Monday, September 3, 2012

The Changing Season of 2012

I was asked by a dear friend (C.B.) to comment a little more on the previously mentioned "Changing Season of Mankind".  She is asking me to dig in a little deeper to that subject because so many people are leery and unsure of how to plan for 2012 and what to do.

Let me start with humility: I don't think I have all the answers. Now, let me correct what I just said with a Higher Version of Myself:  At some super conscious level, I have access to all the answers without limit.  Remember reading a classic novel as a younger person and then reading it again as an adult?  Your understanding grew and you had more life experience.  God, The All That Is, is every ready to reach us at the level of understanding we possess.   If I ask, if any of us ask, in faith, and believe in faith, the answer will appear.  I have witnessed this in my own life so many times.  I will send out a question like a golden boomerang to the Universe, and wait with great faith and the hope of a child when Christmas is near, that it is going to return and be just perfect.  It has happened that complete strangers have walked up to me and voiced the perfect answer.  In one day I was told three times by three different people that I need to watch the movie "Brave".  Zac and I just had to do it.  The Universe, God, The All That Is, let me know that see Brave was something I needed to do.  If you hear something three times, pay very close attention.  Three 4's or 444 is the angle's are calling you number.  Three numbers in a row have a significant message for your day and this moment for you.  There are several sites that deal with numerology.  Get acquainted with the meaning of numbers in sequence.  Another oracle that appears for me are visits from the animal kingdom.  I have a deck of animal spirit cards and suggest to all of my readers to become as the Native Americans in their ability to read the subtle hints of the animals.

It is said that our departed ancestors may influence a small bird, or insect or larger animal for a small time.  That takes some spirit energy, and like any manifestation request, ask only when the need is really urgent.  I was lost once and ask for directions.  A bat flew around my head three times and then took off in a southerly direction.  My dog Goldie and I were traveling across Wisconsin. I got off the main highway looking for a rest stop when my loaded down F150 Ford got stuck in the mud. I never knew that flies could bite!  The deer flies would not leave us alone.  I was starting to pucker up and cry a bit.  My prayer was an earnest one:  Help!  It was not a long prayer.  Bats are never out in the daytime.  This one was.  I took note of that.  I laughed and said, we're going this way Goldie!  We walked about 1/4 mile when I noticed some trucks parked at a tavern.  The tavern was called "Lucky Ducky Tavern".  It was in the middle of absolutely nowhere.  All around the dirt road leading up to it were crops of corn or wheat or oh, I don't even know, but rows of green foliage.  It was a Sunday so I did not feel too lucky about getting a tow truck or even how much money I was going to pay.  They might triple the normal rate being that it was a Sunday afternoon.  I walked into a very friendly porker game.  Six farmers were sitting around a table in their overalls and drinking beer.  I told them my story.  Two of them said, no problem, we will pull your truck out with our trackers.  In ten minutes they were back with my truck and handed me the keys.  Absolutely no charge!  In fact they only wanted me to call when I reached my destination.

Is that a 2012 story?  Yip. It is a perfect story of human kindness, God, prayer, and nature all cooperating during what could have been a pretty scary experience for a young lady and her dog.

This is the choice that we all need to make for 2012.  It can be a scary story or one of humanity turning the corner.  It is up to each of us to realize that we have a part to play in this drama.  Decide what is important to you.  Know what you stand for and then stand for it.  The Angels are drawing in close, our ET friends that care about humans (not all of them do) are available,  Other humans of the light are drawing in, so we need to have faith that we are all going to awaken and turn a great corner.

From the looks of things, lets run and not hesitate to that turning point.  Quick, we need that change.

I will be writing much more and adding little down home lessons in the near future.

Stay tuned in.

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