Tuesday, October 16, 2012

I am in the Eye of the 2012 Storm

Eye of the 2012 Storm

I feel the heightened awareness of 2012. Like a huge tsunami it builds with our combined human desire for change.  I have adjusted to the gathering intensity and the realization that we are at war.  This is the good guys/bad guys war, however the players are not who and what you would think.  They are not the usual suspects.  There might be aspects of ourselves that need to be elevated and brought into harmony.  I feel the increasing need to become vegan or at least vegetarian.  I have always felt that eggs and dairy are probably alright if the farm animals are treated with respect and kept healthy.  Of-course the bigger issue is many of the cows are sick and kept in unclean stalls and they are milked anyway.  Samplers have found puss and blood in diary milk.  Yuck. Maybe vegan is not so bad after all.  As humans we will need to tread more lightly on Mother Earth.  There is a great deal of protein in grains and beans and nuts.  In fact it is far better for our metabolism to eat that way.  The kindness we send out to all life will circle back around to save us in the end. I might wish to eat the occasional salmon steak.  Again I think it is a matter of being humane about the way we take the lives of animals and how we treat them on the farms.

 I had a great opportunity to demonstrate kindness when I worked at a residential mental health clinic.  I had 16 schizophrenic patients. I loved them all and in fact felt that if they were treated better and accepted they might be able to at least work part time.  They seemed to be improving.  One of my clients found a little baby sparrow.  It was on the ground and probably its parents were trying to feed it from the ground.  We also had two stray cats who were taking interest in this sparrow.  One of my clients brought the bird to me and ask if I could help.  I thought about it and decided in the interest of fostering trust and well being I should probably say yes.  I called an organization called “For the Birds” who advised me on how to feed this tiny creature.  First they said do not put an eye dropper of water down its throat.  You will drown it.  Their lungs are so small.  I gave two clients permission to walk to the store and buy a watermelon.  With tweezers we fed the birdie little pieces of water melon.  Then had to pick up a grain type of formula and a small syringe and feeding tube.  My son became involved at home as well.  Our little charge would wake at the break of dawn quite hungry.  I took our little patient to work where the clients fed him.  Finally the little sparrow took flight and flew around the room after about one week.  Then we took him to a bird refuge. My supervisor was upset about having the bird at work but she finally admitted it was a good experience.  Remember my message in a bottle for the Alpaca farm.  Animals and nature are very good healers for those with Schizophrenia and depression. 

Animals are connected with God and their group souls to the point that they do not fear death.  They fear it enough to run away but they accept it.  As humans we have forgotten the spiritual half of ourselves.  The bigger better part of us is non physical and as such has a great part to play in how happy we are here on earth.  This is why. 

I live in Arizona, yet I am looking at that storm brewing off the California coast and I already know that I need to have my umbrella with me today.  It will not be long until we are hit with a pretty good rain storm and wind.  It is overcast right now as I write.  My human ego self does not have the broader view of what is coming.  Even though my human ego likes to worry and plan, it is a big energy waster.  Learn to trust the Bigger More Expansive Part of You.  In a sense that is God.  We do not need to know everything while we are on earth.  Leave it to your Bigger Better Half to tell you which way to turn and what to do instead of carrying around big heavy atlas books.  My Eternal Half knows a storm is brewing and it will guide me.  All I need to do is trust.  Having radical trust is the 2012 message.  Learning to listen to your own guidance is imperative. 

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