Monday, September 3, 2012

Fire Birds Everywhere

 I started this post on the 29th of September, 2012.  What a ride it has been.  I have over 2000 hits on this blog.  People from around the glob.  I only wish that they would leave a post now and then.
It has been very rewarding to be able to share my musings and writings.  Nancy 12/17/12

It is not a coincidence that everywhere I turn I bump into the Phoenix Bird.

I was reading about the legend of fire birds who live a thousand years and then burst into flames and are birthed again in a new body.

Where I work, Phoenix Rising Now, the fire bird logo is everywhere.  I just signed a lease and at the top of the page the manager also is using the fire bird logo.

Where I work and live I am surrounded by fire birds, and then there is the ah-ha moment.  My body is doing this right now.  I am shedding an old body.  I am not dying as in really sloughing it off and casting it aside.  I tried that a few times and my guides say, no, not yet.

But the little blue Arcturians have been visiting every night since I was quite ill in Sedona.  I am aware of their presence and then my body is in their care and I am not sure what all goes on but I have slept for about 20 hours at a time after they visit.

Is it time to take more medication?  I don't take any medication at all.  I was spending the night with Kit who woke up to see my little blue friends and they said that she needed healing too so the last thing she remembers is they walked over to her side of the bed.  Confirmation on all these visit by another real human being is quite helpful right now.  Zac sees them as well.

Anita Owens is another friend who has been healed almost instantly by Arcturians.  I prefer she tell her own story but I will try and remember it second hand.  She was in an accident and part of her face was peeled off.  She was in the hospital when she saw the little chubby blue people come in her room and tell her not to worry they would fix her face.  Anita is quite attractive and you really have to look closely to even see the small scars that indicate there was once an issue. 

The whole subject of rebirth, turning a new chapter and rising again fit in with my life right now.  It also fits into the whole timing of 2012.  Many useless things will fall away.  Change will happen and it is happening quite quickly at this time. There is some sacrifice for us in these changes.  I don't feel that anything unusual is being asked of me.  There is this feeling of less is more.  I am getting rid of clutter and redefining what is really important to me.

After having my near death experience long ago, I don't fear that transition at all.  One thing I do fear is losing my mind or brain.  I started to feel very disconnected when I was sick.  I remember saying don't leave me this way, God.  My brain is my favorite organ and I really need it to be working.  That will be a real struggle if I am still in my flesh mobile without my ability to navigate it.  I shudder to think.  I think getting back to health means, fully connected with mind and body type health.

To foster that apparent need another coincidence just took place.  I was standing in Ron's shop when a small brown stone called out to me.  It was not the "prettiest" nor flashy-ist stone. It was a rather nondescript piece of brown agate wrapped in copper wire and hung on a piece of black cord. When I picked it up I was transformed and my aura extended 50 feet.  There was a blast of white light the dropped from the ceiling to the floor.  Ron told me that that was my fire agate. When I held it to the light, it is transparent with the pattern of red fire inside it and some gold showing through as well. There appears to be a small shape in the stone.  You guessed it,  a very small fire bird with red and gold flecks.  It's price was only 15 dollars.  My pockets were empty and I was thinking about needing the gasoline to get back home.  I was holding my agate when someone walked through the door needing an emergency reading.  Nancy (her real name) did not even know why she pulled in the drive way but she simply had to come in and meet me.

OK,...I have goose bumps now.  Two more readings happened that day.  It was more than enough to buy us sushi for dinner, a tank of gas and the fire agate. 

And so it is: Amen and on with my apparent re birthing and the changing season of mankind.

Bright Blissful Happenings...for us.

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