Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Jesus Take the Wheel and Lets Put the Top Down

I am asking my Higher Self to take the wheel today.  (Jesus is being called by me)

There seem to be things I feel anxious about but I can’t quite determine what they are.  It is better to know what I am fearful of.  Unfounded fear is the absolute worst thing.  Fear puts us in a small and uncreative box.  Ester Hicks advises getting out of that place with some focus and determination. Could it be that whatever it is that is bothering me really does need to be looked into but, it is far too scary for that? I have that hiding my head in the sand feeling today.  If I look at this from another less handicapping perspective it might help.  Whatever this is, I will remove myself from it and pretend I am observing it.  If I can imagine myself in a play, well, I become the actor, play write, and audience.  That is a slightly more empowering position than feeling like I have no control and I am just stuck in the circumstances of my life today.  I don’t want that.  My ideal would be to take a joy ride in a fun sports car with the top down and see what adventure lies ahead.  What kind of play did I write?  Is it an adventure? Comedy? Tragedy?  This fear is bigger than that and I know it.  This fear seems to be about those in control of the economy, and they would be the Federal Reserve People.  That is part of this.  I remember when Jesus flipped the coin back a man asking about Caesar and whose head was on the coin. He said to give to Caesar that which is Caesars.  Perhaps in the future there will be services and goods that are bartered and/or have a token economy.  Money has an ability to be manipulated sometimes. That can happen now.  Then there is my health that scares me sometimes. I don’t have medical insurance.  I hope to get some soon.  Many times in my life, doctors have not had the answer to my health issues.  I asked for healing and was healed from a Higher Power.  Maybe I can give back to doctors that which is theirs?  Maybe I can say “physician Heal thyself”?   Jesus mentions he is not the original author of this famous quote (Luke 4:23–30), but its power remains the same.  We are always paying experts to fix us.  Sometimes it is best to observe the life of people we would pay.  I still want health insurance, never the less.  Last night I was listening to Steven Quail regarding predictions about the end times.  One thing to remember about 2012 is we do survive it.  Predictions are only probable realities.  My guides say “fear not” but that does not seem to be working today.  I think those end time Vatican “last Pope” prophesies do rather unearth me at some core level.  Must I be drug into the reality of others?  Even on 9/11 many people chose not to go to work that day and some were unavoidably late to work for various reasons.  Interesting isn’t it?  Although a horrible event happened, some people chose not to play along.  Choice is always made but sometimes it is at an unconscious level.  Things just seem to pop up in our way making us miss the train or the airplane.  Later we can see why.  The other day, I could not get out of the house.  It was like no matter what I would do I could not leave.  There was a knock on the door and a package arrived.  It was important and I was glad my leaving was somewhat delayed. 
Even though there are plenty of earth changes predicted and there are some powerful players in control, maybe I need not be part of it?  It reminds me of the sex drive of youth.  There is the hunger and there is the human need for procreation but we learn to control this.  I think of those in control of being rather like vampires in need of blood. They just don’t know how to get those needs met in a more humane way.  Change is tough sometimes.  One thing I agree with Steven Quail and Alex Collier about is this:  We have been kept in the dark like mushrooms.  The vampires we speak of are not even human…although some might appear to be.  They have dark agendas and run our planet by dangling money and power in front of other humans who have lost their soul and their way.  They will and do disenfranchise anyone who should get in their way.  Character assassination seems to work well.   Framing someone and then crucifying them seems to scare us too.  Well, sometimes that back fires on them.  Our stay here is short and I don’t want my personal play to be filled with Paper Dragons and fear.  I want to drive my convertible today with the top down and enjoy the ride with Jesus.

1 comment:

  1. I heard from several psychics that around the 8th of October a huge meteor went through our earth atmosphere. All of them had panic attacks between October 8 through the 10th. I am wondering if this was a close call and if so we can all be grateful that an intervention happened. I could not seem to steady my mind for a good 24 hours. If you had a similar experience I would appreciate your comments.


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