Thursday, September 20, 2012

Autumn Solstice Blessings. Pushing Past Pennilessness

Autumn Solstice Miracles
The penniless test

 My friend Kit called these penniless times “root chakra work” and I will explain why.  What is the penniless test?  If you grew up on the wrong side of the tracks in poverty or disadvantage you do not need any more testing.  One thing about 2012 is this: There will be more and more nice middle class people who face some hard choices.  Unexpectedly, one or more people in a family might be changing jobs or downsized just when their home is on the edge of foreclosure.  I have talked to so many folks about to lose their home when a miracle came through.   Some of folks have a very nonchalant attitude. Many seem to shrug suggesting that it is OK for their home to go back to the bank.  Either way they are going through a process and making choices.  These are times when people need to think outside the box and travel well out of their comfort zone.  When I “read” (go into an altered state and channel) for these people my guides show me solutions, but very often it involves something uncomfortable.  For instance, one delightful lady friend has been living with a man because of financial reasons.  The romance has faded and he does not seem to appreciate her as he once did.  There is workable situation financially so they have both settled into some sort of domestic partnership.   As the reading progressed we discovered that her mother is half owner of a lovely home in Oregon.  The aunt is living there now and there might be a need for an attorney to convince one party to sell or to buy out the other one.  I also saw that being passive is something that is not indicated and this situation has festered for some time and created some negative energy.  What started out as a relationship issue became several other vital areas needing help in her life.  Through the grapevine, I know that she is trying to make up her mind.  There were some huge challenges placed before her.  The end result will be fantastic when she jumps this hurdle, but I know change is hard for many people.  I have been thrown in the water and learned to swim many times.  I was warned of the challenges I would face when I was a teen ager.  I was also told it might be better for me to not marry and have children.  I had two boys who have traveled this crazy life with me.  I describe it as Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride.  But I am  wandering from the topic at hand, the 2012 slippery slope when it comes to keeping a job and keeping a home.   I lost everything recently.  My story about the mold is a few pages back.  Starting over, moving while quite ill, with pets and no job really happened to me.  When things seemed desperate, I would find money.  For several days I found pre paid cards in my path.  One card had 12 dollars on it at Quick Trip.  I used that for gas and one card had 7 dollars on it for Jack in the Box.  I laughed about the way The Universe was taking care of me.  My cats remained healthy and well fed, our clothes remained clean; my car remained in tip top shape with petrol in it.  Kit was indicating these test involve the very bottom chakra.   The root chakra (tail bone area) is the survival chakra.  It is very important to affirm that you are entitled to be here physically, at this time, and require your “daily bread” .  The root chakra demands that you lift your energy up and know that you are worthy and loved.  You are loved by Mother Earth and Father Sky.  With this firm belief, all will be brought to your feet as if by magic.  I am smiling a huge smile remembering the night I left Sedona with a small suitcase full of all the wrong things and a cat in a carrier.  I was waiting for a prescription when the pharmacist gave me a gift.  He put a sequined purple cow boy hat on my head.   He knew it belonged to me (or so he said).  It was an affirmation and a confirmation when I really needed one. I thought,  where ever life leads me next, I get to sparkle again. 
And so it is. I do feel shinny.

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