Friday, November 12, 2021

More Angel Stories


Angel Stories

When I am having fun and laughing with good friends, the angels are there. When The radio plays a song that has a message for me,  I feel the presence of angels.  I find feathers and pennies and see angels out of the side of my vision. I am so grateful.  I hear angels all the time. Sometimes angels influence ordinary people.   I had a lady walk up to me and hand me a book when I was 15. She said, “I really think this book is for you.” The title was Psycho Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz. Angels are especially with all of us during a frightful event.  Amazing things happen. When I was 15,  I was climbing up a cliff and coming back down I slipped. I was airborne. I lost consciousness and when I opened my eyes, I was hanging by the seat of my pants on a thorn tree. Really. I had chills and another worldly feeling as I climbed down the rest of the way.

 I do see angels in clouds. My cat is like an angel with fur. She knows when I need healing or love. When I am driving, I hear instructions. Like: pull over, slow down, look to your right etc. My life has been saved at least a hundred times. Now when I get into the car, I just ask. I say please keep me safe and keep others safe in case I goof. One time I saw a 10-foot angel wearing a tunic and sandals, he was standing on the back of a gasoline truck. I can see things that aren't there? But they are real. Another prayer of mine is God help me see this better or differently. I can get stuck on a problem. I have been doing automatic writing...only I am typing. I channel when I type my blog essays. I used to just get in my car and then blank out. The next moment I would be getting out of my car. It happened very naturally. It sounds scary but it was very safe. When Arch Angel Michael shows up, he is also huge in stature but the thing I notice the most is the royal blue light of his sword. A friend saw that too. She saw a streak of blue in the room. This also saved me when a man was running towards me, he was going to attack and suddenly there was a gale wind that blew him into a wall and knocked him out.

Sometimes miraculous mistakes happen.  My two little boys, age 5 and age 6 were with me hunting for low rent two bedroom apartments.  I had written down several addresses.  We walked into the office of a HUD apartment complex. We were at the wrong address but the manager said that she had a vacancy.  She told us that all morning she had called people who were on the waiting list and no one had answered or gotten back with her.  Usually the wait is a year or two. She handed me a lease to fill out.  The rent was zero for us.  I was looking for work, but the lease is based on income.  I did not have any.  I was so happy,  

Sometimes I have become invisible to others. It sounds too incredible but each time it has happened I felt my frequency change. It is a frequency shift of some kind, and it feels natural, but I am not sure how it happens.

OK one more short story. We were traveling from Phoenix to San Diego. My son and I were on the road and got very lost. We asked the angles to help guide us. Zak start feeling a tapping on the side of his head. He said I think we should turn right. Then taping again on his left side. We turned. It is so funny but after about 6 or 7 tapping signals we pulled into Sea World and the fireworks were going off. We called a friend and said we are sitting in the sea world parking lot. They thought that was so funny because the memorial service was for someone who always ended his day by watching the fireworks at Sea World. Good news for us. The friend lived a few blocks away from Sea World.


 Another adventure happened at the Smithsonian Museum. I was with family and somehow, we became separated. My brother asked me to find them. My brother did not believe in "this stuff" but he had seen me do it before. I asked my angels, and I closed my eyes. I was turning around in a large circle when I stopped and pointed. Several yards away we saw the family emerge and we walked right to them. I love angel stories.

Let me say this.  I don’t always line up with my angels and that is usually when things go terrible wrong.  I don’t want to sound like an angel Pollyanna type.  I have gone through some horrible events.  Later I was shown that my angels were trying to intervein in my behalf, but I was being stubborn or dim witted.  Even Pollyanna had her dark moment in the book.  There is a contrast or learning event that must show up for all of us.  If we just skip through this life we probably will not learn the spiritual lessons and we probably will not grow and expand. 

I will advise this.  Line up every morning with your Source energy.  When I run amuck and when I get tempted and give in, my belief in God is weak.  God will be there and will provide for us when we ask.



Thursday, October 28, 2021

Extreme Tip Toeing Before the Leap


As a kid I used to use extreme stealth when coming in the door from school.  I turned invisible.  I made it to my room most afternoons and hid under my bed.   I did not wake the sleeping dragon.  Usually this would work, and my dad would be home by 6 pm.  Some days it was not safe to emerge if my parents were fighting.  Some days dinner was not a safe time either.  A plate of spaghetti might miss my head as it flew and hit the wall.  Those were the nights that I might have a bronchial attack and have to go to the hospital.   My pediatrician was very nice.   He would ask the nurses to comb my hair and pin it back.  He could see into my soul.   I just kept working on being more invisible and I did not have a real self.  

There are times I still hide and pretend to be someone else.  This is actually a joyful piece.  I overcame a hurdle today.  I felt queasy as I listened to a tape recording of myself.  I was being asked some very challenging questions by a judge. My whole personality shrunk into a wispy thing.  I was struggling and stuttering and quite pathetic.  Then something magical happened I opened and said, I have a mental health diagnosis.  I had a very traumatic childhood.   Sometimes it is hard to explain to others what made me do something or what I was thinking at that time. 

The only thing is this:  I said it to myself, and the recording was several years ago.  It was still a profound experience.  I was so clear and unapologetic.  I was full of self-appreciation.  I fully forgave myself and gave myself a hero’s badge for living through all those tough years.  And most of all I was being my own advocate. 

Bashar, channeled by Darryl Anka, has a story to illustrate what I went through today.  He calls it the rubber band effect. When you put a rubber band around your wrist and pull it back to the maximum stretch, and let it go…ouch.  That impact could be also like a slingshot or wrist rocket.  The release will travel much further into the light from the darkness.   I did that.  I slung myself into the bright and knowing part of me.  In the contrast I could see the powerless me and the Huge me calling all the shots. 

Lately I have been unable to blog feeling timid about my upcoming trial.  After today I know I can face the others and tell my truth.  That is quite a victory.   I will keep you all posted. 

Nancy age five


Sunday, October 17, 2021

Chapter 11 SPS Being a Medium is Just Like Cold Calling


I am going to state without a shred of doubt that I am a medium.  Well, sometimes maybe there is a moment of doubt.  I have been seeing and feeling departed beings since being quite small.   As a young person, I did not ask to see them.  They would show up and talk to me.   I mentioned seeing 6 great grandfathers looking down at me like looking over the edge of a well when I was young.  I have identified them from family albums.  What diversity.  One of them looks like the white-haired banker from Monopoly.  He is one of the Sorrell’s and he was rich.  One has a huge grey beard, and he was a farmer from Arkansas.  Pretty sure he was from the Emsley Woods’ clan and they were of Welch heritage I hear.  There is a red headed frontiersman, and he is one from the Boone’ clan.  They say his name was Squire Boone, one of Daniels’s brothers.  There is a sea captain, and he was Captain Fox.  He was an English sailor who started a line of merchant ships running to the new colonies in America.  He retired to a lovely seacoast town in Virginia and married. He had a flock of girls.  He reminds me of Rex Harrison in the Ghost and Mrs. Muir.  Then there is Nickolas Bell.  He is from Cherokee County, Alabama, and for sure he is Cherokee.  He married an Irish woman and they had about 10 children.  Nickolas was a pharmacist they say.  Could make medicine for people.  Below is a picture of him with family.  (picture above) The second picture is of Nickolas’s grandson Alex.  Alex was part Welsh and part Cherokee.  Who is the most psychic Cherokee or Welsh Celtics?  I am not sure.  

Like most of his peers they have adopted Anglicized names.  The Cherokee were bi-cultural and spoke both Cherokee and English at the time of the Indian Removal act in Alabama.  It is a blessing that they were able to blend in as “Dark Dutch” and homestead land in Texas.  So far, I have an interesting list of surnames:  Sorrell, Woods, Fox, Boone, and Bell.  I think that number six must be Frank Kendig.   He was part of the Swiss Mennonite bunch.  His census records say that he was a railroad engineer.  Just like the movie “An American Quilt” they tell of the variety of the New Land and the horrors too from the Cherokee side.   Some how it all comes together, and I can pass it on to my one remaining son.  So on to the experience I had yesterday with what I call “cold calling”. 

I scheduled an appointment for a young couple to visit me for some extra special intuitive counseling.   They were wearing their covid 19 masks in my home and I asked them to remove them.  It felt awkward and like the connection was not as good as I had hoped.   I felt like I was working too hard.  I explained that it was like a hard sell or a cold call.  With the departed you can invite them to come in and talk but you cannot drag them in.   Just like with Long Island Medium, she will talk to those who have departed loved one’s present, And in a crowd of people, only those who insist on speaking to their loved ones are chosen.  My departed son, Jason, was a loud “ghost” on a talk show with Theresa Caputo.  At minute 17:15 of the interview, Theresa was speaking about Jason’s accidental death at age 27.  He was taking 2 new medications and had an alcoholic drink that night.   The coroner’s report said that all these substances overly sedated him. But no one substance was the cause of his death.    Link:,  Jason had a big personality, and he knows how to communicate with psychics and Mediums. He was very psychic too.  I remember James Von Praagh stopped his lecture to say, “I was not going to do any readings today, but there is a young man here and I must reach out to someone out there in the audience with his message”. There were about three hundred plus people in that audience at the Celebrate Your Life venue in Phoenix.  I will revisit this another time about Jason.  But Jason is the neon sign blinking when there is a medium in the room.  He is an easy sell.

Back to working too hard to pull a ghost through the ethers:  I suggested I just do a tarot reading to warm up the connections.  That worked very well and there was a lot of accurate information for my clients.   All of a sudden, I "saw" someone getting shot in the chest with a gun.  I blurted out who got shot in the chest with a gun? 

It was so dramatic, and I could not continue the reading.  It was one of the loved ones.  It was the younger brother of the male client and he mentioned that it was gang related.   I told him that there was a flood of love coming through with this brother.   I cannot or should not say too much as I don’t want to disclose this client’s identity.   What is interesting is this client was new to me and new to the idea of speaking to departed.  It was a huge break through for him in realizing that life continues after the transition called death.  His grief had been especially painful due to his belief that his brother was “gone” forever. 

There must be an easier way to communicate but I guess I will stay with what I know.  Many of my readers are mediums and psychics. Some are famous and there are many mediums like Sylvia Browne on the other side that are guides for me.  If anyone has warm up exercises to ease the process of medium work, I would love to hear from you.  Please email me:


Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Free Effective Mental Health Therapies and Why They Work


The most effective free mental health therapies across all demographics


 Since the Rockefellers started pouring millions into mental health research ( about 1950) it all became very unhealthy and it became mostly about money.  It became more about lying to the public about new breakthroughs; and down the road these breakthroughs resulted in deaths and discarded people.  Brilliant neurosurgeons generated surgical procedures like lobotomies.  Toxic medications were used to numb people down.

 When they have damaged healthy brains enough and charged enough money, the patients were discharged.  Usually, they are discharged to their families.  The families then must care for a damaged loved one on their own skinny nickel with little or no respite.  After those procedures do not work and the symptoms return there are few that will take any accountability for the mess they created. 

The mentally ill were problematic in the asylums. They tore off their clothes and screamed all night long.  No one, including the other patients, could relax.  Things have not changed over the last few centuries.  My brother, now deceased, described his stay at the psychiatric hospital as a snake pit.  The food is often worse than prisoners get.  Those who work in the psychiatric hospital often are not very patient.  My son saw a patient get raped.  She was screaming “f..k me” because she was so emotionally distraught.  It really damaged my son to see that.  There are so many types of abuse reported.  I reported it and I had to go through many pages of red tape.  After about 6 months I got a response saying, “thank you and this matter had been addressed”. That was all. The mentally ill are not regarded as real human beings who have value.

 I have not seen the families uniting to change the mental health system. It seems that when there is a great new uprising of voices, they are quieted or co-opted. That is a sad thing to witness.  There is no money for healthy therapies, there is only money for medication.  As a social worker, I would pick up people from the psychiatric hospital, but they were homeless.  They had their baggy of pills but no roof over their head.  Their families probably became exhausted trying to help and had just disappeared.   Locating family can be impossible for the social workers. 

Once an ambulance took my son to a hospital, they gave me his shoes and phone and keys.  I went back in the morning, and no one could find him.  He had no money, no shoes, no phone and Oh my God.  I was so distraught. The medical staff explained that once a patient is discharged, they are on their own.  Fortunately, my son came walking up to me.  He had been outside smoking a cigarette.  I felt like a millionaire.   

 Van Gogh went to a lovely quaint sanitarium.  It was the inspiration for many of his paintings.  The stars exploded in the night sky and the fields of grapes and sunflowers appeared vibrant and happy.  The nuns ran a very kind environment for those who needed a calm atmosphere.  This is one very beneficial type of therapy.  People heal well in nature where there is a calmness and nothing too exciting. 

Both my brother and my son were musicians.  Music is another healing therapy. Just having someone to talk to is a miracle. Just being a good listener is a great benefit.  Often the mentally ill become isolated.  Being in groups helps people connect.  Art therapy, and narrative therapy are low cost and quite effective. 

I was reading about vitamin therapy.  There was a trial study done with psychotic patients.  They were given intravenous vitamins.  Their moods leveled off and they became happy.  Often the mentally ill people are not eating well.  They are mal nourished and will die from uncontrolled diabetes and other ailments.   

I doubt if I could prove it but, prenatal care prevents mental illness.  Moms with problems might be creating a child who will have on going mental illness. 

Dr. Wallach was a veterinarian, He was called by a zoo to do autopsies on Rhesus monkeys.  All the babies had been dying within a few months of being born. It turned out to be a lack of Selenium.  In the wild, monkeys forage almost all day.  They know what they need to survive.  The zoo had changed their diet and it was very deficient in certain minerals.  The autopsies reveal these newborns had cystic fibrosis.  It looked like the human disease but how could this be?  Genetically these monkeys were not very different than humans.  This leads to a whole new topic.  For years cystic fibrosis was thought to be a genetic anomaly. 

The end of this story is that pregnant and lactating mothers need all the minerals and micronutrients found in the garden of Eden.  The overly processed foods could be causing lots of issues down the road.  Good diets and other simple therapies can help someone regain their mental health. 

Unfortunately, Big Pharma develops lifetime customers.  Our family is in recovery and doing better than it has ever been.  We are doing it the ways I just described. 

The best things in life are free.  


Sunday, September 26, 2021

Clearing Stuck Energy. Chapter 14 SPS

Sweeping Your Chakras and Cleaning Your Energy


This essay might be one that grows in time.  I am always thinking of new things that work when it comes to increasing and elevating energy.

Nothing is worse than being stuck in the muck.  Think of a babbling brook in comparison.  The easiest way of lifting a weight is to take a walk.  If the weather is nice the birds will sing to you. 

Journal a bit.  If there is a worry or anxiety, ask to be shown the way.  You could pay money to talk to a psychologist and I might be the one who would collect that money.  I call it cognitive re-structuring.  In layman’s terms that is straightening out some crooked thinking. 

Chakras are little energy centers and are represented by whirling vortexes of light.  Sometimes they are off kilter and slow.  I like to listen to tuning forks or music while I relax and breath into each chakra.  Here is the link for this alignment with singing bowls.

As I was just doing this exercise, I was instructed to keep the light of God turned on in my crown chakra.  I also was asked to place my hands gently over my eyes. 


Colored Light and Sound Healing.  As a child I would see and experience a light show each night in the dark.  It was like fireworks and these lights would change from red to green to yellow to violet and many colors in between.  I went to sleep that way.  If you can have some one touch you with tuning forks and use color therapy, I really believe that your whole being will be uplifted.  You might as well experience aroma therapy at the same time.  What a wonderful way to spend an hour.  

A water fast is refreshing.  I am experiencing some type of upset stomach today.  It is probably because my son offered me a store-bought hot dog and I ate it.  But now I feel Queasy.  Tea and fruit will help undo this.  Tonight, I am making a broth-y soup for dinner.  If you are unwell and feeling down lightening the diet will help.

As I write this chapter, I will see and feel what should be said.  Remember I mentioned cognitive re-structuring?  That is searching for beliefs that do not serve you and changing them.  I am pretty good at this.  It is one of the ways I feel gifted and able to help someone.  I do use Tarot Cards for this.  I turn over 3 cards asking to see those thoughts that need restructuring.  I love doing this work because it reminds me of being at Delphi long long ago (but it seems like yesterday).  Try it and see if you discover any thoughts that need re-arranging. 

Being with children or animals is so uplifting and healing.  Try entertaining them and playing with them for a while.  It is bound to change your mood and raise your energy.

Doing some Yoga is also amazing.  Yoga stretches will help align chakras and increase blood flow to the various organs.  The deep breathing will help calm that body and allow for meditation. Yoga followed by a candle meditation is just a perfect pairing to elevate your energy. 

The last one for now…I will return with a few more. 

I love gospel music. I feel energized for sure and I might even dance a little to this music. Try it sometimes and see if it works for you.  The Reverend Oris Mays sang this song. (Link Below)  He had to sit down at the end. I believe Oris died at age 61.  It is one of my sad thoughts to know Black men seem to die much younger than they should.  I cry a little.  My father died at age 49.  He was white.  Let us say a prayer for men because they seem to “carry the heavy load” and God Help Them All.   This song is called Hallelujah Anyway.

Friday, September 17, 2021

Several Broken Systems. Schizoaffective Disorder, Felonies, And Finding the Answers.


Part one of a monstrous tale of several broken systems designed to cause suffering.  

The broken criminal justice system is so terrible but I might just survive it. I have been charged with three felonies and supposedly I owe the state of Arizona 78,000 dollars.  I had Covid twice this year, 2021.  It has been a tough year and I was feeling better when I got the summons to appear in court. 

My son has schizoaffective disorder, and he was diagnosed when he was 17 years old. He is now a middle-aged adult.  We remember receiving two checks every month for disability.   Then in 2012 there was a review of his disability case.

Just sit right back and I will tell a tale about the Mental Health System and how it doesn't work and never did.  It is a long story, but a judge decided unfavorably against continuing payments.  Schizoaffective disorder does not have a cure or a magic pill.   The prognosis in not good.  This did not prevent this adjudication judge from deciding that my son was good enough and could work.  This judgement was appealed and then remanded back to the judge.  Church Falls Headquarters also stated that my son should resume getting his disability payments.  Another judge heard this case and decided that if my son would be consistent with his medication, he could find suitable employment.  The judge was not a doctor, but he was allowed to weigh in with expert medical advice.  In 2014 my son decided to take his own life and was on life support for 2 weeks.  He felt the judge should have heard him and believed him.  He had no money and hated to continually ask me for some cash.  He felt like the lowest of the low without a job or money of his own, and he was an adult.   My son is doing great now.  It took me wising up and being aggressive with the mental health system.

It happens all the time. The disfunction of the mental health system is growing daily.  There is a book called Mad in America by Robert Whitaker and it is a must read for families with loved ones in the horrible and ineffective mental health system. It should be a must read in college especially for social workers and psychologists.  In the book Mad in America Robert tells wonderful stories of the Mentally Ill recovering and receiving good food and being treated with kindness.  The first home for curing mentally ill patients started in America and was successful.  Then there seemed to be a push to eliminate the mentally ill.  Starving, beating, and lobotomies were the new reality. The Nazi's gassed the mentally ill as well had those with deformities and handicaps.  The idea of eugenics was coming back to America and the most horrible situations developed during the great depression.   The USA Banks were robust and thriving before 1913.  The Federal Reserve took over and they were a group of bankers from Europe.  They caused a crash and great poverty happened.  My Mom lived through that time.  The school system was better for her and my aunt that it is now.  I don't think Eugenics ever left us.  Kids and Families were devalued.  Some groups of people were devalued.  And the creation of Big Pharma and the side effects of medication spread to the area of psychiatry.   For the next century the message was to take your medication and shut up about the side effects.  But the side effects are killing your brain and if you try and stop them, especially abruptly, you will become unstable and probably try to kill yourself.  There are other therapies, but, you won't hear about them, and your loved ones will not receive them. Like I said,  get the whole story,  read Mad in America,  and read it quick. That is my earnest suggestion.  

The disaster of the medical health system is next on the list of nightmares. During the upheaval with my son’s case and the lack of money we were experiencing, I started passing out and hitting the ground.  I would wake up convulsing and shaking.  I had no medical insurance, but I knew that the ER would see me no matter what.   The ER or Emergency Hospital could not decide how to treat me for this condition.  The problem was in the tests used.   Standard blood tests did not test for toxic black mold or Stachybotrys chartarum.  Most environmental toxins are not tested for in the emergency room.  I was close to death.  I could not continue working and my son’s money stopped. I was using up the little bit of savings I had.  Curious and observant me, I noticed that black mold was sprouting in the cracks of my damp bedroom wall.  I write about this in a blog I called Surviving Black mold.   I had just enough money to grab what I could and drive back to Phoenix to stay with a friend on her couch.  I drank green smoothies.  I did get better.  It took several years but I survived.  Many people don’t survive.  I ran across an article that said Brittany Murphy and her husband died due to Stachybotrys chartarum.  Louis Gossett Jr said that he almost died from toxic black mold in his Beverly Hills home.  Veterinarians find that pets die from toxic mold.  Toxic Mold is a killer.  I just don’t remember the older relatives mentioning it taking lives 100 years ago.  It is associated with “sick buildings” Bad construction materials and poor enforcement of laws that serves humans.  It is a sign of the times.  

I have been speaking about broken systems. The amount of disability income has not gone up very much in the past 20 years.  In Phoenix a two bed room apartment is about 1200 dollars.  The monthly amount of disability is now at 750 to 800.  Single moms cannot afford to live.   They are doing unspeakable things sometimes to survive.  Sometimes families are doubling up and grandparents raise the kids.  What happens when there is no family.  Either they just don't exist or they refuse to help?  We had a little bit of both scenarios.    

My son needed a stable environment to survive his increasing stress.  Schizoaffective disordered people need structure and stability to endure and cope and not be hospitalized.   I would work for a few months.  Usually, I worked part time and then I would become very ill and have to quit.  I had another social security number and used that one to start getting early retirement.  It all looks like I had devised a fraudulent scheme but it was not working for me and it was not a get rich quick scheme.  My only goal was to stay alive and help my son not go into a manic psychotic episode. Sometimes he just had conversations with invisible people. He would string up Christmas Tree lights all over his room and he believed it was a communication devise. Sometimes it was more serious and life threatening. My son would become so removed from reality he would venture out of the home and be gone for days.  One time he took the only car we had and drove it until it ran out of gas. He did not have a phone or a wallet.  He was walking toward the Grand Canyon when a policeman found him.  He said his friend (imaginary) told him a space ship would pick him up in the Grand Canyon.  Another lost adventure kept me praying for days.  His brother found him walking backwards in a track field.  He was just exhausted and dehydrated.  There are more stories, however some of the stories embarrass my son when he is back to his baseline.  He realizes now that he needs some back up plans to survive.  There are times that he has given his wallet away to strangers.  All of his I.D.s are then missing.  That is the worst part of Schizoaffective disorder diagnosed people. 

There is a fantastic story called “Fancy Toast and a Coffee Shop Called Trouble”.  The owner of the coffee shop suffered from schizoaffective disorder.  She would often get lost and did not know who she was.  I believe she had her name and address tattooed on her arm.   Click here for the location and back story of her shop.  Trouble Coffee Shop. 

The Legal System is a joke.  

It would be hard to win my legal case but the public defender is angry that I will not settle for the plea bargain.  Before this year I never had anything on my record.  There were no convictions.  Not even a traffic ticket for speeding.  But overnight a big mistake happened.  The investigation had many errors in it.  

Going back to the black mold and when one is dying, I reapplied for disability but they kept denying my case.  I wanted to live for my sake, my son’s sake and all the people I care abouts sake. I had another Social Security number It was obtained in 1987 when I was escaping a man who tried to kill me.  I did escape and I remained in Flagstaff where I decided to go back to college.  Usually I would use which ever of the two cards had the best credit score.   Having two Social Security numbers is not illegal.  It depends on how you use them and for what purpose.  I had a son who was hospitalized and I used my second card to apply for early retirement.  It is a messy and complicated story.  It went unnoticed until I mentioned it to our social security office.  I wanted to straighten up this mess.  That is when I ran into huge obstacles.  Someone has to be a criminal or a felon.  The system demands that you can't have been in a situation where you were dying and totally had to do something about it.  That is so wrong.  

I have met the right attorney and I believe my case is winnable and better yet dismissible.  This will become another one of those stories and life will go on.  

There will be a part two of this story.    I am going to be encouraging people to elevate and change some systems.  I have chosen the mental health system to work on.  It seems like NAMI used to be a force to reckon with.  They were powerful at one time.  I think they may have become co-opted.  Anyway.  

More to come. 


Sunday, August 29, 2021

Chapter 19: Why Are We Here?



There are existential questions that everyone asks once they are at an age of reasoning.  Kids do sometimes think about these types of questions too.  Kids also ponder higher order questions all the time. Zak was a depressed 7-year-old.  My son was remembering dying in a war.  He felt that life was short and meaningless and that he would be dying once again when he reached adulthood.  That was his cognition about life.  It was all pointless.  I am the mom, and I was surprised to hear this belief of his.  I am glad he shared because then we could start to confront these beliefs and create a new reality.  That is called cognitive restructuring.  Sounds so fancy for a very simple construct or concept. 

It is human to have questions.  Why are we here? 

I decided to take a crack at it.  Why not?  There are drips and drabs of this basic inquiry in past blogs.  I just never hit it head on. 

 The humanist psychologists were asking all the right questions.  Maslow started looking at highly successful people and then asked them what motivated them. What makes people happy?  It seems the pursuit of happiness is part of our purpose.

  Carl Rogers was also a humanist psychologist.  He looked at humans as having an internal map of guidance.  We are not born a blank slate that someone must mold.  I worked as a play therapist at an elementary school.  Kids had preferences and goals already in place. Children do experience frustration at being forced to do those things that do not appeal to them.  Adults feel that as well.  So how did our consciousness already exist within the very small humans I worked with?  

The behaviorists were more about molding human behavior.  Unfortunately, they did not consider other strong human motivators.  For instance: I like eating breakfast and I feel more energetic when I do.  I am listening to my body and avoiding the consequence of hunger.  Behaviorists work with using consequences or punishments as a way of changing behaviors.  I would totally ignore breakfast if a loved one was having an emergency.  My son woke me up at 5 AM stating that he had swallowed a whole bottle of pills and now regretted it.  Without coffee or even dressing better we headed to the emergency room.  I am not a morning person.  The behaviorists did not think of higher motivations that take precedents over other needs. 

                                  Beck and the Dali Lama

Cognitions or beliefs were the stimulus of behavior according to Aaron Beck.  If someone believes everyone is out to get them, they probably stay home quite a bit.  I was reading that Beck is still alive.  This famous psychologist is 100 years old so he must be doing something right. Beck gave the psychology field many ways of measuring depression and suicide.  No other tests have replaced the Beck inventories.

  Since Freud was looking at pathology or what is “wrong” with the patient, the humanists were saying what is going right?  So, all these men were trying to study humans and bring forth a common language that will define our motives and behavior.

Maslow was defining why someone would be a starving artist? Ah, and he would say they have ignored the basic need for food to learn and express and evolve.  Starving artists are expressing the need for self-actualization.  He also felt that expressing the creative and humoristic sides of language demonstrate the pinnacle of self-awareness.  Abe Maslow is known as the creator of the hierarchy of needs.  Needs can jump around and not stay in a certain order. Some needs give way to other urgent situations.  

It is wonderful that some of our greatest minds have tried to answer this existential question.  I don’t have to start from scratch.  Psychology has done a great job of creating language.  That separates the novice from the expert.  The language. 

Concepts have existed since man started developing religion, community, healing rituals, the study of astronomy and geography, and many other endeavors like building castles. Geography is significant when deciding where the edge of the earth is.  Then Columbus “discovered” America. That continent was always there and inhabited by humans, so Columbus did not really discover it.   Concepts like the afterlife were especially significant too.  Whether it is the contents of the Egyptian Book of the Dead, or the Three fates and the river Styx, what happens after one is dead, is very important. There are many ideas about what happens.  Now we have near death experiences.  Medicine has been able to rescue people from the river Styx and they live to talk about it.  Death might not be the spooky subject it was to our ancestors.  IANDS has done surveys that suggest 15% of adults have experienced near death and had experiences to share about this subject.  There was Lazarus whom Jesus raised from the dead.  That was a huge event, and it did convince many of the Jewish people that Jesus was the Messiah. Lazarus might have seen the tunnel and deceased loved ones, but he is not reported with saying anything about it. 


If we are asking about this life and its purpose, then to me it seems that those with near death experiences are in a unique position to answer some questions.   From what they say, there is a life review for everyone.   The review is kinder than “judgement”.   From all the experiences in one’s life, some were critical and taught the life reviewer a profound lesson.   It seems that we live on earth to learn certain things. Each evaluated experience is unique to the experiencer.  Edgar Cayce reviewed lifetimes and would say, they gained this much awareness and they depreciated in some ways too.  It reads somewhat like they gained two steps and took one back. 

There is an excellent book by Cayce and I am reading that one right now.

I have read a thousand near death experiences and I am never bored with the accounts.  I have noticed that when being reviewed, the experiences of great significance were those of human love relationships.  Love of parents, children, siblings, and spouses as well as good friends all hold poignant realizations in the review.  It is said that some of the accolades, plaques, and certificates hold very little value in a life review.  If nothing else, it seems that the afterlife stories show us what was important and worth celebrating about our adventures in the earth realm.   Simply stated it appears we were learning about love of all types.  In the end, it was a deeper grasp of love that we took with us beyond the grave or river Styx.  This is the treasure that is incorruptible.

Why are we here seems to hint at life purpose?  Our purpose might also exalt a group of people.  Humans have always done better in tribes or villages.  Jane Roberts and other psychic channelers seem to indicate that there are soul groups.   I have a dream of a very happy lifetime as an Islander.   I visited Maui and was almost unable to leave.  I also visited a castle ruin in Scotland and could not bare myself to leave.  As an islander, I remember knowing the concept of family and being a part of something larger than myself.   Now in these days it seems that we are unconcerned about the welfare of others.  Not all of us but there are many out there who have narcistic tendencies.  Let me just say that perhaps all the extended family on my island were my soul group.  As we expired and sloughed off our earth body, we had to make the decision. Collectively there was a decision to expand and live elsewhere or come back as the “Great Grandmother” guide for our village.  It is now apparent to me that many of my soul group are not on earth or even in this solar system at the same time I am.  There is the ever-expanding consciousness of the entire group to consider.  In this concept it is not just “why am I here” but why is my group here”.   This is where another concept begins. 

Evolving consciousness of our planet and our solar system.  This is where I recommend Neale Walsh’s trilogy “Conversations with God”.  God is experiencing life and growing through us.  Neale speaks of highly advanced societies.  They might not be from earth, but some are.  We seem primitive and backwards to some of the neighbors in this galaxy and beyond.  Some ETs are like family and some are not as each group has its own agenda.  There is a whole new study in exopolitics for us the humans.  How do we treat other cultures and advanced societies?  Now there is an intersection between (why are we here), and who is coming to dinner. 

As this question seems to naturally expand, I remember watching a video on Gaia TV Called the Café at the End of the Universe with Jerry Wills[]=en&utm_source=share I can share a limited amount of material from that site.  It is worth joining.  In the café Jerry is able to have big discussions with ETs from all over.  These beings gather on occasion to share knowledge.  There is a built-in ability to communicate by way of telepathic means.

This discussion on why we are here grows and has no real end.  Dr. Peebles, a disincarnate guide, once said that your purpose can grow and be whatever you like.   Michelle Pfeiffer once said, she was just trying to be the best cashier she could be when she was discovered.  As doors opened to better more challenging movie parts, she continued to expand and grow in her purpose and her craft.  Donald Trump just wanted to build the best skyscraper in New York, and he kept taking steps towards bigger realizations.  Saint Francis of Assisi probably never thought as a young man he would become a saint. It has been said that all the roads you choose lead to the path you were meant to walk.  Abraham/Hicks has said, just wait for inspiration to take the next step or journey.   It seems to be a day to day unfolding and journey we take with us beyond this physical lifetime.  This question of why we are here just keeps on growing with you.  It should be a fun ever expanding learning of things.  






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