is heard more and more.  He maintains there is a second revolutionary war needed in America and a rather large chunk of our military will be organizing actions to return our nation to the citizens and not the Federal Reservist.  From there we can rebuild according to the original concept of our democracy.  A country where everyone's voice matters and our real issues are not on the cutting room floor at the news stations.

Angels please move fast

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