Sunday, October 28, 2012

Big Joy in a Little Chapel

Big Joy in a Little Chapel

and...Big Joy at a Pumpkin Festival...and Happy Halloween Everyone!

Once a month the Little Chapel in Paradise Valley has a healing service and today I attended for the very first time.  The morning found me stiff and sore and I almost decided to roll over and go back to sleep. Yesterday I had a runny nose and was thinking OMG I don’t want a cold virus…not now. Thank goodness I had map quested my driving route last night and showered or I don’t think I could have made it on time.  Once there I was so impressed by the spiritual energy and lovely décor and apparent abundance.  The music was a treat and very professionally done.  What I wasn’t prepared for was the healing I received.  My whole body heated up and I felt like my neck was melting.  The pain I have learned to live in my neck is something I rarely speak of.  I try to ignore it and hope it will leave.  I don’t wish to invite it back either.  Right now I have full range of motion in my neck and shoulders. I think after a car accident they discovered degenerative disc disease in an X-ray.  There are a few other areas on my body that felt heat and movement. The first place I felt great heat was in my head and sinuses. Also a few of my back molars were tingling and warm.   I felt like my kidney was moving around.  This was an intense healing and then I had an emotional healing.  I could not stop smiling.  I had a goofy grin all day long.  People will think I’m in love.  Well, I am in love with how I feel right now. 

I live in Phoenix and had never heard of this small chapel where healing miracles happen all the time.  I had lunch with people who had flown in from all over the USA to be at this service.  There was a lady from Memphis who flew in for this one service.  She had heard Sara O’Meara many years ago in Los Angeles at a Spiritual Convention.  Paradise Valley is a suburb of Phoenix. During Sara’s talk prior to the healings I received a great deal of insight from my Angels and Guides that probably helped to open me up towards a more receptive healing state.  To believe one can be healed is just as important as asking to be healed.  I totally believed it. I also received the big picture of why we are here.  All the little lessons we learn either the hard or soft way add to our growth.  That growth is all about our God/Self relationship.  It is for our soul to keep evolving toward greater love and greater intimacy with God. I also saw that some of my health issues were from being closed off to the current.  If you walk past a stagnant pond you will see moss and leaches.  Even though nature will correct its eco system for my body deposits and plaque are not a good thing and I need to revitalize with a stronger current.  Another realization for me was sometimes I try and take short cuts.  Slowing down and making a ceremony out of tea time is a great idea.  There is danger in the pace at which some of us travel.  Some of these concepts were crystal clear and I realized to effective remain pain free and healthy I should join the current and then ebb and flow to be in more balance.  Even weight loss will happen more easily now. 

 I would love to share the address.  I believe one must write to Sara or Nick Bunick in the form of email or letter first and an invitation arrives that one must RSVP to.  I realize that is not ordinary and this is no ordinary church.  I believe this might be the best kept secret in the Valley of the Sun.

From there let the spirit guide you.  You might receive spontaneous healing from some of the You Tube videos they do as well.

To living life and living it more abundantly, Cheers, click glasses and may you be well,


  1. Very interesting and very cool, Nancy. For some reason, I want to ask if you are thinking of changing your name. Now is the time, I believe, if you are. Love you~ Flannery

  2. I am not sure about changing my name. Maybe we should talk soon? Need some more ideas about that.

    Love You back, Nancy


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